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06/21/18 07:39 AM #9222    


Beau Wann, Jr.

    Lots of prayers and good thoughts  for Jim and Beverly.  And happy birthday to Dennie Marek, Don May, and Doug Romans....Speaking of happy birthdays, we have had 4.5 inches of rain this month, and most of that came this week.  We were in a drought. Now all rain barrels are overflowing, and was holding  off mowing down in the valley lest a fire start from exhaust heat off the tractor. Never thought about it before moving here,  but seems It's quite common during a drought.  Finally have been blessed with rain to which I'm sure all the trees and critters are enjoying. 

    Diane and I have been taking turns staying with our semi-new kitty, Little Miss.  She showed up a month or so ago and since we needed an outside "barn" cat, we fed her lots and often.    Took her to the vet Tuesday for shots and a fixin.  Seems she had previously been fixed, and she's barely a year old. Someone must have dumped her out here, or she's gotten away somehow, or maybe she belongs to one of the other ranchers in the area.

      She spent the night Tuesday at the vets. We picked her up Wednesday and have her isolated in the Pink room.  She's the sweetest thing, and such a lover kitty. I stayed with her half the night,, which is to say, I sat in the rocking chair and she slept in my lap, Diane stayed with her the other half of the night and suffered the same torture, a sleeping kitty in your lap.

    Not very interesting stuff, but not much else to do up here on the hill because of the dreary rain, not that I'm complaining, heavens no.  When there is a long drought, I know now to be patient, because it's gonna rain eventually, and when there's a plethora of rain, and all is wet and muddy and dreary, eventually it will stop and become sunny and dry again, and the process will repeat itselt for another zillion years or two whether we're here or not.

     Her highness Princess Dixie-Belle Lee and One eyed Jack do not like the rain.  They will however get in the swimming pools we have provided them on hot days. Cooper on the other hand would never get in an actual body of water, but had no qualms about taking me for a walk at midnight in pouring rain at 35 degrees.  Go figure!  What I wouldnt give to walk once more with cooper in any kind of weather.

     Time for me to deplane, Dixie-Belle wont go outside unless I go, and she needs to go out.  Keep the sun at your six, when the clouds move out, and ride boldly ride.

Your frien and resident meteornologist BeauCephusBenFrank Jr, esq...

06/22/18 08:10 PM #9223    


Beau Wann, Jr.

     STOP ME BEFORE I COOK AGAIN ! ! ! ! !   I am a confessed serial COOKER ! ! !  Lordy lordy lordy miss clawrdy.   It all started with the almost 7 pound chicken I bought.  Man she was a beaut!  Ha, 7 pound chicken got nothin on me.  Everyone loves a tender chicken dont they!  Yeah, I thought so, and I'm no perception eyether.  I tried to stuff it in the pressure cooker, and all the liquid was displaced by my beautiful 7 pound chicken.  Before long, water was everywhere. (always remember to add the water after you put the chickent in)

    Didnt slow me down moren an hour cleaning it up.  I finally got the glorious 7 pound chicken stuffed into the pressure cooker sans most of the water.  Decided to add a stick of butter for flavor and all, dontcha know.  This wasnt no hucklebuck butter, land  O Goshen, it were Land O Lakes!   Turned on the pressure, and 30 mins later it was still trying to pick up steam whilst pushing more water and chicken juice out onto the center island.

   No worries, that's what they make paper towels for. I think they should make a little larger roll though, cause the puny rolls they give you wont hardly clean up diddly chicken juice.  Ok, pressure cooker is out, but hey, this is a multi purpose pressure cooker, and will do a slow cook, HA, no stoppin me now.  I set the controls on auto slow cook for 6 hours.  In hindsight, that was about 3 hours too long. 

   Reason I set the controls for 6 hours, one memorable occasion popped up in my rocket surgeons head of an incident well past and long since forgotton.  I remember my mom and grandmom and aunts and anyone else with a license to cook, telling me that when I bought a chicken to cook, "GET AT LEAST A 3 POUND CHICKEN".  The chicken incident I'm referring to, happend sometime around 79 or 80. My boys were 10 and 12 around abouts thereof. 

   I wanted to have fried chicken and mashed taters and gravy and all the trimmings for my boys. (I were a bachelor back in them halcyon days, single father and mother)   So, me and the boys went to the store and I spied some puny chickens around a pound or two, and then I heard a voice in me punkin haid saying, "when buying chickens, get at least a 3 pound chicken".  Well, I'm one of those folks that if a little is good, more is bettter.  3 pounds translates into twice as good when you purchase a 6 pound whatever.

    Well, I cooked this fine Sunday dinner, did I mention that it was for my boys, I'm sure I did, me being the fine father and all that I was and am.  Called my mom and got her recipe for crust and gravy etc, oh man, Im on the way to greatness!  This dinner could go down in the annals of  culinomics as a dinner fit for the Queen mum herself.  I'm here to tell you that the chicken turned out golden brown and for once the crust stayed on like Church's chicken does.  The colonel would a been so proud of me! ! !

    One small detail I forgot to mention, had a grease flare up and it caught the upper kitchen cabinets on fire. Once again, "if you fail to plan, you plan to fail", had me a fine fire extinguisher that put the fire right out, and didnt even disturb the cooking.  What the heck, I really didnt like the color of those doors anyway, and was planning to change them, eventually. Now of course, sooner than I had anticipated.  I've never really made "blackened" anything, on purpose, just sort of happened from time to time.  I wonder if anyone else has made blackened kitchen cabinet doors?

   Anyway, once the smoke had cleared, and the fire alarms shut off, the chicken was done and beautiful, all the trimmings were wonderful as well.  We sat down at the table and before we partook of our fine sunday dinner, we gave thanks to the lord for all our blessings, to which I might add, I believe I heard both boys in unison give thanks that we had a fire extinguisher.  An aside here, I held weekly fire drills at our house, so the boys would know what to do if such a calamity should befall us.  I just know they were groaning inside that now since the fire, I would probably step those up to twice a week. One cant be too careful can one!

    Ok men, dig in!  The charge of the light brigade, taters to the left of me, gravy to the right of me, peas all over the place and glorious golden brown fried chicken in front of us, and blackened kitchen cabinets behind us.  We all filled our plates and started talking and eating, taters and gravy etc when I noticed the boys were'nt eating the chicken.  I hadnt tried it yet, I wanted them to enjoy it first.  "Why men, you're not eating your chicken, why? "   "Uh dad, it's kinda tough" I believe they said in unison.  "TOUGH?  FRIED CHICKEN AINT TOUGH".

    "Here watch a master of fried chicken eating",  I bit down in a chicken leg, and my teeth bounced off, having made nary dent.  I  checked all the chicken parts, and you could barely cut them with a knife.  So, I  chunked it all out and we went to the health food store,  Dairy Queen and had burgers and frys, something I should have done to start with.  Most expensive dinner I have ever had.  I asked my mom later what I did wrong, and she said,  "you cant fry a 6 pound chicken, it's for roasting", "But mom, you said always get a 3 pound chicken, so I thought one twice that size would be better..." she replied, "son, next time, go to KFC and see the colonel"...

    Back to today, I've learned my lesson, maybe, 6 hours later, that ol 7 pound chicken was ready to come out.  It was kind of tender, and mostly falling off the bones, so had to get a speghetti thingamabob to fish the chicken out seeing as how it was falling apart in my fingers, and did I mention it was still hot?   Ok, got the strainer under the chicken and pried er loose from the cooker and just about to put it in another container, when my hand slipped and so did the chicken and it went sliding across the center island like it had a motor. "Houston we have a problem"! ! ! !

   I quickly ran around the other side of the island, slipping and sliding as I run, and caught that ol chicken before it hit the floor. Did I mention it was still hot.  My hands are really mad at me as we speak.  Fianlly got that ol monster bird, RODAN into a fridge container, when you know who shows up...the little woman.
It's a good thing I'm almost deaf, I thought I heard, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING"?  or woids to that defect.

   "Why honeybunch, I'm cooking dinner" I said right proud.   "COOKING DINNER?   she said.  "Well, I had a slight set back here and there" I said.  "A SLIGHT SET BACK ?  LOOKS LIKE THE ST VALENTINES DAY MASSACRE!  At least you didnt burn the house down!"   Ha, see there, always a silver linning! 

      Well, we got it all cleaned up, and I asked her what we could do with all that chicken that was so tender,  bordering on chicken mush.    Not to worry, my beloved saves the day, and whuuped out her rolling pin and commenced to making a pie dough and lined one of her pie pans and is at this very moment making a chicken pot pie.  I asked if I could help with anything else, and I'm not sure if she was being facetious or not when she said,  "why dont  you get on the "forum" and say howdy to all the folks, and tell em your wife wasnt injured in the 7 pound chicken massacre".

    Ok, fine, about that time I  Heard Dixie-Belle barking at the door, and directly the little woman hollared at the dogs and the cats, now it's me, two dogs and two cats banished to the office.   Here's a piece of advice for all youse youtes...leave the cooking to someone qualified, a card carrying fully licensed chef!   I dont think my soup and canned veggie expertise has suffered at all as a result of the 7 pound chicken meelee.  Think thats' what I'll stick to, canned stuff.

    Ok, time to deplane, the dogs eyes are big as silver dollars and bugging out, why?, the two cats are starting to growl and yowl at each other, and both dogs are deathly afraid of the two saber tooth tigers in our happy little family.  "Ok you two, take it outside"  I grabbed both of em and chunked em out on the screened in porch..

Keep the sun at your six and stay out of the kitchen...
your frien and resident psycho chicken killer,  ChefBeauCephus esq...

06/23/18 12:17 PM #9224    


Scotty Croom

if i make it thru buying this condo,i may need a vacation.....finally finished getting fin. docs sent...because of rental limits,could not get va,went conventional ...rain and now heat back...hope everyone is doing better....

06/24/18 08:14 AM #9225    


Beau Wann, Jr.

     Hey Scotty!  Aint buying a house fun?  I've used my VA about 4 times, and I'm not sure if we used it on this house.  I'll have to ask Diane.  We used Capital Farm several times over the years.  The ink wasnt dry on the contract on this house when everyone wanted to refi it at much lower interest rate, so we did.  I dont know perzactly what the rate is, but it's at least 2 percent lower than what the rate was back in the 60's, and I believe that  3.5 percent back then was about standard.  Remember when we were getting around 4.5 percent on savings accounts at banks?  Sometimes more than that.  Times were so much simpler back then, so it seemed.

    So, where in Alabama are you?    You on the beach?  Margaritaville perhaps?   I was thinking how nice it would be to live up in Montana until I watched "Yellowstone Caldera" on the smithsonian channel.  Chappell Hill and Houston are just outside the edge of 1/2 inch of ash raining down on us. If not directly affected in the early days of a "yellowstone eruption" of course the "nuclear winter" would be upon us, and all the crops would be nonexistent because of no sun. 

     The scientists all say to stock up on supplies.  We all know that everything you see on TV and the internet is the truth and nothing but the truth so help you Google! ! !      How much more spam do I need to get?  Pork and beans?   Scotty, I do think that yall will be ok in Alabama, the further south the better!  Just stay indoors....for about 5 years, so they say.  And we all know who they are dont we, rocket surgeons!

   On to other exciting gnus up here in the Chappell Hill Caldron.  Our gnu Kitty?   I was afraid this might happen.  Our vet told us originally to keep Little Miss in for about 5 days after her surgery. Since she didnt have surgery, just shots, we decided to keep her in a couple of days and then turn her loose.  Well, that didnt happen!   We opened the door for her to deplane, she looked outside from her little bed on the couch in the pink room, looked at Diane and me, and the look was like ,"no, I'm ok here, you can shut that door now your letting the AC out,  put her head back down and burrowed deeper in the covers.  Tried again later on, and she has no intention of leaving.   Oh the catmanity!

    Now what are we gwina do?  The other two cats hate each other, I can just imagine what adding another cat to the fray would produce.  And we really needed a "barn cat".    Little Miss is the sweetest kitty though. We both go in and sit with her awhile each day and she just hugs us and clings to us.   Well, why wouldnt she, meals 24/7  cool place to sleep in the summer, warm in the winter, soft bed to sleep in,  no coyotes or other predators stalking her.   Well, she hasnt met Annie-Bob and lacy.  Oh well, we'll work it out I suppose. 

      HEY SCOTTY, YOU WANT A SWEET KITTY FOR YOUR GNU CONDOMONIUM?  I'm sure a cat would just be so wonderful for you, lowers the blood pressure, makes a person an all around so much healthier person, great for the attitude, everyone would see just how wonderful you are and all from a sweet little kitty.  I was thinking Annie-Bob would work for youse as long as she is an only cat.  If you want, Diane can bring your gnu kitty, meet you half way, say around Conroe.  We'll give you family rates, plus a veterans discount and senor citizen discount......Whattaya say pal, gnu kitty for you and your gnu condu and we'll throuw in some fondue?      Well think about it ok!

    Been seeing lots of deah up heah.  Saw a herd of about 2 dozen, mostly mamas and babies still in spots.  Saw four huge bucks, racks  tall and wide at least 8 points plus.  Back on Old Chappell Hill Rd, at a high water crossing, yes, we still have those up here,  a huge soft  shell turtle was swimming across the road. That ol boy was almost as big as one of the tires on my truck.  I'm glad it was me he swam in front of, I brake for all critters.  Not so other morons. Seems some people go out of their way to inflict harm on things. Well I wont dwell on the monsters of the whirld.

     The little woman is going in today to our little country church in the city, Oaks Presbyterian Church.  Then probably lunch with her parents and maybe the lunch bunch and then on to be with Lucy and her mon at  the BRIDAL GOWN SHOP IN THE GALLARIEA, where she will be sorting through wedding gowns.      As much as I love Lucy, I'm not really geared up for being in a bridal shop, believe it or not! ! ! !  However, as much as I Love Lucy, I would go anywhere with her and for her ! ! !   Whew, guys not allowed at the bridal shop! ! !

     Got most all the field work done, thanks to Dianes help,  cept down at the creek, saving it for another day. Need to rent a walk behind brush hog and wear snake boots, certainly no job for my beloved!  Or anyone's beloved!   So today, it being Sunday and all, methinks I'll just hang out in Coopers Memorial Ice House, or maybe ride pegasus!    Hmmm, maybe I'll just stay home and hang with the cats and dogs, yeah, they are all such good conversationalists, ought to have a whale of a time talkin to them , fer shure dude!

    Ok, I'm just chuntering on blather blather.  Ah due hope all is swell with everyone, and those that need extra care, are getting just that.  A cat might just be the ticket for good health, think about it!  So, Keep the sun at your six and ride boldly ride....

    Your frien and cat whisperer,  BeauCephusKatmandu esq...

Post Script:   Good thoughts going out to Jim and Beverly and Charlie B. and all who need good thoughts.   

06/25/18 03:01 PM #9226    


Jackie Crowe (Finch)

Sad news, our dear classmate, Charles Lowery, passed away on June 17.  Please keep his family in your prayers. Frances Lute saw his obituary in yesterday's Chronicle.

From Frances Lute 6/24/18 - Saw in today’s chronicle that Charles passed away. This write up was very informative as to his life since graduation. He was divorced from Alice Menefee who was also in our home room with Miss Parrott. His mother taught 7th grade English at Black. I remember her well. Frances

Charles Lowery
1946 - 2018 Obituary

Charles Lowery who died on June 17, 2018 was born in Marshall, TX. He was the only child of Lila Mae Williamson and Leon Lowery. When Charles was young the family moved to Nacogdoches where Charles began to excel academically.

Never losing his affection for his 'East Texas roots' the family decided to move to the BIG city: Houston where Charles was to start his 6th year of schooling.

Continuing to be 'the excellent student' he graduated from High School as the boy with the highest grades but alas, the Valedictorian and Salutatorian went to the top two girls. With his exceptional credentials he was admitted to the University of Texas' Plan B program, but chose to attend the honors program at University of Houston. Graduating with top honors he went on to attend the UH Law School. In the middle of the term he was in the Law Review (remember he was really smart), but he was drafted during the Viet Nam war, hence having to postpone becoming a lawyer.

Fortunately he was sent to Germany. Not only was he smart, but he could type really fast. During this time he met his lifelong friend: Ed Cimermancic with whom he spent hours discussing philosophies in the Beer Gardens of Stuttgart, as work allowed. When his German tour of duty was over he returned to complete his law degree beginning his career with Dudensing and Webb, later leaving to establish his own firm: Pusch, Lowery and Gilcrease….in retirement Jerry Gilcrease and his wife Paula remained the dearest of friends to Charles.

From the beer gardens of Germany, Charles began a life long struggle with alcohol, getting sober in 2000. During his almost ten years of shining, serene sobriety he ran an AA Class and served briefly as a trustee for the Houston Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse, helping many people with their own struggles with addiction. Alas he suffered a re-lapse from which he tried numerous times but never fully recovered.

He is survived by his first ex-wife, Alice Menefee Doner who was that 'girl Valedictorian' from high school and their son Edward Lowery of Austin, TX. He is also survived by his second ex-wife: Sandra Lowery with whom he remained close and who will forever grieve his passing. He is also survived by their son Andrew Lowery of Houston, TX and granddog, Millie.

Charles was an honest, gentle, kind, smart and complicated person (but aren't we all?) He did not wish to have a formal celebration of his life. Remember him when you are cooking your favorite meal, working in your garden, taking a scenic road trip or watching an old black and white movie.

He will be cremated with his ashes scattered in his beloved East Texas and in Monterrey Bay, a place of many fond memories.

Should one desire/wish to honor Charles' life suggested donations: Father Martin's Ashley; 800 Tydings Lane, Havre de Grace, MD or our own Houston Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse.

Published in Houston Chronicle on June 24, 2018


06/26/18 09:23 AM #9227    


Scotty Croom

beau, we are ging to settle down in south mobile,al. bay area..daphne is southeast of mobile and the bay...our condo looks out to bay from our back is a small,but active area between i10 e. and the gulf...lots of farm land...traveling to georgetown,this friday to celebrate my sister's 70th birthday...will be joined by my son and dil, mother, youngest niece's brood and recently returned from tour in korea,my oldest niece and family..have never met her youngest son and oldest was just a baby,when last with them...

06/26/18 02:12 PM #9228    


Beau Wann, Jr.

     Yea Scotty ! ! ! !    I'll bet that ocean breeze is heavenly on your balcony.   Man, dont know how you do all that traveling and keeping up with folks.   You need a vacation from your vacations.  Glad all is going well with you and yourn.  Maybe we'll see you sometime in the future. 

    Ok, summers almost over with.  Just past the sumnall equinox, means days are getting shorter and nights getting longer, and sweater weather cant be that too far away give or take 3 or 4 months. When it;s hot, cant wait till it gets cold, when it's cold, cant wait till it gets hot, er, or warmer than 19 degrees.

    "Little Miss" our newst kitty is still refusing to budge from her paradise.  Cant say that I blame her though.  She's missing out on 100 degree days 100 percent humadidity, being chased by coyotes and other predators if she were to return to the outside.  Might see if she wants to go out whilst we are wwith her.  Well, no harm no foul.  She is a true "lover kitty".  Just hugs and loves on me and purrs to high heaven, which gets me to purring. Watcha gonna do, just what we're doing.

    Sorry to hear about Charles passing.   I know the face, but not the name.   Also him being top guy in the GPA department would naturally put us on opposite ends of the spectrum.  Of couse you could say I was top at the bottom of the GPA  paradoxical paradigm.  Sure would like to have conversed with him about lots of things.  Demon alcohol has felled many a good man and woman.   .  Our thoughts and prayers with Charles family and friends. 

    Ok, time to deplane:  Keep the sun at your six and ride boldly ride...
your frien and resident person BeauCephus

06/27/18 10:35 AM #9229    


Scotty Croom

beau, hope sea air reaches took all of us to work as a team in pe, school,military and life....gpa don't count in real life....we will still travel back to home turf , on occassion...these are our roots...

06/28/18 11:38 AM #9230    


Pat Brantley (Ross)

I am so sorry to read about Charles Lowery’s death.  It was a sad obituary and I am sure that the writer loved him very much.  We are all imperfect.  I liked him because we could talk about things without arguing.  That he became a lawyer doesn’t surprise me.  Conversations were chess games with him.  

Beau, that Miss Kitty likes being a house owner doesn’t surprise me.  Our dog lived outside for 7 years and the first time it started to rain she woke up and started looking for a place to stay dry.  It didn’t take her too long to remember she lived at the Shady Rest Retirement Home.

06/29/18 11:09 PM #9231    


Beau Wann, Jr.

     Hey Scotty, amen.  Gonna miss not seeing you at all the get togethers, but you are always in our thoughts and hearts.  Pat,  "Little Miss" is just such a lover, she just hugs my neck and grooms my beard and purrs to high heaven. Of course, that makes me purr. I think my beloved calls it snoring, but I call it purring.

    Hot and dry on the hill, duh, it is summer after all !   We've had about 4 and a half inches of rain this June, but sure cant tell it by the dusty cracked ground.   Takes Diane and I about an hour or so to water all the plants and trees up here.  We generally water by the 2 and a half gallon bucket full from our rain barrels and save the well water, not that we're running low or anything, just like to use what nature and God gave us.

    Our tomato plants have gone NUTS, especially the cherry tomatos. We cant eat them fast enough. I mean, there IS a limit to things you can make with fresh tomatos.  Lost our corn to the drought, squash went squash, onions not doing so good, only got two out of that bunch.  Peas and beans burnt up no matter how much water we poured on them.  Got 4 potatos, two the size of pregnant golf balls, and two the size of ping pong balls. Not what you'ld call a meal, but maybe a medium size potato sandwich, if there is such a critter.  Pepper plants flourising, but no peppers.  I'd say our foray into farmership not going so well.

     Bought one of those driveway sensors that lets you know someone is coming up he driveway. Well, duh, what else would it do, right?   Anyway, the gate is almost a quarter mile from the house, so we put it down by the gate.  IT WORKS ! ! !  However, and aint there always a however, the deer and hogs and other critters set it off at night, so we have to turn it off after dark when the gate is shut.  An aside, the sensor is about 5 ft off the ground, so we must have some very big hogs and deer or, they are walking on their hind legs. I knwo, maybe it's ol sasquatch hisownself, bigfoot come a calling, yeah, that's the ticket..

    First time I heard it go off at night after the gate was locked, I was locked and loaded. Just knew "RED DAWN" was upon us.       So, went Marching about with my M1, AR15, and AK47 and assorted amo, a bazooka, flamethrower, and a partridge in a pear tree.  And I wonder why I have back problems marching about under all that weight!      Well, one cant be too careful and vigilant now can one! ! !

    Dont know if we will make it to the 4th of July parade this year due to the heat.  Well, you see one parade, youve seen them all, eh what!    Diane will be gone this Sunday and Monday, so be bachin it again. Then again to the national Beta Eta or Delta Kappa Gama conference in Austin in a couple of weeks for about a week.  Pretty good group those ladies. They provide scholarship money to students, plus other assistance to folks.  Diane is now "MADAM PRESIDENT" of her chapter.  She said I didnt have to bow or curtsy, just salute maybe. 

    Been trying to get stuff done on Coopers memorial ice house, but it's just too hot to linger about in there for any length of time, and I've got four industrial fans in there.  Mostly they just blow hot air. I guess you could call the fans "politicians" eh!  Toying with the idear of one of those aircondition fans that you see on the sidelines of football games. Well, we will see what wwe will see!

    the nights up here are just beautiful.  Saw the moon and Saturn together. I knew what the moon looked like, but only knew it was saturn because  the weather folks told me it was Saturn.  I have seen Saturn through a telescope, and it of course looks like the pictures we saw in school.  Sort of surreal or unreal, which basically means the same thing, bizarre!  

   Ok, I'm ramblin, so I'll deplane here boss...
Keep the sun at your six and ride boldly ride...with the AC on MAX...
your frien and nutter butter whacko...BeauCephus    

07/01/18 07:12 AM #9232    


Jimmie Lee Smith (Brawner)

Happy Birthday, Johnny Sheffield!!!  Have a fantastic day celebrating.

07/01/18 07:41 PM #9233    


Jenny Taylor (Williams)

Hey Johnny, 

I hope you have a fantastic birthday.  Thanks for all you do for us.  Love ya, 



07/01/18 08:06 PM #9234    


Teddie Jordan

I sent the birthday boy a text first thing this morning. He is a class treasure!

07/01/18 08:52 PM #9235    


Linda Bolton (Roffall)

Happy birthday Johnny. We should declare July 1st " Johnny Day "  We celebrated my Johnny's birthday today too . Hope you enjoyed your special day !

07/01/18 10:43 PM #9236    


Ronna Brand

🎂🎉Happy birthday Johnny!  I hope your day was awesome!<>>


07/02/18 06:56 AM #9237    


Johnny Sheffield


Thanks for all the birthday wishes. As teddy stated,

72 is the new 42. Birthdays sure come around fast now. 

Have a great 4th of July. 




07/02/18 12:08 PM #9238    


Sandi Schlesinger (Stark)

Johnny, hope you had a great birthday and that you continue celebrating all week.  Thanks to you, Jackie, Lynn, Barbara and others our class is able to get together not once, but twice a year. We really appreciate everyone’s efforts. 


07/02/18 02:26 PM #9239    


Beau Wann, Jr.

     Amen and Amen.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU JOHNNY.  I was going to try to give you a birthday greeting at 12;01 this morning, but fell asleep on watch.  What a miserable ornery cuss I turned out to be.  I also missed Thomas Scarborough on 6/27.  Happy belated boithday to all yall.  

07/02/18 04:52 PM #9240    


Pat Brantley (Ross)

Sorry I missed such an important birthday as Becky’s husband, but happy birthday Mr Sheffield.

 Beau, the folks around can’t water much so their gardens have these sunshades.  They look like rolls of black material that has been perforated a million times.  You might ask at the feed store.  I am lucky to keep my little herb garden watered and weeded.  I have to be finished before 9 am or wait until after 9 pm.  What a wimp I turned out to be.  Have you thought about a swamp fan in Cooper’s?  These are just the rambling ideas of an old woman who is more and more allergic to the sun and unable to regulate her body temperature.  I am told it is part of lupus.  Well there isn’t a part of lupus that is worth writing home about.  

Stay cool and carry on.  We only have 3 months until October.  


07/02/18 06:32 PM #9241    


Beau Wann, Jr.

     Hey Pat, we havent tried any shades as of yet.  Methinks we are going to do a traditional garden next time we plant stuff.  We've raised beds, actually 50 gallon agriculture rubbermaid tubs, not a good idear at least for us.  We thought it would be simple and easy, be able to tend to the garden without having to bend over or stoop down.  As it turned out, we dont have to do anything, cause nothing came to fruition, cept  it got my perturbness irritatedly upset.  We planted the maters in the tried and true tradition of farmers everywhere, in the ground!

    So sorry you are having to deal with Lupus.  It is an agravating health problem.  From what I know about it, you have good days and bad days. Or at least that's what we learned from a neighbor some 30 years ago.    We were sure wanting to have a PRE-Fall fling this summer, but to my way of thankin, (east texas for thinking), unless we have a cold front, a real cold front, methinks it's just gonna be too hot.

     BUT, and HOWEVER, whatever the weather is gonna be like in October, we will make accomodations for you and anyone else that is super sensitive to the sun and or heat.  We will do whatever it takes to make sure you and everyone is/are/am comfortable! ! ! !  (somethings in the english language just dont sound the same as they use to, like when to use is/are/am,  was and were are now giving me fits. I use to know this stuff, and back when I gnu it, it sounded correct. Now nothing sounds correct.

     I dont seem to be as susceptible to the sun and heat as much as I use to.  I attribute that to my good ol Transylvanian genes, or the fact that I'm in the house where the AC is set at 70, whichever comes first.

     Gonna deplane now boss.  Keep the sun in the freezer and ride boldly ride...
your frien and psycho cat whisperer,  BeauCephusPoohandTiggertoo


07/03/18 10:41 AM #9242    


Beau Wann, Jr.

     It's me again Margaret !   Duh, who else would it be, huh?   I hoid that Linda Webster had to spend a day in the hospital, and then hoid she was back home.  Anyone hoid about Jim Allen?  Hoping he and Linda are recovering back to better health.

    Hey Lynn P., how you dune?  Getting stronger everyday?   Sure good to see you back at the sprang flang. You sir, are a remarkable young man.  Oh, there is a quextion I'd like to axe you.  What brand and what model number and what price does a good metal detector go for nowadays?   I need it to find things I've dropped in the "grass", weeds, that are not attracted to a magnet.

       I always carry a magnet (150lb pull) in my toolbox I carry on the mule.  I have some twine tied to it, so I can swing it in the grass to find what I've dropped.   HOWSOMEVER, and aint there always a howsomever,  lots of things are made of zinc or brass or copper or other non magnetic material, so unless I can see whatever I drop, it's lost.  Gonna start looking for a MD so I'd thought I'd check with you since you've worked in that area before.

     Thanks for your support, and we'll leave the light on for you...


07/04/18 01:57 PM #9243    


Beau Wann, Jr.

     HAPPY FOURTH...AND FIFTH...AD INFINITUM....Glorious rain today.  two inches so far in just a couple of hours.  Maybe it will close up some of the cracks in the ground.  Didnt make it to the 4th parade in Chappell Hill because it would have been too hot, now it's too wet, and 72 out there. Went from 90s to 70s just that quick.  Anyway, just sayin ! ! !  We have plenty here to keep us occupodo for at least the year 9595..."...if man is still alive, if woman can survive...."  Still dont know if I like that song or not. Give me another 100 years or so, and maybe I can decide then.

07/05/18 11:19 AM #9244    

Lynn Prewit


I have 2 metal detectors and all the stuff you need to find that pot of gold. I want you to use them. I am in Atlanta and will be home early next week. Will call you then.



07/05/18 02:13 PM #9245    


Pat Brantley (Ross)

Will someone tell me how to flip these photos again?  Thank you.

07/05/18 06:48 PM #9246    


Teddie Jordan

Here you go Pat. Great photo and memory.

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