Waltrip High School
Class Of 1964

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December 8, 2009
Bradley Seals drove in all the way from Austin just to join us at Fudd's!! Thanks Bradley!
Teddie Jordan, Bradley Seals and Dennis Hansel
Diane Cunningham '72 Wann and Beau Wann
Bradley Seals and Jim Taylor
Standing - Charlie Burkhardt and Scotty Croom
Becky and Johnny Sheffield
Lola Croom
Rick and Janet Strickland
Johnny and me (Jackie Crowe)
Becky and Johnny Sheffield
Scotty and Lola Croom
Doug Romans, Bradley Seals and Jim Taylor
Dennis Hansel and Teddie Jordan
Fran Webster, me and Richard McCauley
Gary Tharp '65
Judy Koudelka (widow of John Koudelka) and Meredith Hansel - Dennis Hansel's wife
Our great group!
Scotty Croom
Carol Shapiro and her significant one - L.G.
Our gang
Charlie Burkhardt and Fran Webster
Teddie Jordan, Dennis Hansel, Beau Wann, Johnny Sheffield and Richard McCauley
Teddie and Fran
Johnny Sheffield, me and Janet Strickland
Becky Sheffield, Lynn Wren and Fran Webster
November 10, 2009 - smaller group but still fun!
Beau Wann and his wife, Diane - what a cute couple!
Lynn Prewit, Gary Moseley, Dennis Hansel, Larry York and Jimmy Hilsher '65
and Diane Cunningham '72 Wann to the left
Gary Moseley, Dennis Hansel, Larry York and Jimmy Hilsher '65
Janet Strickland, Becky Sheffield and back of Ricky Strickland
Beverly Hengst and her husband, Jim Allen - another cute couple!
Beverly Sanford and her husband, Greg Bischoff - more cute couples!
Wendy Sherrill's husband, Dale Carter and Wendy and Barbara Porter
Wendy we are so glad to finally meet your husband, he's a sweetheart and a character - makes you feel we've know him for years. Another cute couple!!
Johnny Sheffield and Wendy's brother, Bill Sherrill
Ricky Strickland, Kenneth Olivier and Jim Taylor - Richard Meek '65 at back table
Jim Taylor and Richard Meek '65
Jim Taylor
Me and Johnny
Johnny Sheffield, Wendy Sherrill, Barbara Porter and Wendy's brother
Llynn Roff and Beverly Hengst
October 13, 2009 -- What a fun group!
Fran Webster, Becky Sheffield and Beau Wann
Lola Smith in the background
Teddie Jordan, Barbara Porter and Johnny Sheffield
Me (Jackie Crowe), Teddie Jordan, Barbara Porter and Johnny Sheffield
Lynn Wren (Janet Strickland in the back)
Tony Maddox
Ralph Daniel '65 and Gary Moseley
Jennie Anderson '65 and Paige Talley
Valerie Delaney '66 and Sharon Allen
Paige Talley, Tony Maddox, Johnny Sheffield and Donna McAnally '65
Richard Meek '65 and Ricky Strickland
And so that's what happened at the reunion!
Jim Taylor and Scotty Croom
Dennis Hansel and Robert Derrick
Richard Meek '65
Paige Talley (Robert Derrick, Teddie Jordan, Dennis Hansel and Johnny Sheffield in the background)
Gary Moseley and Fran Webster
Lynn Wren and Fran Webster
Aw-w-w I can relax - reunion is over
Richard Meek '65
Barbara Porter and Richard Meek '65
Jennie Anderson '65 and Donna McAnally '65
Me and Sharon Allen
Gary Moseley
Beau Wann and Paige Talley
(Teddie Jordan and Johnny Sheffield in the background)
Sorry didn't get a shot of Kenneth Olivier, Janet Strickland and Diane Wann and maybe more --
That's all folks until the next one - mark your calendars now for November 10, 2009
September 8, 2009 - once again FUN!!!!!
Robert Derrick, Lynn Prewit, Jimmy Stockton, Teddie Jordan and Richard Meek '65
Barbara Raines, Me (Jackie Crowe) and Becky Sheffield
Lola Croom and Janet Strickland
Fran Webster, Lynn Wren and Ricky Strickland
Sharon Allen and her significant one, Robert Hoppens - across table Sharon's sister, Linda Allen '66 (Johnson) and Harold Johnson '66
Polly, Jack Bevil's wife, Jack Bevil '66, Donna McAnally '65 and _________
Dorothy Fowler '65 and Jim Taylor
Steve Lowe and Suzanne Vickers '65
Richard Meek '65
Donna McAnally '65 and Richard Meek '65
Paige Talley
Lynn Wren, Gloria Hornick and Lynell Carapezza
Lynell Carapezza
Scotty Croom and Doug Romans
Ed Kuehn '65 and Linda Webster '65
Becky Sheffield, Barbara Porter and Johnny Sheffield
Becky Sheffield, Barbara Porter and Johnny Sheffield
Fran Webster and Lynn Wren
Paige Talley -- Joyce Barta and her husband Eddie Bayersdorfer and Richard Meek '65
Scotty Croom, Lynn Prewit, Ted Jordan and Jimmy Stockton
Fran Webster and Linda Webster
Gloria Hornick
Linda Maddox, Doug Romans and Betty Sherman
Scotty Croom and Lynn Prewit
Johnny Sheffield, me (Jackie Crowe), Doug Romans, Betty Sherman and Linda Maddox
Me, Lynn Prewit, Linda Maddox and Betty Sherman
Johnny Sheffield and Rick Strickland
Robert Hoppens and Sharon Allen
The Gang!
Jimmy Stockton and Linda Webster
Barbara Porter and Fran Webster
August 11, 2009 - another great one! Class of '64, 65, 66 and 67
Betty McKirahan '65, Scotty Croom and his wife, Lola
Linda Maddox and Betty Sherman
Doug Romans and Jack Bevil '66
Donna McAnally '65, Susan Kolb '65 and Patty Payne
Henny Banning, Charlie, (me) Jackie Crowe, Llynn Roff and Barbara Porter
Lee Treichel '65 and James King '65
Pat Clooney '67 (King) and Mary Greer '67 (Gibson)
Tonda Thiessen, Linda Maddox, Jennie Anderson '65 and Betty Sherman
David Melder - Reagan '67 and Judy Schultz '66 (Melder)
Melanie West - Milby '70 and Harold Pharr '66
Beau Wann and Jim Taylor
(Sorry, Beau's wife Diane left early - no picture)
Richard Meek '65 and Donna McAnally '65
Ken Olivier
Fran Webster and Teddie Jordan
Cindy Jones '67 (Morgan) and Mike Morgan '63 and their grandson
Robert Derrick, Donna McAnally '65 and Betty Sherman
Jack Bevil '66 and Ashley Blakely '66
Rick Strickland, Barbara Porter and Allen Geiser
Betty McKirahan '65 and Jimmy Hilscher '65
Lola Smith and Janet Strickland
Lynn Prewit and Tonda Thiessen
Dennis Hansel, Lynn Prewit and Tonda Thiessen
Richard McCauley
Marilynn Wolfe (Jorden), Meredith Hansel and Pat Wilcox '65 (Prewit)
Sorry, Gary Jorden was there but no picture
Lynn Prewit and Pat Wilcox '65 (Prewit)
Harold Pharr '66
Henny Banning
Henny Banning - she's paying for Class Reunion!!
Other attendees - Carol Shapiro, Gary Jorden '65, (Janice) Dianne Pace '65, and Diane Wann (Beau's wife)
(If I left anyone out, please let me know) - Jackie
July 14, 2009 - The Biggest and Best Ever - we had over 60 folks!!!!
Our Gang - Class of '64, 65 and 66 - Barbara Porter, Michele Hilsher and the backs (bright green) of Beverly Hengst and her husband Jim Allen
Linda Maddox, Llynn Roff, Tony Maddox, Mary Senske '65 and Carol Thamer '65
Beverly Sanford - proof that's she paying her 45th Class Reunion money!
Lola Croom and Becky Sheffield
Janet and Ricky Strickland
(Background tables - Class of '65 and '66)
Linda Maddox, Llynn Roff and Betty Sherman
Barbara Porter, Lola Croom, Paige Talley, Fran Webster and Sarrah Moseley (Gary's wife)
Scotty and Lola Croom
Beverly Hengst and her husband, Jim Allen
Gary Moseley, Johnny Sheffield and Larry York
Jackie Crowe (me), Johnny Sheffield, Jenny Taylor and Larry York
Teddie and Fran Jordan
Jimmy Hilsher '65, Linda Webster '65, Michele Hilsher & their granddaughter, Morgan
Jim Taylor, Ken Olivier, Richard Meek '65 and Donna McAnally '65
Robert Derrick, Lynn Prewit, Fran Webster and Dennis Hansel
Fran Webster, Dennis Hansel and Mike Hess '65
Beverly Sanford and her husband, Greg Bischoff
(Back of Jim Allen - Beverly Hengst's husband)
Melanie West (Milby '70), Ashley Blakely '66 and Jack Bevil '66
Judy Schultz '66 and her husband, David Melder (Reagan Class of '67)
Suzanne Vickers '65, Kathy Fletcher '65 and Dorothy Fowler '65
Connie Mahnke '65
Lynn Wren (Burkhardt), Charlie Burkhardt and Diane (Cunningham) '72 Wann
Beverly Hengst and her husband, Jim Allen
Lynn Wren, Mary Senske '65, Larry York and Jimmy Hilsher '65
Tony Maddox and Beau Wann
Jennie Anderson '65, Meredith (Dennis Hansel's wife), Fran Webster and Pat Wilcox '65 (Lynn Prewit's wife)
Marilynn Wolfe and Scotty Croom
Doug Romans, Dennis Hansel and Gary Jorden '65
Linda Webster '65, Sandy Beshear '65, Dorothy Fowler '65, Barbara Ellison and Johnny Sheffield
Linda Webster '65 and Sandy Beshear '65
Walter Etie '65 and Richard Meek '65
Walter Etie '65
Jack Denton, Linda Webster '65 and Sandy Beshear (Denton) '65
Jennie Anderson '65 and Mike Hess '65
Fran Webster, Gary Jorden '65, Teddie Jordan and Llynn Roff
Linda Webster '65 and Fran Webster
Fran Webster and Doug Romans
Paige Talley and Lynn Wren
Barbara Porter, Jackie Crowe (me) and Paige Talley
Barbara, Jackie and Paige
Michael - manager at Fuddrucker's holding our "Thank You" note!
June 9, 2009 - Once again what fun!
Lynn Prewit, Jimmy Hilsher '65, Gary Jorden '65 (Marilynn Wolfe's husband) and Ted Jordan
Me (Jackie Crowe) and Dennis Hansel
Patsy Wilcox '65 (Lynn Prewit's wife) and Marilynn Wolfe
Donna McAnally '65, Gary Jorden (Marilynn Wolfe's husband) , Kay Watters '65 and Leroy Gregg
Barbara Porter, Jimmy Stockton, Tony Maddox and me (Jackie Crowe)
Patty Payne, Richard Meek '65 and Doug Romans
Lola Croom, Beverly Hengst and her husband, Jim Allen -- and Scotty Croom
Jennie Anderson '65 standing in the background
Jimmy Stockton and Beau Wann
Kenneth Olivier and Jim Taylor
Michelle Hilsher - Jimmy's wife
Peggy Pratt '65 and her husband, Richard Ervin
Johnny Sheffield
Johnny Sheffield and his wife, Becky
Beveryly Hengst and her husband, Jim Allen at the table
Standing - Patty Payne and Jennie Anderson '65 taking a picture
Ashley Blakely '66 and friend, Melanie West (Milby '70)
Donna McAnally '65 and Pat Clooney '67 (James King '65's wife)
Me (Jackie Crowe) and Betty Sherman
Kay Watters '65 and Betty Sherman
Rick and Janet Strickland's daughters
Cindy and Debra (Cindy is the one that was in the automobile accident)
Janet Strickland (Rick's wife) --- sorry I didn't get a picture of Rick
Back of Peggy Pratt's husband, Richard Ervin and Harold Bullock '65
Beau Wann, Barbara Porter and Doug Romans
Tony Maddox and Leroy Gregg
John Adams was leaving as I got there - so sorry, no picture of John
May 12, 2009 - Another fun time
Pictures taken by Scotty Croom
John Adams
Gloria Hornick and Fran Webster
Donna McAnally '65 and Dorothy Fowler '65
Suzanne Vickers '65 and Donna McAnally '65
(Tony Maddox in the background)
Donna McAnally '65 and Dorothy Fowler '65
(Tony Maddox in the background)
Kenneth Olivier, Jim Taylor and Scotty Croom
Standing - Skeeter Apostolo and Sarrah Moseley (Gary's wife)
Donna McAnally '65 and Dorothy Fowler '65 at table
Ricky Strickland, me Jackie Crowe, back of Ricky's wife, Janet - Jim Taylor to the right
Donna McAnally '65, Diane Cunningham '72 (Beau's wife), Fran Webster and Sarrah Moseley (Gary's wife)
(back - Ted Jordan and Tony Maddox)
Gloria Hornick, Ricky Strickland, me again - Jackie and back of Ricky's wife, Janet
Far right - James King '65 and his wife, Pat Clooney '67
Me - Jackie Crowe, Sharon Allen and Jim Taylor
Wished I had been in on that one!!
Sharon Allen, Jim Taylor and Kenneth Olivier
Standing - Richard Meek, Jennie Anderson, Scotty Croom, James King '65
and back of Sharon Allen
Standing - Richard Meek '65, Jennie Anderson '65, Scotty Croom and James King '65
Ricky Strickland, Barbara Porter, Scotty Croom and back of Janet
Barbara Porter
Ricky Strickland and Barbara Porter
Standing - Richard Meek '65, Jennie Anderson '65, James King '65 and his wife, Pat Clooney '67 at table
Teddie Jordan, Tom Britton '65 and Tony Maddox
Teddie Jordan, Tom Britton '65 and Tony Maddox
Tony Maddox, Leon (Skeeter) Apostolo and Gary Moseley
Tom Britton '65 and Skeeter Apostolo
Beau Wann and his wife, Diane (Cunningham) '72
Dorothy Fowler '65 and Donna McAnally '65
Lynell Carapezza and Gary Moseley
Lynell Carapezza
Robert Derrick
Gary Jorden '65 (Marilynn Wolfe's husband) and Gary Moseley
Richard Meek '65, Tony Maddox, back of Fran Webster, Gary Jorden '65 (Marilynn Wolfe's husband), back of Jennie Anderson '65 and James King '65
Me, Robert Derrick, Teddie Jordan, Richard Meek '65, Tony Maddox and Fran Webster
My pictures - May 12, 2009
Lola and Scotty Croom
Lynell Carapezza and Barbara Porter
Beau Wann, Leroy Gregg (far back) and Robert Derrick
Marilynn Wolfe and Robert Derrick's wife, Kay
Sharon Allen and Tony Maddox
Pat Clooney '67 (James King '65 wife) and Tom Britton '65
Sharon Allen, Tony Maddox and me - Jackie Crowe
Gary Moseley and Richard Meek '65 in background
Sarrah Moseley - Gary's wife
Dorothy Fowler '65 and Jennie Anderson '65
Suzanne Vickers '65
Donna McAnally '65 and Richard Meek '65
Ricky Strickland and James King '65
Teddie Jordan, Fran Webster and Lynn Wren
James King '65, Beau Wann and Ricky Strickland
Charlie Burkhardt - Lynn Wren's husband
Janet Strickand - Ricky's wife
The Gang!
Marilynn Wolfe and her husband, Gary Jorden '65
Doug Romans
Tony Maddox and Barbara Porter
April 14th - Fun, fun, fun
Class '64 and '65
Becky Sheffield (Johnny's wife) and Lola Croom (Scotty's wife)
Gloria Hornick
Jim Taylor and Dorothy Fowler '65 and Janet Strickland (Ricky's wife)
Jimmy Hilsher '65 and his wife, Michelle and Johnny Sheffield
Gloria Peikert's daughter, Gloria Peikert '65 and Cindy Roberts '65
Tony Maddox, Linda Webster '65, Kirk Thompson '65 and Pat Wilcox '65
Richard Meek '65, Tony Maddox and me - Jackie Crowe
Richard Meek '65, Lynn Bledsoe and Tony Maddox
Jim Taylor, Ricky Strickland, Tony Maddox and Kenneth Olivier
Linda Webster '65
Sandy Beshear '65 and her husband, Jack Denton
Charlie Brawner, Gary Moseley, Gary Jorden '65 (Marilynn Wolfe's husband) and Lynn Prewit
Gary Jorden '65 and Marilynn Wolfe '64 Jorden
Jimmy Hilsher '65 and Patsy Wilcox '65 (Lyn Prewit's wife)
Ted Jordan and Fran Webster Jordan
Paige Talley
Front table - group of '65 Class
Beau Wann and Paige Talley
Johnny Sheffield and Doug Romans
Paige Talley, Peggy Pratt '65 and Peggy's husband, Richard Ervin
Linda Webster '65, Leah Favella '65, Cindy Roberts '65 and back of Peggy Pratt '65
Cindy Roberts '65, Kirk Thompson '65 and back of Leah Favella '65
Linda Webster '65, Leah Favella '65 and Peggy Pratt '65
Fran Webster and Beau Wann
Carole Gunter (standing in red) talking to Leah Favella '65
At table - Peggy Pratt '65, Dorothy Fowler '65 and Kathy Baugh '65
Richard McCauley, Kirk Thompson '65 and Scotty Croom
Carol Shapiro,_Richard Meek '65, Tony Maddox and Jennie Anderson '65
Gloria Hornick, Charles Brawner, Lynn Bledsoe, Jimmie Lee Smith and Johnny Sheffield
Gloria Hornick, Charles Brawner, Lynn Bledsoe, Jimmie Lee Smith and Johnny Sheffield
Scotty Croom and Gary Jorden '65 (Marilynn Wolfe's husband)
Toni Bracher '65, Carol Shapiro, Richard Meek '65 and Tony Maddox
Ricky Strickland
Ricky Strickland
Janet Strickland - Ricky's wife
Marilynn Wolfe and her husband Gary Jorden '65 and Ricky Strickland
Michele (Jimmy's wife), Linda Webster '65 and Jimmy Hilsher '65
Linda Webster '65, Michele (Jimmy's wife), and Jimmy Hilsher '65
Class of '65
Peggy Pratt, Gloria Peikert and Leah Favella
Jennie Anderson '65, Toni Bracher '65 and Carol Shapiro - Richard McCauley in the background
Leah Favella '65, Tony Maddox, Richard Meek '65 and Jennie Anderson '65
Others attending, but no pictures --- so-r-r-r-ry - Barbara Porter and Skeeter Apostolo (if I missed anyone, please let me know)
March 10th - another fun gathering
Sorry I missed it! Pictures by Scotty & Lola Croom
Doug Romans
Gary Moseley, Clyde Pettit and wife, Sue Honnol '66
(Back table - Karen Rimes and Carole Gunter Snell)
Karen Rimes and Carole Gunter Snell
Clyde Pettit and wife, Sue Honnol '66
Gary Moseley and Clyde Pettit
Sue Honnol '66 - Clyde Pettit's wife
Across table - Peggy Pratt '65 and Gloria Peikert '65
Ricky Strickland and wife, Janet
Paige Talley, Karen Rimes, Carole Gunter Snell
Tony Maddox
Peggy Pratt '65 and Gloria Peikert '65
Gary Moseley, Pat Brantley, Paige Talley
Gloria Peikert's daughter
Pat Brantley and Paige Talley (backs of Carole Gunter Snell and Karen Rimes)
Beau Wann and wife, Diane (Cunningham) '72
Ricky Strickland and wife, Janet
Tom Britton '65 and Doug Romans
Scotty Croom
Tonda Theissen, Tom Britton '65 and Beau Wann
Tonda Theissen, Tom Britton '65 and Beau Wann
Clyde Pettit and Beau Wann
February 10th gathering - another fun time!
Tom Gann, Johnny Sheffield, Paige Talley
Barbara Porter and Tommy Tucker '66
Tony Maddox and Gary Jorden '65 (Marilynn Wolfe's husband)
Leroy Gregg and Scotty Croom
Lynn Wren and husband, Charlie Burkhardt
Jimmy Hilsher '65, Pat Brantley and Gary Moseley
Lynell Carapezza and Fran Webster
Marilynn Wolfe and Becky Sheffield (Johnny's wife)
Jimmy Hilsher '65 and Pat Brantley
Linda Webster '65, (me) Jackie Crowe '64, Jimmy Hilsher '65, Jimmy's wife, Michele,
Charlotte Yaggi '65 and her boyfriend, Bob
Lola Croom - Scotty's wife
Gary Clark '65 and Mike Hess '65
Wayne Lake and Betty Sherman
Teddie Jordan and Jimmy Hilsher '65
Tonda Thiessen and Wayne Lake
Beau Wann and his wife, Diane (Cunningham) '72
Teddie Jordan, Beau's wife, Diane (Cunningham) '72 and Beau Wann
Tom Gann and (me) Jackie Crowe
Troy Holiman, Jim Taylor and his wife, Jan, left before pictures were taken -------- sorry guys - you need to stay longer!!!
Our First Gathering - January 13, 2009
Gloria Hornick and Pat Brantley's husband, Ron - across table Terry Scheffer, Paige Talley and Pat Brantley
Beau (Harold) Wann and his fruitcake!!
Beau and his wife, Diane (Cunningham) '72
Beverly Hengst and Carol Shapiro's boyfriend - back table Ted and Fran Jordan - Ronnie Peters
Carol Shapiro and Barbara Porter
Beverly Hengst, Carol's boyfriend, Carol Shapiro --- Marilynn Wolfe
Rick Strickland - across table - Jim Taylor and his wife, Jan (Reagan '65) -- and Janet - Rick's wife
Ronnie Peters, Fran and Ted Jordan -- across table Tom Britton '65
Scotty Croom and his wife, Lola
Tony Maddox (Birthday Boy!) - Beverly Sanford and her husband Greg - sorry Greg - better picture next time.
Tony Maddox - across table Beverly Hengst's husband, Jim - - Jim a better picture next time.
Gloria Hornick and Lola Croom
Tony Maddox, Paige Talley, Barbara Raines and Doug Romans
Tony, Paige, Barbara and Doug
Ted, Fran and Beau - with an empty fruitcake container -- yes, we ate it all!
Thanks Ted and Fran for getting this group gathering started.
Fran Webster, me (Jackie Crowe) and Beau Wann
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