Football Dinners 2010 & 2008

Feb. 2018 -
Waltrip ‘64
With all the flood of news about the latest school shootings in Florida (2018) and not having armed individuals inside the school campus, I’m reminded of one of those very special individuals from Waltrip that made a difference in his profession and with our class. It was at his funeral that many of us learned that Coach Les Burton had not just Waltrip’s two City of Houston Champion Football teams but two more as an assistant coach while he was at Reagan High the years before Waltrip. As two rows of Waltrip players sat near the front, two more rows of Reagan players sat on the other side further in the middle rear unnoticed, at least by this player, until later during the service.
Near the end of the speakers, the past longtime Superintendent of Houston Independant School District, Billy Reagan, a legend on his own, spoke to what Les Burton had done for the the Houston school district in the late 60’s and for many years beyond.
Reagan said that in the turmoil of the late sixties and the riots, etc that followed he approached one individual to start a “school police force” just for the Houston school system. That person was Les Burton. With no prior real knowledge Burton was the sole individual to develop an armed team to protect and control all of Houston’s schools during the era of integration and the Viet Nam War. Remember that Louie Welch, from our neighborhoods, was mounting machine guns on police cars.
Houston schools were tamed in all those years and Les also used armed older Waltrip players on occasion.** Superintendent Reagan made numerous remarks of gratitude on the work accomplishments of Coach Burton over many years of excellence as head of the Houston School (armed) Police Force in all our Houston schools. Just thought we all should know some of Coach Burton’s contributions.
“We thought we were ordinary but the whole class was very special.”
———John Goyen ‘64

Tom H. Gann ‘64

** (None of the Oates or Curbo were included in that remark I’m sure)
Friday, June 5, 2015 (more pictures added throughout)
Dedication in Waco, Texas to honor Coach Les Burton (Waltrip Head Coach 1960 - 1967.) The tile dedication was held in the "Plaza of Influence" at the American Football Coaches Association next to the Sport's Hall of Fame at Baylor University.  Every year Coach Burton coached at Waltrip was represented at the event.

A very nice "In Memoriam" tribute for Coach Burton can also be found on the Waltrip Alumni Association website by using this link:

Many thanks to LtCol Rich Beil '67 USMC (Ret.) for organizing this wonderful dedication!
Left to right Back Row: Tom Gann '64, Tim Duff '67, Gary Armbrister '67, Richard Beil '67, Mark Williford '67, Don Ellisor '64, Kelly Burton (son,) Mrs. Burton (widow), Charlie Vento '67, Hayden Watson '67, Allen Gieser '64, Harry Harwell '67,  Hunter Burton (grandson)
Kneeling: Charles Eastburn '63, Peck Boswell '67
Left to right Back Row: Gary Armbrister, Richard Beil, Mark Williford, Don Ellisor'64, Kelly Burton (son) Mrs. Burton (wife,) Charlie Vento, Hayden Watson, Allen Gieser '64, Harry Harwell, Hunter Burton (grandson), Leslie Burton (son)
Kneeling: Charles Eastburn, Peck Boswell
Richard Beil '67 LtCol USMC (Ret) and Hayden Watson '67
Hayden Watson '67
Cathy (McKithan) Beil '67 and Richard Beil '67 LtCol USMC (Ret)
Richard Beil LtCol USMC (Ret) and Tom Gann '64
Richard Beil LtCol USMC (Ret) and Hayden Watson '67
Tim Duff '67 far left made a few comments on Coach Burton - to right Hunter Burton (grandson)
Hayden Watson '67 and Richard Beil'67 LtCol USMC (Ret) and
back of Cathy (McKithan) Beil '67
Cathy (McKithan) Beil '67, Don Ellisor '64 and Mark Williford '67
Tom Gann '64
Allen Geiser '64 (holding hat) and Don Ellisor '64 (far right)
Mrs. Burton (center) and to her right, son, Les Burton
Mrs. Burton
Hunter Burton (grandson) far left
  Harry Harwell , Charles Eastburn, Kelly Burton (son) and Allen Geiser '64

Hayden Watson Waltrip '67, provided the inspiration and guidance for organizing this gathering, read's a letter to Coach Les Burton from all the Burton Boy's.  Tom Gann


Allen Geiser speaks to the challenges and inspiration of playing under Coach Burton for four years.  Tom Gann

Far right, Les Burton, Jr. and the Coach's wife speaking to the group.  Tom Gann


Far right, Don Ellisor had spoken earlier the Les Burton, Jr. Maid s few words.  Tom Gann


It was at this point in Les Burton, Jr's talk that the Coach's mannerisms, stance, look and voice became visible to all the players. This alone was worth the trip to Waco.  Tom Gann

Mark Williford and Don Ellisor '64
Coach Burton's son, Leslie Burton
Cindy (Barker) Duff, Tim Duff, Hunter Burton (grandson)
Left to right Back Row: Tom Gann '64, Tim Duff '67, Gary Armbrister '67, Richard Beil '67, Mark Williford '67, Don Ellisor '64, Kelly Burton (son,) Mrs. Burton (widow,) Charlie Vento '67, Hayden Watson '67, Allen Gieser '64, Harry Harwell '67, Hunter Burton (grandson,)
Kneeling: Charles Eastburn '63, Peck Boswell '67
Mark Williford, Hayden Watson, Gary Armbrister
Charlie Vento, Gary Armbrister, Mrs Burton, Mark Williford
Mark Williford and Tim Duff
Cathy (McKithan) Beil '67 and Rich Beil '67 LtCol USMC (Ret)
Janice (Floyd) Webster '67 and Cathy (McKithan) Beil '67
Gary Armbrister  '67 and Cathy (McKithan) Beil '67


October 14, 2010

Football Banquet in Honor of Coach Burton and Mr. Tusa

(Cadillac Bar in Houston)

Hosted by Glenn Smith

(Pictures taken by Tom Gann)

#1 - Glenn Smith and Coach Burton

#2 - Ken Flowers, Tony Maddox and Allen Brown

#3 - Ken Flowers and Allen Geiser

#4 - Jim Laminack and Truman Laminack

#5 - L to R - back of Allen Geiser, Barry Pollack, Tony Maddox, Holly Ware in cap, Doug McCuen, Billy Francis and _______

#6 - Allen Geiser, Barry Pollack, back of Allen Brown

#7 - Allen Geiser, Barry Pollack and Tommy Brawner

#8 - Truman Laminack

#9 - Roy Hill and Tony Maddox

#10 - Barry Pollack, Tommy Brawner and Allen Brown

#11 - Barry Pollack, Tommy Brawner and Allen Brown

#12 - Louis Klare, Keith Flowers and Ken Flowers

#13 - Ken Flowers, Billy Francis and Holly Ware

#14 - Bill Groberg

#15 - Tony Maddox and Mr. Tusa - Truman Laminack in background

#16 - Coach Burton and Barry Pollack

#17 - Tommy Brawner and Mr. Tusa

#18 - Glenn Smith, Roy Hill, Barry Pollack and back of Jimmy Synnott, Jr.

#19 - Glenn Smith, Pete Biggs and Norman Adams

#20 - Pete Biggs and Norman Adams

#21 - David Yaege and _________

#22 - Coach Burton

#23 - Coach Burton and Walter Etie

#24 - Les Burton III, Coach Burton and Walter Etie

#25 - Charlie Vento and Coach Burton

#26 - Larry MacTavish and Jimmy Synnott, Jr.

#27 - Roy Hill and Walter Etie

#28 - Roy Hill and Walter Etie

#29 - ____________ Pete Biggs? and Sam Montalbano

#30 - Sam Montalbano

#31 - Johnny Rolater and Barry Pollack

#32 - Doug McCuen and Walter Etie

#33 - Roy Hill and Mr. Tusa

#34 - Tony Maddox, Don Ellisor and Peck Boswell

#35 - Tommy Brawner and Jimmy Adams

#36 - Jimmy Adams and Coach Burton - Don Ellisor in back

#37 - Holly Ware and Robbie Boswell

#38 - Jim Laminack and David Yaege

#39 - Bill Groberg and Glenn Smith

#40 - Allen Brown and Jimmy Synnott, Jr.

#41 - Tony Maddox and Pete Biggs

#42 - Truman Laminack

Photo #43 - Allen Geiser #34

#44 - Tony Maddox and Glenn Smith

Photo #45 - Bill Groberg

#46 - Larry MacTavish and Allen Brown

#47 - Jimmy Adams, Pat Gavin and ____________

#48 - Don Ellisor and John Goyen

#49 - Don Ellisor and John Goyen

#50 - L to R - Pete Biggs, Robbie Boswell, Barry Pollack and Peck Boswell

Tom Gann was at Football Banquet taking pictures - so no pics of him - but next day - Tom at Delmar Stadium --- memories!

Tom Gann was the only one in our senior class to play both football and basketball for Waltrip and suited up for the Houston City Championship games for both in our senior year. Delmar Football Stadium and Basketball Field House. The 1964 Waltrip graduating class was known as "The Class of Champions" for it's many City and Zone Championships in a multiple number of athletic accomplishments, an excellent Drill Team and many other activities that exemplified Truth, Honor and Integrity. We simplify respect and discipline within.

And Tony Maddox!

Remember the moments!!

May 15, 2008

Football Dinner

in honor of Coach Burton and Mr. Joe Tusa given by Glen Smith at Christi's Steakhouse.

(Pictures taken by Tom Gann and last 6 pictures by Lloyd Pond)

Picture #1 Jimmy Sheffield and Johnny Sheffield

Picture #2 - Gary Armbrister

Picture #3 -

Picture #4 - Mike Smith

Picture #5 - Glenn Smith - host of the dinner - Thank you Glenn for bringing all these guys together to honor Coach Burton and Mr. Tusa. Outstanding!

Picture #6 - Johnny Sheffield

Picture #7 - Louis Klare

Picture #8 - Peck Boswell

Picture #9 - Johnny Rolater

Picture #10 - Johnny Rolater, Billy Francis and Glenn Smith


Picture #11 - Richard Meek - Mgr.

Picture #12 - Allen Geiser
Picture #13 - John Snell (In loving memory)
Picture #14 - Larry Smith
Picture #15 - Lloyd Pond
Picture #16 - Chip Holiman
Picture #17 - Glenn Smith and Johnny Sheffield
Picture #18 - Louis Klare, Larry MacTavish and John Snell
Picture #19 - Harry Harwell
Picture #20 - Larry Smith and Mike Smith
Picture #21 - Don Ellisor
Picture #22 - Allen Geiser and Don Ellisor
Picture #23 - Allen Geiser, Don Ellisor and Johnny Rolater
Picture #24 - Joe Tusa and Coach Burton
Picture #25 - Ken Flowers, Louis Klare and Troy Holiman
Picture #26 - Troy Holiman
Picture #27 - Jimmy Synnott
Picture #28 - Larry Smith and Joe Tusa
Picture #29 - Sam Montalbano
Picture #30 - Johnny Rolater on left, next to him John Goyen and Glenn Smith on opposite side of table
Picture #31 - Johnny Rolater, John Goyen - Larry MacTavish and Billy Francis on the other side of table
Picture #32 - Jimmy Adams
Picture #33 - Jimmy Adams
Picture #34 - Joe Tusa and Coach Burton
Picture #35 - Ken Flowers, Joe Tusa and Coach Burton
Picture #36 - Ken Flowers, Joe Tusa and Coach Burton
Picture #37 - Ken Flowers, Joe Tusa, Coach Burton and Pete Biggs
Picture #38 - Ken Flowers, Joe Tusa, Coach Burton and Pete Biggs
Picture #39 - Glenn Smith and Sam Montalbano -- at front table
Picture #40 - Joe Tusa, Coach Burton and Pete Biggs
Picture #41 - Larry MacTavish and Glenn Smith
Picture #42 - Larry Smith and Troy Holiman
Picture #43 - Troy Holiman and Chip Holiman
Picture #44 - Richard Meek and Lloyd Pond
Picture #45 - Johnny Rolater
Picture #46 - Jimmy Sheffield
Picture #47 - Allen Geiser
Picture #48 - Lloyd Pond
Picture #49 - Bill Groberg
Picture #50 - Allen Brown
Picture #51 - Don Ellisor
Picture #52 - Johnny Sheffield
Picture #53 - Jimmy Adams
Picture #54 - Robbie Boswell
Picture #55 - Bubba Hill
Picture #56 - Bill Groberg
Picture #57 - Bill Groberg
Picture #58 - Bill Groberg
Picture #59 - Peck Boswell
Picture #60 - Walter Etie
Picture #61 -
Picture #62 - Tom Gann
Picture #63 - Allen Brown, Bubba Hill and Glenn Smith
Picture #64 - Allen Geiser and Robbie Boswell
Picture #65 - Ken Flowers and Walter Etie
Picture #66 - Lloyd Pond and Don Ellisor
Picture #67 - Lloyd Pond and Walter Etie
Picture #68 - Larry MacTavish and Bill Groberg