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08/27/12 10:41 PM #5172    


Lloyd Pond

Bother Richard and I have expanding my workshop. It was a 8x16 "affordable Portable"and now it is 12x 16. We are on week two of construction. Tomorrow we put in the door ana finish the shingles. Did I tell you,"I've got shingles?", Paige?

At the old house I  had a building put together by the factory guys. They finished in five hours! It was amazing to watch them work. I shoulda called them I guess. Over the first few days , I was really tired and sore... now I am really tired and sore. My right hand wrist  is the big problem. I am especially glad that my back has not relapsed..with the lower lumbar vertabrae problems.

I am looking forward to a trip to Portland next month.


08/28/12 08:57 AM #5173    


Beau Wann, Jr.

Thats what I want to do, build a workshop. But alas and alack, got no room. Of course I could build it over the cement pond, sorta like those homes built over the water wherever they do that sort of thing. I might as well build a workshop over the pool, cause some of my tools wind up there anyway. I could build a trapdoor like the ice fishing huts, and just drop tools into the coldy brine, or retrieve them with my 150 pound magnet. It doesnt actually weigh 150 pounds, but legend has it as being able to pick up 150 pounds...sounds kinda fishy to me. Theres not many people that could haul up 150 pounds of anything out of the water without some kind O help.

You know why things are built to the specs of 16 X 8???? thats because plywood comes in 4x8 sheets, so it makes it easier to put in floors and that correct, "rooves" or "roofs"...I think I just conjured up a southern colloquialism eh what...yall feel free to jump rat on in and comment and or correct...doesn hurt my feelings at all about being wrong...shucky darn, I;'m generaallly wrong all over the place, I've just gottne use to it...

Hey Lloyd, the best part of your expansion is your brother helped you! ! ! ! Thats the best part of life right there.
My Dad and his brothers all use to help each other on projects. I loved it when they would get together and "be men" and do "men stuff", ie pouring concrete building fences, repairing rooves* etc...of course when they poured concreeete, (sorry the e stuck) that meant I had to handle the wheel barrow...that was one sadistic sob that invented that bad worked, and was bettern carrying stuff by hand, but just barely...musta been invented by a "half-wit", cause it needs two wheels, instead of one...

Anyway, my dad and uncles made great sport of me trying to push a concrete loaded wheelbarrow with out tumpin it over...I didnt weigh morin 125 pounds, if that. Man, I would just stagger under the weight of the cement and the unstableness of the stupid ol wheelbarrow. Ever now and again, uncle Ivan would see me just about to lose my balance and load, and he would just put one of his huge hands on the wheelbarrow, and it was like he had taken the weight of the whole just one hand...Ivan was the strongest man I have ever ever seen. He wasnt tall, but he was built SO powerful, power just exuded from his eyes...I swear there wasnt anything he couldnt do. Yet, he possessed a gentleness as powerful as his strength..."there is nothing so strong as gentleness, and nothing so gentle as real strength"...

Ivan could haul that 150 magnet and then some...I saw him carry a 250 pound "headache" ball (goes on the end of the line of a crane, to keep the line taut, and wreck buildings) around like it was his lunch box. I really miss Ivan...

Hey Lloyd, I still have those CDs you sent to me. I still play em. If I thanked you before, I thank you again. Some of those tunes are hard to find.

I didnt have a brother, and my sisters were older than I, so no real commraderie there. I guess thats why I hold such store in the treasure of our highschool group. We, most, went from 1st grade to college together. Lots joined in along the way. I guess thats as close to brothers as I could get! ! ! And Sisters too. Although, I didnt hang out with the girls back then. I just looked from afar and wished on a star!

Ok, time to take Huckleberry hound and Depty dawg for their mornin constitutional. Then pick up where I left off yesterday, wherever in the heck that was. Gonna put bifold doors on the "no critter zone" room. guess I could read the destructions and see where that would leave me...probably with a headache. See there, now is when a good brother or two would come in handy. We could make it a fambly project. Neither of the dogs go in for building stuff, and big oliver just lays on the plans, and when he lays down, it's hard to get him off of whatever he is laying on.  All the other cats run and hide when they see me pull out my tools.


Your frien and brother, Beaucephus DOD

08/29/12 09:38 AM #5174    


Lloyd Pond

Having a family project is the best! Lots of memories of working with Dad and brother. Working hard and then for lunch or supper salami onion sandwiches. The other day, a cousin and I recalled the time that our Fathers decided to drill a water well by hand . Dad made a bit and they used long pipe wrenches and just turned the pipe round and round. Uncle Bill was like Beaus uncle Ivan. Strong as a bull from years of working on thee oil drilling rigs. Of course what do you expect from two Marine Corps WWII vets? They felt like they could buiuld anything and often did. Dad built our house! Really! Another great project wsa dad grinding a six inch reflecting telescope lens.

As Richard and I worked, I thought about Dad's lessons. What a wonderful legacy.

08/29/12 01:30 PM #5175    


Beau Wann, Jr.

Amen Lloyd, Amen...ONION AND SALAMI SANDRIDGES???? Oh man, folks after mine own heart, er or stomach...with lots o mustard and some good ol stinky cheese, on whole wheat or rye...hmmm hmmm hmmmm...I know, what if we had a diner, and just served those good ol sandridges???

Uncle Ivan was a marine in the pac in WWII also...them ol boys could do just about anything as you said...and I allus thought they hung the moon ! ! ! ! ! ! They probably did ! ! ! !

08/29/12 08:04 PM #5176    


Beau Wann, Jr.

Just talked to Jackie, and she is doing better. Her treatment is over. They took the IV line out of her arm, which is a relief in itself. Probably going home tonight. Says she might go back to work the day after labor day.

She did sound better except for the "new computer system" at her doctors office...SNAFU...we have ceased to be patients, just bits and bytes of binary code..."Dave"? It's all right DAve"..."we can work together...Dave?"...

I went to the sawbones today, have em check mah errant ears...seems there was a blockage in the right one, which was causing all the trouble...He loaded up a HUGE metal syringe with water, and blasted it. 'LORD? IT'S A MIRACLE...I CAN HEAR AGAIN"...or woids to that defect...charged me 7 dollars and 43 cents...well hells bells, if ahd a node that, I'da just got out the garden hose and giver a shot...looks like I can put my sign language course on the back burner for now...

And, about that sandridge in the post above...can we add a slice of liverwurst, and some horseradish???

Jackie says "HI" to everyone, and she will deffinitly be at fudds nextr go round.

Some of Dianes results came back from her doctor...cholesterol too high, vitamin D too low...just no middle ground is there...I am putting her on an excercise program, called "walk the dogs, clean the pool, vacuum the house, wash and dry the clothes. put clothes away, clean litter boxes, clean up cat puke, mow de lawn and flu de coup, move the furniture etc..." yeah, thats my excercise program...ah thought ise was retired???

I am excercising right now, bending my right elbow with some vino, whilst I work my fangers out on this here keyboard...yaoughta try it...woiks fine...

I was trying to think of something to ask on the forum, but I forgot what it was I was trying to think of to ask! ! ! !
So if any of all yall remember, let me know, ok?

Your frien and brother Beaucephus DOD

08/30/12 03:56 AM #5177    


John Burgess Webb

hey lloyd,its good to hear from you.take it easy on your back;im fighting a relapse with immobility,muscle relaxers and pain killers,its no fun at all,be carefull.the story about your father grinding a 5" lense is interesting,its no simple matter.i read an article about the 200" lense at mt. palomore;it was formulated by pyrex and cooled in stages that took months.all together it took 11 years to cast,grind and polish.ww2 took top technitions away from the project,hence the delay.they wanted it without a flaw;like everything else fine,it took time and patience.


08/30/12 01:33 PM #5178    


Jackie Crowe (Finch)

As always, this wonderful awesome group has brought me through.  I have experienced so much love and support through your calls, cards, emails and message forum wishes.  Words cannot express my thanks and love to all of you.

This is my first time on computer and "Message Forum" - I've missed all of you and am trying to get my "brain" back - if this is possible. 

I am home today and it's pretty quiet without my 16 months old grandson, since I was staying with my daughter, Carrie, for a week.  Maybe a little too quiet!!! 

This viral meningitis caused by herpes virus has been an ordeal that I don't want to experience again, but can.  Just FYI - any of us that had chickenpox as a child - I assume we all did, can get this.  Not only does the herpes virus lay dormant for Shingles. but also this.  Seems combination of our age, lower immune system and stress can bring this on.   If any of you start suddenly with a throbbing excruciating headache front and back, burning eyes that are sensitive to light, fever and stiffness in neck, fingers and toes (the stiffness came a day later), go to your doctor or ER!  I really thought I had West Niles - same symptoms.

Viral meningitis can be caused by many viruses, the problem it's take a while from the blood cultures for results.  Went into hospital Friday evening (Aug. 17) didn't get the results of herpes until Tuesday and West Niles takes a week.  There are no treatments for any other viruses or West Niles, they have to run their course.  But there is a treatment for herpes, it's IV treatment every 8 hours for 10 days.  They had already started me on treatment on Saturday, just in case it was herpes virus, then they would be ahead, if not, oh well.  Came home on Aug. 23 to Carrie's with a PIC line so she could continue to administer the IV.  Thank goodness she's a nurse.  The treatment ended Monday evening and I had PIC line out Tuesday (Aug. 28) - big relief!

The doctor that took out PIC line told me this was very serious and had been manifesting for a while, so don't think I would bounce back immediately, it will take time.  So I'm taking everyone's advice and not going back to work until I feel "Together".

BroBeau, thanks for keeping everyone up to date along with Burge, Johnny, Glenda and Barbara.  Thank goodnesss I finally have a doctor's followup appointment tomorrow at 1:00 p.m.  Need to see how I can boost my immune system and just relax -- oh, sure.  Retirement may be around the corner!

Hugs and love to all of you - hope to see you at Fudd's!!!


08/30/12 01:45 PM #5179    


Teddie Jordan

Jackie, so good to hear from you directly and so glad you are on the mend. I have looked at several websites to learn more about viral meningitus and just so thankful that you did something about it  and got a diagnosis and received treatment. Now just take your time going back to work and let your body heal.

Next  we will get Linda Webster fixed up and we'll be back in business.

08/30/12 02:07 PM #5180    


Jackie Crowe (Finch)

Thanks, Teddie, I'm trying really hard.yes



08/30/12 02:27 PM #5181    


Gloria Hornick (Walker)

So glad you are home and on the mend,  Jackie.  We will all need to be aware of symptoms, just in case.  It is so important to take care of ourselves, especially as we get older.  Take care of yourself and enjoy some "me" time.  

Darral and I just returned from 10 day trip to Colorado.  Enjoyed the cooler days and nights, and, of course,  the mountains.  Biggest highlight was a hot air balloon ride.  Could not believe what all goes into getting it ready and then putting away.

We recently went to baptism of newest granddaughter, Ainsley, who is now 3 months old.  Watching the grandkids grow really brings back memories.  The oldest granddaughter says I recently celebrated the 50th anniversary of my 16th birthday!  That makes me feel even older!  We really have been blessed, but can't believe how different it feels on this end of the age spectrum.  My parents both turned 91 this year, so life goes on. Makes you feel really small sometimes.

Hoping all of you are doing  well and enjoying the small things  as well as the special times we all have.

08/30/12 02:55 PM #5182    


Scotty Croom

glad you are on the mend,jackie..see you at fudds...

08/30/12 09:45 PM #5183    


Susan Howard (Bowman)

It's so good to hear from you in person, Jackie!  Also to know you are doing much better!  Please continue to take it easy and, like Gloria said, take advantage of a lot of me time.  I also appreciate all of the information on your illness.  I, like you, would have thought West Nile right away since the symptoms are the same and there is so much of it in Texas right now!  Thank goodness you are on the mend!  Take care and let people take care of you until you get your strength back.  Also, work on your immunity with lots of rest and less stress - perhaps retirement is closer than you thought?!  Hopefully your follow up to your doctor will share some light on your immune system.  Please keep us posted!  Know you continue to be in our thoughts and prayers.  We love you, Jackie, and keep sending those "get well" thoughts your way!


08/31/12 11:01 AM #5184    


Richard Meek '65

Jackie, it's great to hear that you're back at home. Follow your current thoughts about getting well before thinking about going back to work. The old saying, "if you've got your health, you've got everything" is toooo true!

I hope everyone has a great holiday weekend. We've got a big family get together in College Station with kids, grandkids and dogs. There will actually be more dogs(7) than grandkids (6) there. Liz loves having all those kids to play with. She usually sleeps for two days after one of these get togethers,

Had a lot of reading to catch up on. Business has picked up significantly so I've been keeping my foot on the accelerator. As Paige's aunt used to say "ya'll be good and pure "!

Keep on dancing

Rich LH

08/31/12 03:20 PM #5185    


Beau Wann, Jr.

Hello mine Waltripians, yeaaaaa Jackie is back. I typed in a long dissertation yesterday, and VOILA it disappeared. Lost my connection. Oh well, wasnt all that important, just my ramblins.
Went to my 4th funeral in less than 2 months. That sure is a drain on the emotions
The young man that died, was a singer/songwriter, and my sons stepbrother. They were all kinda close, so they are pretty shook up. David was an absolute hilarious and gregarious character. Some of his adventures, or misadventures, make mine look like I was asleep.

There was only one song at the services, and it was one he wrote, sung in person by his son David Jr. accompianied by one of Davids band members on the Guitar and Harp. David wrote the song in highschool some 35 or more years ago. One of his friends in highschool was killed in a wreck while they were in highschool. David and his friend Mark closed themselves off in their room, and penned words and music in 30 minutes.

What a fitting legacy for David. The name of the song, is "Will you remember me"...his son sang it flawlessly. is as good as anything on the charts now, and or anytime. In fact, I have the words and chords in a book of songs that David put together for me some 25 years ago.

David and his band "Off the couch" played all around Houston, mostly at a club called Jumps on Synott road off Westheimer. He opened for Shake Russell and Ryders in the Sky at Rockafellers on Washington Ave and Heights blvd. For those that cant picture it, it is the old Heights State Bank.

David was also friends with Clint Black before Clint made it big. Got a picture of David and Clint siting on the couch the day Clint signed his first Album contract. I think Clint has 3 or 4 brothers. One, Kevin, was at the services. Both my sons got to pal around with the Black Family through David. How cool that was for them.

There were two speakers at the funeral, not counting a minister. One was Davids long time best friend Mark, that spoke for 30 plus minutes and had people rolling in the aisle with some of Davids antics. Then David Jr spoke for about 30 plus minutes on more of his dads antics. You want some crying at a funeral. this is the best way to do it, make em laugh till they cry.

Cant remember the last time I laughed that hard with what I call, "funny tears" rolling down my face. Oh man, now thats the way to have a service. No sad tired old hymns, just laughter.
I didnt actually hear all the stories, ears just werent responding, but I heard enough, and watching the "mourners" laugh and shake and scream with joy, was plenty enough.

 The church was SRO, and not much of that left.
He was only 53, and the hard life of an entertainer finally caught up with him. But, what a legacy he left for his family and friends and that was any and everyone he met. Everyone that knew him was rich for having known him...those that never met him, somewhat poorer...

Got me to thinking about mine own mortality. I have told my beloved that I wanted the song "Katmandu" played at my services. No sad tired old hymns. Thats not me. "Katmandu" is me.
Not Xanadu, but know, it was a long time after Olivia Newton John came on the scene, that I found out she wasnt 3 Peter Paul and Mary. Well, we are talking about me now...I am somewhat slow sometimes...

Bout the onliest (east texas for only) slow song I want would be "Stranger on the Shore" by Mr Acker Bilk...that is about the onliest moldy oldy that I do not have. Cant seem to locate one either.

Just about got the downstairs completed. All we lack is finishing up...duh!!!!!
Got doors now on the "critter free zone", and fixin to hang my big screen tv on the wall. It is so cool cause we can see it from the kitchen. In fact, on a clear day, I'll bet they could see it on the space station. I wasnt gonna get one, but relented so the game room would be complete.

Well, guess I better sing off for now. My son Billy is coming over to help me hang the big TV.
So, Rich the LH, have fun...and everyone else also too have fun...and above all, be careful
Your frien and brother...Beaucephus...DOD...

Post Script: Great to see so many folks on the forum...

08/31/12 07:23 PM #5186    


Robert Derrick

Jackie, been following the reports on the site and are very glad you are on the mends. Looking forward to seeng you again soon at Fudd's.

09/01/12 04:10 AM #5187    


John Burgess Webb

jackie,rest easy and avoid deserve a good rest and im happy that that ole bug is know how much you and your helpers on this site are appreciated;i hope you can join in more often during your,

burge( aka humpty- dumpty)

09/01/12 11:27 AM #5188    


Beau Wann, Jr.

Ah, the ol "blue bird of happiness" flanked by two rainbows...dont get much better than that now does it...
I always wondered how folks get these amazing photos...patience and perserverance...I've allus been sorta short in the patience department...

Tom Donovan;
Ransom Stoddard
Dutton Peabody
Cassius Starbuckle
Town of Shinbone
If I give anymore names, I'd give away the answer...which is what? Well, what movie did those names appear, and who played em.
Lee Van Cleef, strother Martin, woody strode, andy devine, John Carradine,  and a cast of a thousand well know character actors were also in it. I cant give you two of the names of the actors, or one of the characters they played, or you know it for sure.

This will be on the final, so study hard...

Your frien and brother beaucephus DOD

Post script: I finally bought gin for my golden raisins and gin arthritis cure/treatment. How long do I let them soak? You're suppose to eat 9 ad ay??? The man at the store said to pour out the gin and throw it away once the raisins have been soaking in them. He didnt say how long. I know a couple of youse good folks told me about the treatment, and one in particular said it really worked.  So someone let me know how long I let em soak. Guess you shouldnt eat em and drive either too! ! ! !

09/01/12 12:53 PM #5189    


Susan Howard (Bowman)

Went to see "Expendables II" last night.  Usually don't care too much for shoot 'em up bang-bangs, but this one is real entertainment!  It was so much fun to see some of the oldsters - Sylvester Stalone, Arnold S., Bruce Willis, Chuck Norris, Claude Van Dam together in this sequel.  They are looking good, especially for their ages!  It was really a hoot in parts because they lifted up their senior citizenness!  I recommend it!

09/01/12 01:00 PM #5190    


Jackie Crowe (Finch)

Hi wonderful group,

Again, thank you for all your well wishes and advice.  Your encouragements always makes a brighter day for me.

I got a good report from my doctor on Friday, just have to take it easy and pace myself.  Which I'm trying to do -- or better yet -- HAVE TO!   Just don't have my strength and really noticed Friday trying to get ready for the appointment.  But I'm taking each day at a time which will be better.  I do have to limit my time on computer since eyes are still sensitive to light. 

Got good advice from Jimmy Stockton, he was telling me about a Southern Gospel song - "Smile it Away" - it's about whatever comes your way, just smile it away.  I also know the saying - a laughter a day is the best medicine.  So I'm laughing and smiling!!

BroBeau, sorry to hear of David's death, what a beautiful farewell to him.  If you have lirics (sp?) of song would love to post on web "In Memory" tab in memory of him.

Burge, hope you are getting around better - your aches and pains are the pits!  Same for you BroBeau and everyone else that is suffering with "aging" and "sickness/surgery" pains.  Oh, goodness, I'm I saying we're old!  Nope, we just have some adjustments to make in our continuing many years!  Smile - Laugh!

Happy Labor Day!

Hugs and love,



09/02/12 11:27 AM #5191    


Scotty Croom

beau, movie was man who shot liberty valence...w/john wayne and jimmy stewart...

09/02/12 04:49 PM #5192    


Beau Wann, Jr.

Why yes, yes it get an A on your semi-final....yeaaaa scotty...
Lee Van Cleef played one of Lee Marvins mean friends, and also was one of the three bad guys looking for Gary Cooper in High Noon...Strother Martin played one of the mean friends of Lee marvin also, and was the "warden" in "Cool Hand Luke"..."what we have heah, is failya to communicate..."

Lots of great character actors in the old movies! ! !

Lots O movie bad guys have patterned their characters after Lee Marvins bad guy Liberty Valance, and the motorcycle tough in Marlon Brandos gang in the "Wild One"...Powers Boothe patterned "Curly Bill" in Tombstone, after Marvins bad guys.


09/03/12 11:12 AM #5193    


Beau Wann, Jr.

Good San Jacinto Day to everyone...the little woman and I are lounging around the cement pond riviera...just soakin up the D...Nah, just funnin ya...too dang hot for me. Just back from mornin patrol with Huckleberry Hound and Depty Dawg...All quite on the western duck report, no coot report, no nothing, cept for the errant turtle and carp out for their mornin swim in Cole creek. Some ol boy up at the antique center told me he saw a flock of birds headin north...says something is up with tthe weather!  I say they are probably looking for some cooler weather. Instead of flying south now, they will be flying noth.

Our sons are supppose to be coming over for goot Knobin day. I'm gonna cook my whirld famous sphegetti with meat sauce AND meat balls, using Nolan Ryans beef.  If you buy any other kind, it comes from a plethora of places...canada, mexico, argentina, brazil, and wherever I've said before, THIS IS TEXAS, WE'VE BEEN RAISING BBEEF CATTLE HERE FOR A ZILLION YEARS...

I think, once the weather cools off a bit, I'm gonna make a run up to Hempstead to Grolsczks (pronounced Grolchecks) my spelling is probably wrong, but you get the pint. It is an Exxon station/meat market on the first hill before you get into hempstead, before the light at 262, or 352, whichever the number of that hwy cant miss it, it is on old hempstead hwy, and the onliest (east texas for only) thing on the right, next to the old broke down VFW hall.

Anyway, they have texas grown, in fact area grown beef. It sure looks good, and the price is comperable to any major chain. Doesnt matter, at least you know you are getting fresh and home grown beef. think I'll make it a weekly run.

ok, gotta go stir the meat, so yall have a great hoochie koochie day...

your frien and brother Beaucephus DOD

09/04/12 09:26 AM #5194    


Wayne Lake

Happy Labor Day.

Well, the hummin’ birds are loading up at the feeders (add extra sugar for more hits), this year’s Canada Geese goslings are stretching their wings around the lake, the chip monks and red and grey squirrels are eating/storing everything in sight, the sugar maples are beginning to turn reddish, some leaves are falling and this ol’ salt water soul is getting itchy for the smell of salt air again.

It’s been a good summer for me up here so far as I caught my largest bass ever in June while fishing with my bro-in-law down in small lake in S.E. Iowa. We’ve been enjoying lots of birds as I have four feeders that keep me busy re-filling – I think bird watching is either a sign of old age or senility or both but it has been fun as we have had lots of pretty little song birds since our townhouse backs on the woods.  There has been good weather for the past couple of months and have enjoyed boating on Lake Minnetonka about once a week – we usually just cruise around the lake looking at the beautiful homes as there are some major bucks about and I never get enough of seeing beautifully restored classic wooden boats and there are many around here made between the 30’s to 50’s such as Chris Craft barrel back run abouts, Hacker Crafts, Garwood, Century (ok but not my favorite), Riva (Italian), etc.

Weren’t the Summer Olympics great? I spent a lot of time in London over the years and of all the great cities in the world that I have visited, it remains my favorite – they did a good job and ol’ Mitt was wrong on that one.    

We still hope to get up to the North Country Boundary Waters before I depart for Texas but not too sure when now.

Thanks to all who sent me b-day greetings that I don’t deserve since I rarely reciprocate – haven’t sent Christmas cards in years either. Thank God for ibupropen as that stuff is great for my 66 year old bones with expected aches and pains. 

A belated shout out to Jackie for all her work and although I did not express it until now, I sure hope you are feeling better – by the way, and keeping in the bird theme above, over the years Jackie, it appears from your name that you have ‘migrated’ from a Crow to a Finch……………………

I hope to see you all you ‘regulars’ soon and if anybody knows the whereabouts or touches base with Frank Lynn, Bruno Leonard, Chuck Gavin, Ronnie Peters, Spanky Taylor, Tonda Theissen, Mike Dragics, Gordon and Amy Hammett, Sharon Drapela, Frainkie Cannon, Larry Don York, Sharron Lindstrom (Speer), Clyde Pettit, Sandy Schlesinger Stark, Barbara Ellison, Walter O’Conner  and anybody else I knew in school, please encourage them to come to Clay’s – I’ve been working on my good buddy Keith Kupec to come but so far he has avoided committing –maybe Burgess can organize a Semper Fi reunion with Gary Keith, Roger Conway and the rest of our home grown Viet Nam heros, eh Burge, you too?          

 From Lake Wobegon but not for much longer,



09/04/12 11:09 AM #5195    


Wayne Lake

Beau, I forgot to respond to your question about the location of Burnsfield MN which is just South of the Twin Cities and East of the famous Northfield where the James Gang and Younger Brothers got all shot up by the townsfolk during/after a bank robbery.



09/04/12 02:50 PM #5196    


Beau Wann, Jr.

What about the Stauer Watch factory there? Did you go investigate it for me? It's probably some old guy like me working out of his garage selling stuff.
I remember the Northfield, Minnesooooota raid...I was there... got all shot up too. I musta been there and got shot up, cause I'm hurtin like it.

You said you caught the biggest bass you've ever caught...well, how big was it?  We dint see no picture of it! how come you not give us a picture? WE LOVE FISHY PICTURES...
I dont feed the boids anymore. All they do is make a mess, besides thats why there are insects, to feed the boidies...I also am taking down the boidhouse cause all they do is make a mess on the deck. I give em free rent, free food, and look what you get, a  costly socialist mess.

I would liked to have visited London pre WWI . Looked up ol Billy Shakespere, see how he was dune.
Yeah, I know he's been long dead before that, but probably his ghost was hangink around...

Looking forward to seeing you WTL when you migrate back down heah. The fitchin is good, my youngest went to port o connor last weekend, and they couldnt reel em in fast enough. Reds, snapper, trout, and other assorted stinky fitch. They didnt even go off shore... to me, if I am on the pier, and step on the boat tied up to the dock, then I am off shore.

There also seems to be a kayakin kraze going on, lots O idiots get in the gulf, and fish. one of em hooked into a shark, and it dragged him to timbuktoo. I guess he made it ok, it was on the news. Sawr where Russell Crowe got lost in New York harbor in a do you get lost in a harbor??? cant find where he parked his car?
I was thinking about getting a kayak, and putting it in the cement pond. If I get a short enough one, I should beable to navigate around that body O water...and if I get lost, I can call Russell crowe to come hep me.

I really liked canoes, but only got to paddle one on just one day. Me and David DAvid and a couple of other guys went up to his parents place on Lake Conroe Forest and paddled the whole day. Man it was so much fun. I think it was Larry York, or Keith Kupeck, or someone, just cant remember whom. I cant even see there faces. Might a been Steve Fain...Dang, dontcha wish you had kept a daily journal of stuff from when you were young to now???

Ok, this was gonna be short, cause I'm gonna take a knap. Didnt sleep last night, I hurt too bad. Didnt much feel like getting on the forum, so I just sat in a chair all night and moaned and groaned.  I know, I dont do anything short do I. Ask what time it is, and I build a watch for you.

Again, I am looking forward to seeing you Mr Snarkey WTL. Meanwhile let us know when the first snowfall is headed our way. I did hear that on sept 10th, it was gonna get cooler here...hmmmm wonder how they pinpointed it to sept 10th???? I heard it was snowing in conroe...

your frien and botherererer Beaucephus T Rex Magillicutty Cassius Starbuckle the thoid...

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