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08/20/12 07:13 AM #5147    


Jan Barnes '65 (Nimtz)

Prayers for you Jackie.  I know we are all sorry you have been hospitalized but hope the doctors can figure out the problem and fix you up as good as new.  Hang in there!  Speedy recovery!


08/20/12 10:25 AM #5148    


Beau Wann, Jr.

No new updates yet on of 10:24, which is right now...I dont think she can have her computer in with her because of the unknown virus...might infect her computer, you know...


08/20/12 12:17 PM #5149    


Teddie Jordan

I must admit that you got me on that one Cephus. When I first read your message I thought, "yeah, that makes sense, they can't afford to let her have a computer that might get the virus", and then I said, "now wait a minute".

Thanks for keeping us updated on her condition. Jackie is a very special person to us all.

08/20/12 06:54 PM #5150    


Jimmie Lee Smith (Brawner)

From Johnny Sheffield late this afternoon:


Just talked to Jackie.  She is better.

Will have to take anti biotic for bad case of shingles.



08/20/12 07:02 PM #5151    


Beau Wann, Jr.

yup, i confirm that diagnosis...since she is family, I waived half my consultation fee...we've been playing phone tag, and voice mail fetch...last VM I got was an hour ago and they have her on medication for shingles virus...seems we all carry that around with us, especially if we have had the chicken pox...glad she is better and on the road to recovery...shingles can be very painful, as I am sure some of you already found out...

08/20/12 07:26 PM #5152    


Jan Barnes '65 (Nimtz)

Shingles is extremely painful.  I had them as a teenager and still remember the pain and lingering phantom nerve pain.  But there is hope.  I just had my Zostavax (shingles) vaccine last week as I never want to face having shingles again.  It can be given to anyone who has had chicken pox earlier in life.  A great preventative action, especially for folks our age.  It's a pricey injection even with insurance but I encourage everyone to investigate it with their doctor.

Meanwhile... feel better Jackie!

08/20/12 07:48 PM #5153    


Gloria Hornick (Walker)

Oh, Jackie!  So sorry to hear of your health concerns.  Glad it is finally diagnosed and hope the antibiotics help soon!  Hang in there!


08/21/12 11:42 AM #5154    


Paige Talley (Meek)



Did you hear the one about the...

man walked into a doctor's office and the receptionist asked him what he had. He replied, "I got shingles."

She said, "Fill out this form and supply your name, address, medical insurance number. When you're done, please take a seat."

Fifteen minutes later a nurse's aide came out and asked him what he had. He said, "I got shingles."

So she took down his height, weight, and complete medical history, then said, "Change into this gown and wait in the examining room."

A half hour later a nurse came in and asked him what he had. He said, "I got shingles."

So she gave him a blood test, a blood pressure test, an electrocardiogram, and told him to wait for the doctor.

An hour later the doctor came in and asked him what he had. He said, "Shingles."

The doctor gave him a full-cavity examination, and then said, "I just checked you out thoroughly, and I can't find shingles anywhere. " The man replied, "They're outside in the truck. Where do you want them?"

OK an OLD-er joke, but hey, we are OLD-er and know how to really laugh in the face of ... OK maybe sigh with a smile... life. Hope you are better much sooner than a little later.

Hugs from a far up the road, 'cause I don't think you want a close up one.




08/21/12 03:13 PM #5155    


Johnny Sheffield










08/21/12 04:16 PM #5156    


Glenda McDonald (Smith)

Hi Everyone!   Just wanted to update everyone on Jackie...She does NOT have the shingles, but she has

menigitis and is responding well to all the medications.  She may have to be in St Luke's another week.

If not, she will be going to Carrie's with Home Health Care.  She said to tell everyone "Hi"  and she hopes

to make a speedy recovery.  Let's all keep each other updated if we hear any news or talk with Jackie.

I assured Jackie, she is in ALL of OUR of our thoughts & prayers.  So let's all say our prayers for Jackie

in hoping she has a Full & Speedy recovery.    Til next time.... xxoo  Glenda & Larry

08/21/12 04:28 PM #5157    


Patty Payne (Nami)

Praying this is not West Nile related for Jackie. My brother in law contacted West Nile 3 years ago and the progressive effect to him is devastating.

08/22/12 12:42 PM #5158    


Paige Talley (Meek)

..did you hear the one about ... just joking, ya'll

Thanks everyone for the updates. College Station is praying for you, Jackie, or at least a good bit of it; you , the family and caretakers. Love ya,


08/23/12 12:33 PM #5159    


Teddie Jordan

Someone sent me a list of a few of the old Burma Shave signs that we all used to see, spaced out about one sign and line every quarter mile, along the highways of Texas. My family would get excited when we would see a set coming up.

Here are a few of my favorites:


Dont stick your elbow

Out too far

It may go home

In another car

Burma Shave


Drove too long

Driver snoozing

What happened next

Is not amusing

Burma Shave


Cautious rider

To her reckless dear

Lets have less bull

And a little more steer

Burma Shave


Passing school zone

Take it slow

Let our little

Shavers grow

Burma Shave


One more example of why we are all so lucky to have grown up in a simpler, more innocent time. 

Thinking of and praying for you Jackie.


08/24/12 12:37 AM #5160    


John Burgess Webb

i want to drop a note to all those who used to post on the forum when it was doing so well.jackie took a big step to form this venue and those who dropped out and now just listen should consider rejoining the conversation.i know it would be a great uplift for jackie.though she is weathering a serious condition with the meningitis,the culture tests have pinpointed the source and the treatment has been prescribed.she did so much for so many and i think that we owe it to her to consider the spirit in which this forum was created and try to drop our differences and re-connect on the basis of respect.the impetus was a re-union of a great class of a special time and special people;as teddie says,lucky to have grown up in a simpler and more innocent time.our generation holds a pivital position in what the future will look like for our kids and grandkids.its time to be creative even though most are approaching retirement or have retired already.we shouldnt be locked out of or lock ourselves out of a dialog that we had just a few years ago. it dosnt have to be serious to learn from each other;some have had more education,some varried experience.lets not let jackie and those who work hard to see that the waltrip 64-65 class shine be disappointed.


08/24/12 12:39 PM #5161    


Beau Wann, Jr.

Hey "all yall"...Just hung up from Jackie, and she is at her daughter Carries house, being home cared for...for sure she is in capable and loving hands...her treatment should be through by Tuesday or Wednesday of next week...lets hope for the best...And wouldnt you know it, she asked how I was doing...thats one of our classmates, totally unselfish...I am doing fine...of course, she's already talking going back to work....NO NO NO NO NO NO...

I broached the subject with her about taking her time getting back to work, and she, if you hear from her by phone or email, encourage her to stay home until she is 100% healthy...I and others have of course, offered to do ANYTHING we can for her...she says she is well covered...but, we are here nevertheless, should you need ANYTHING...

I have done that my whole life, get sick, and GO BACK TO WORK...It's great that our work ethic is second to none, but it took me forever to figure out that going back to work was not as important as, "if I dont take care of myself, I might not be able to make it back to work at all"...

SO, JACKIE, you must have a permission slip from a majority of us, to go back to work...and thats about a zillion people...we love you and hope you get weller quicker...sorry Mrs. Simpson, I just couldnt resist...

Just a short update on our remodeling....AAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG...

"It's ok...Dave...I'm....Ok now, really I dont need to pull the plu...dave?"
Actually we are progressing semi-nicely...floors are done, downstairs, with two coats of grout sealer laid down, some of the furniture moved back into place, of course with an accompaning cat roosting on said furniture...had at least 3 cats on each piece, whilst the other three fact all 6 rode each piece...taking turns...I guess thats their "surfing"..."SURFS UP"

Got some odds and ends left downstairs, but now on to the upstairs....shudder...



08/24/12 04:25 PM #5162    


Bj Brady '65

Hello To all (especially Jackie)- While I seldom write on this Forum, I read it everyday. I love Beau and I think Burge just made a profound suggestion.  I am in total accord with him. I did not just fizzle out or leave the Forum, it just seems that as I enter retirement that I am busier than ever. I stopped and looked at my situation today and realized that it just now takes me longer to do everything... I'm slower than Christmas. I moved to San Angelo, TX from Tennessee late 2010 to live next door to my parents. Dad had Altheimers and I was with him for the last year of his life. It was a terrible disease to watch. 2011 was a "wash" for me until he passed on 10/17/11. My mother is 90 now and hanging on by a thread. She just spent 8 weeks in the hospital and rehab with pneumonia. She is just a shriveled up little mess who can no longer walk. Those of you who have witnessed these illnesses understand. I had two dynamic parents who were in business for themselves in Pasadena, TX and owned and operated a 90 unit Best Western Motel starting in 1973. I was part of the business and with them on day one. I met my wife while working there in March, 1974. All of my brothers and sisters - all four of us- at one time or another worked there.  Also several grandchildren.

For me, losing my parents is like the end of one chapter and the start of another. I truly have little knowledge of what comes next. My folks were part of that "Golden Generation" that was so strong. I am the oldest son. While I am tough, I don't feel so tough these days. So I wear a "mask".  I am gonna take Burge's advice starting rat now. Thanks all....

08/24/12 05:48 PM #5163    


Beau Wann, Jr.

Hey BJ, glad to hear from anyone other than me...I know how busy you are, and everyone else...I'm that busy times 10...the only difference, is I'm busy at home, and generally MAKE the time to get on the forum...mainly because I love it. it has really begun a new chapter in my life, thanks to Jackie...reconnected with old friends/classmates and new folks new friends and classmates...There is not enough "thanks" to all you, my old classmates, for having been in my life, and I in yours. ..No matter how large or small...I have been blessed beyond all belief...

It is sad to watch our parents go from carrying us around to us having to carry them just think that they are going to live forever and be the same strong person they were when we were 10 years old...
Alzheimers has got to be the worst disease on the planet...robs the mind and the dad smoked from 11 years old till 1985, camels and luckys...if it had a filter on it, he tore it off and then smoked it...was a heavy drinker from youth till about 1985 when he quit cigarettes...and cold turkey I might add...but that wasnt what killed him...renal failure at the age of 76, which by todays standards, isnt old. He got to die at home in his sleep with most of the family around. When they did an autopsy, (they have to do one when you die at home) his lungs were clear as a bell, like he had never least he didnt have alzheimers...Mom is 92 now, and hanging on...she is pretty fiesty for 92...uses a walker...her husband Jake the Marine, is 94 and just as spry as has a little dementia, not bad for 92, but at least it isnt alzheimers...

My aunt just died after having alzheimers, her mom died from it, and now her daughter, my cousin has would be better if you were run over by a least for me anyway...

My heart, as I am sure most all your classmates, goes out to you, and to any of us struggling with health issues of our own, or issues with aged we can do is pass it on to a higher power...and do the best we can with what we have and the hand we are dealt...

Life is too short, as we are finding out...I keep thinking back to my DuBarry days, and playing in our iron ore driveway...running through the yard barefoot...getting a burr in my barefoot too...I can see it clear as day in the DVR of my mind...seemed like those days would go on forever...Dad pulling up in the old 51 ford, or 53 chevy...the smell of supper cooking...those smells...oh man, chicken fried steak, gravy, biscuits, fresh tomatoes,
mom singing an opera aria, all the sounds and smells pouring out of a kitchen window of a pure boyhood dream...lucky we were...

A hotelier eh??? or maybe motelier...That has got to be one of the more interesting businesses to be in...
What a great thing, to have a family business...Stayed in a lot of motels in my life time...remember when they called them "tourist courts"? Some one just bought the TEEPEEs down in rosenberg? they were motel rooms in the shape of TEEPEES...seems to me I saw it up for sale, and not a bad price...dont remember how much it wass, but read later someone bought it and was reopening...

well, at least I think I read it...sometimes my mind completes a story that hasnt been completed in reality...
but, thats ok...

Hmmmm, I can see by the cats and dogs milling about, why, it must be time for the little darlins supper...
The little woman isnt home yet, from her hard day at the learning factory...I was going to have dinner ready, but didnt know what to cook...I cook pretty good if it's in a can...thats what I'd like to have, a DINER, OR small cafe...I'd only open it up every 2nd tuesday of the month so we could have our class meetings there....or anytime any of youse youtes wanted to get together...I cook a great breakfast...oh, and hash...oh man youse youtes should be so lucky to taste my hash...

Ok, ok, I believe I said I was going to sign off I will sign...

your frien and brother...beaucephus, nut extrodinaire

post script: JACKIE, YOU GET WELL YOU HEAR! ! ! ! ! AND WE LOVE YOU...

08/25/12 11:17 AM #5164    


Beau Wann, Jr.

Good Saturday Morn mine waltripines,
     MUGGY is probably the best way to describe today...just got back from morning patrol with Huckleberry Hound and Deputy Dog...They scared up a flock of ducks down at cole creek...could two ducks constitute a flock??? Well, for them ol boys, it was a flock...saw a plethora of turtles getting their mornin sun...them ol boys stay hot and muggy all the time dont they...are turtles cold blooded or hot...I'm sorry Mr Clausen, I musta been asleep during that lecture...I just cant remember...really hasnt been top on my list of things to remember...where are my glasses, where is that ringing coming from, is at the top...then, "where is my cell phone"?

I knoticed (notice the K?) that the sun has started peeking through the southern winders (east texas for window)...can old man winter be far behind??? Well, down here, that ol boy is still asleep...probably wont rear his head till February, and then for only a day and a half...he was totally absent last year...dont think it got below 40 last year, did it?  Wonder why they call it "old man winter"? Why not "old lady winter"??? They call it "Mother Nature"... I have seen a few winters with a touch of PMS...not many, but a few...(PMS=pretty mean stuff)...

Wigwam! ! ! ! Thats the other name for Teepee...maybe thats what that tourist court down 59 was called...hmmm, gonna bug me till it doesnt anymore...Hey BJ, how you like San Angelo??? I hear tell it is real nice...dont recollect ever traveling there, but always wanted to...did visit StephenVille and Dublin...went to the Dr Pepper factory there...Stephenville is where most of the rodeo cowboys are from...and south america...dont know why I threw that in, but there it is...

Maybe someday, you can make it this far south and we can visit...I have stayed in a few Best Western Inns, and must say my stay was fine...In fact, stayed at a Best Western Inn somewhere in Kentucky on my sojourn to Washington, DC this past Memorial day...Hmmm, maybe it was West Virginia!!!! Man, that just frosts me, not being able to remember that...I remember, they were extremely nice, even with a hotel and lobby, and parking lot full of bikers...the manager even gave us all two rubber with a black leather looking jacket, (probably just plastic) and the other, your standard little yellow rubber wasnt that nice? Plus, they had free breakfast, and it was right tasty too...lots o fare to choose from also...

This was the one next to the RR tracks that we had to sign a waiver for...I wrote about it after my trip...never did see or hear that train...kinda disappointed me...I have lived within two blocks of RR tracks my entire life, well, cept for the time I was in the Navy...didnt have no trains in the trains on any of the islands...Austrailia had trains, and a smaller gauge than what we have here in America...dont know why, dont care either...

Hey WTL, where is Burnsville, Minnesooota??? The Stauer watch company is there...could you go check it out for me? My American Legion magazine always has an ad for Stauer watches...the one they are advertising this month, is the COLOSSUS HYBRID DIGITAL/ANALOG WATCH...MSRP 395.00..but now, one time only 49.00...sounds kinda funny to me...either the watch is worth 400 dollars, or 50 dollars, which is it??? How can they sell a 400 dollar watch for 50 dollars??? sounds kinda fishy to me...and since you fish alot, I figgered youd know! ! ! ! !

I like the watches they advertise, but really dont want one. I can tell time, if I have my glasses on...but I generally dont care what time it is...fortunately I'm not taking meds, and dont watch TV, have no favorite show at all..dont like ANY OF EM!!! That one about the Iron Workers on the weather channel??? I was one, and there was no way a company would let a film crew disrupt his workers...there was none of the commraderie that they show... My dad and his brothers and their dad would be rollling their eyes and hootin and hollarin if they saw it today...

There's "storage wars", "food wars", "fashion wars", "whale wars" "ice truckin" "frozen planes" trappers, survivors, gold mining, auction houses...lord, a plethora of things I just dont want to know about...sounds to me like the "imagination industry, has gotten lazy, and doesnt want to put forth any effort at all...I havent seen any shows on "the phone man wars" , or "THE AIRCONDITIONING MEN" ..."the electrician wars" about a show about me???? "MR WORK AROUND THE HOUSE MAN..WARS" ...

Where's Ed Sullivan when you need him??? Sid Ceasar??? Doris Day? Dean Martin? of the best shows ever, was "The Johnny Carson Show"...Now, we get to see snippets of the Ed Sullivan show or some other variety show, on channel 8, but if we want to watch the whole thing, we got to send 300 dollars for the "big package" and we get the DVDs and the CDs and a tote bag, and a plethora of crap...last time I joined channel 8 whiners, I wanted whatever they were hawkin at the time, and what did I get??? a PETER PAUL AND MARY ALBUM...thats what...the next year I signed up again for something entirely, and what did I get,???
TWO PETER PAUL AND MARY ALBUMS, exactly the same as I got the year before...

I tried to call em and tell em about it, but they just didnt want to deal with, I like Peter Paul and Mary, but not to have three albums exactly alike...I guess they wanted to make sure I had one to poop on and one to cover it up with, and a spare...hey, there's an idear, "THE PETER PAUL AND MARY ALBUM WARS"...

Got a plethora of things I should be doing, more so than tippy typing on this computer, but none of em as much fun...besides, the works not going anywhere,and I worked my buns off all week anyhow, so I deserve some personal time...I already fixed breakfast for the crew, breakfast tacos. HMMMMMM HMMMM HMMMM they are soooooo good. The little woman is at the Little country church in the city, on a "clean the sanctuary" day...yup gonna be a huge crowd there...of 6...the pastor, Diane and the choir, and her mom and dad...

I think I'd rather the sanctuary clean my mind, than me clean the sanctuary...Hey, hear that??? its the 11 am freight...headin north...or maybe south...cant really tell, cause Big Oliver has his head laying on the keyboard, and is purring like a freight train...that ol boy is something...

My ears have decided to just quit workin...almost stone deaf now...been trying to learn sign language, it's either that, or carry one of those "etcha sketch" things around to communicate with...
I got into the American Sign Language website, and they show you a bunch of phrases words and letters...
I'm a slow learner though...or maybe it's just a slow rememberer...I do know a couple of em, and here's one...see that? that means "apple"...and here's another...that one was "Candy"...oh, and here is "Good", you watchin???? here is "Goodnight"...I did those pretty good dont you think? Those would be right handy, whenever I wanted a candy apple to eat, and to go to sleep...well, I'm working on others, like "where's the bathroom"??? and "how do I get there from here" and the ever helpful, "have you seen my cell phone"???

Ok, guess I'll sign off for now...dont know the finger positioning for that one, just  maybe...GOODBYE???
Keep the sun at your six and ride boldly ride...
your frien and brethern beaucephus DOD...DEAF...DUMB AND BLIND GUY...cant play pinball worth squat either...

08/25/12 04:56 PM #5165    


Susan Howard (Bowman)

Wow!  I have been out of town for a week and all heck breaks loose on the Forum!  Thank you to Burge and Beau for a good kick in the pants for all of us who read the Forum, enjoy it so much, but don't participate much (or not at all)!  I will try to do better!

That being said, I hope Jackie is home from the hospital and feeling much better!  You are still in my prayers as you have been since you were ill back in the spring.  I am glad they found the root of your problem, but that is nasty "stuff", so please take care.  Lots of rest is in order as well as your antibiotics.  We love you Jackie!  Thank you Beau and Barbara for alerting us - what a support group we have for each other!  Can't be beat!

BJ, how nice to hear from you!  My dad had altzheimers, so I can appreciate your feelings.  He lived to be 82 and actually died about 18 years ago.  He also had alot of other complications that seem to go along with altzheimers.  And now your mom - at 90 - so dependent on you.  You are such a good son!  I can only imagine how difficult that must be.  It's so heart rendering to see the people we love deteriorate and lose their quality of life.  

For all of you that write frequently on the Forum, thank you!  If I need a smile I read Beau; if I need to be contemplative I read Burge.  You guys have so much to offer us.  The rest of you are icing on the cake!  

I hope you are right that fall may be right around the corner!  I think I feel a little fall in the air here in Sun City, especially in the evening.  Georgetown had record rain fall for the area while I was in LA, 4 inches - much needed!  It was all in one day, of course, but we will take it any way we can get it.  

Those of you who have health problems, family problems, financial problems, taking care of aging parents, whatever your need may be - know we are with you, thinking of you, and that you are in our prayers!

08/25/12 06:16 PM #5166    


Bj Brady '65

Hey Beau (and all)-

Thanks for your kind words. In your last post, about in the middle, you mentioned San Angelo, TX. You said you had been to Stephensville (which is lovely) but not San Angelo. If you drove from Ft. Worth to Angelo you would travel through Stephensville. If you came here from Houston, just take I-10 West to Junction and go north.

San Angelo is considered W. Texas, however some folks think that it must be like El Paso, which it is not. It has 105,000 fine citizens, so it is not small. It has the Concho river running right through downtown and is teaming with huge pecan and Oak trees. Some say it is the best kept secret in Texas. It's just north of Uvalde and Garner State Park.

However, while right in the center of Texas, it is a long way to anywhere. Recently we drove to Coldspring,TX to visit Lynn and Peggy Kiel. It was 405 miles one way. El Paso is at least 400+ miles west of here. Houston is easily 400 miles East. My brother Jeff lives near Big Bend Natl Park and it is 400 miles  S.W. That, my friend is why I purchased a Toyota Prius last year - A tree-huggers dream car. It's one of the few in San Angelo. Everyone else drives a big ol' Ford or Chevy Truck or a Dodge Ram. Huge monsters with deer guards welded to the front. Must get about 8 miles a gallon on premium. Texas studs, we call 'em. They're living the dream, God bless 'em. God, bless you, also, my friend. Bernard



08/26/12 07:19 AM #5167    


Kay Watters '65 (Greene)

Beau and Burge, I suppose summer got to most of us, with activities, family stuff, vacations, and all. A summer of change for me, as I've asked my grandson, wife and two little ones to live here with me until they can get ahead.

 I've had a lot on my plate, and mind, I might add, but faithfully preparing for 1st day at school tomorrow, after church today to listen to the new pastor, who is quite good I've been told. (Don't like to hear of our classmates having med problems or any other for that matter.  So Jackie, get well!

I went to Fonville Jr. High (mom worked there) and my childhood friends continued to Sam Houston High.  Just got notice of a pudgy large blond boy with a huge smile and affable? ways (everyone loved Billy Tillman)  that just passed away.  No one heard from him until now and he became a very attuned? jazz showman....wish we could have known so we could attended a few of his shows... glad we do have the forum to connect to the "old days" and you will hear from me week will be BUSY.  Beau's Diane, Jimmy, the rest of school peoples, wish you success on these first days! 

08/27/12 05:29 AM #5168    


Beau Wann, Jr.

Hey Kay ! ! ! Glad you jined in! Gonna be exciting around your place, or busy, to say the least. I pass Fonnville from time to time, and for the life of me, cannot remember where it is. I knew someone that went there, and cant remember who it was.(just what is it that I do remember)   I remember thinking that the name sounded "exotic", or "regal".

Good luck on a new school year! The kiddos start back in HISD today. Guess thats why I'm up early. Got to make breakfast and lunch for the little workin woman. She is actually a 12 month administrator, "special ed coordinator", so she is always working, even when she is off, they call her and email and txt. She is contemplating retirement at the end of this next school year. Whatever she decides, is fine with me. Although it would be nice to have someone to talk to during the day, other than 6 idiot cats and two dumb dogs. As you know, their end of the cornversation is none too stimulating. Oh, I guess a "meow" and a "woof", does have it's meaning, sort of, I suppose.  Means more likely, "FEED ME NOW" ...

I dont know when Haley (12 years old) starts back in Katy, but Taylor started his first day at Tx A&M Friday.
He shares an apt with 4 other guys, and since he checked in early this summer, he gets a room with a bath. Two rooms have to share a bath. He is hopeful that he can work at the apts to help with his expenses. I remember what an exciting time that was, "checking in at college".  I remember at San Houston State, the first day, they put me in an old dorm, North of the main hwy, called "Jackson Hall" (wonder if it was named after Stonewall Jackson), but by the end of the day, I was over in the new "departmental dorms", "I" dorm, with Jimmy Stockton as my roommate. I forgot who our "suitemates" were. Two rooms that shared a bath. We even had maids.

Seemed like complicated times, but looking back, they were such simple and glorious times. As Teddie mentioned in past posts, there was about 30 of us from Waltrip. (I think it was 30. sounds good anyway).
What a time we had! Of course the perfesser here, only lasted one semester. Thats how good a time I had!
"Get out, and dont come back" or woids to that affect. Next, it would be "Uncle Sugars" turn. They made me an offer I  couldnt refuse. Straightened up REAL QUICK, and flew right.  Nothing like a little motivation eh what?

I see by "Mickeys hands"  it is fast approaching 5:30 AM, in the morning, early, (see what college will do for you, learn ya to tell time). hope all is well with everyone.
"It's time to get up, It's time to get up, It's time to get up in tha mornin..." those are the woids to "Revellie"..I sure coulda told that "horn blowin guy" where he could hide that horn..

Be safe, be well, and be here...
Your frien and bretheren...Beaucephus DOD...

08/27/12 12:00 PM #5169    


Susan Howard (Bowman)

Good luck to everyone connected to education these days!  I have been retired from teaching for 6 years, but still have dreams about the first day of school about this time every year.  Usually it's a dream of frustration - can't get the kids to listen or line up correctly, or be quiet - you who are teachers or have taught know the drill!  I don't miss all of the "politics" and paper work that were involved in teaching, but I sure do miss the kids!  Our pastor dedicated the entire church service yesterday to teachers, students, and anyone affiliated with education in Georgetown.  He did the kids sermon sitting on the floor with the kids, but it was to the entire congregation.  There was even a blessing of the backpacks.  Of course there were some kids too little to go to school today, but they were up there , too, and received a special blessing poem right along with the others.  I had never experienced this type of service before completely dedicated to students and teachers, etc., but it was very meaningful to all of those there!  So blessings to all of you who are teachers, aides, tutors, administrators, volunteers - however you touch the lives of childred!

08/27/12 01:29 PM #5170    


Teddie Jordan

Great idea for a service Susan. I really believe there will be a special place in heaven for teachers, and aids, and administrators, and all educators, and all who help our children.. Some of the most unsung heroes in this world.

As the sign on our outfield wall at the old American Legion field on Judiway used to say, "No person stands taller than he (or she) who stoops to help a child". Amen.

08/27/12 10:06 PM #5171    


Beau Wann, Jr.

Hey Teddie...thanks, I plumb totally forgot about that sign. We had a service a week ago, blessing the volunteers...and teachers...Me and ol Cooper got a good blessin we did...I've been blessed beyond all belief any way...Ol cooper is such a blessing to us and especially to the kiddos he helps...did I tell you, that we have two schools this next semester? One in CFISD, Lamkin Elem, and one in HISD, Thomas Jefferson Elem, over off Cavalcade and I-45...Looking forward to that..Did I also tell you, that Cooper can tell the difference between your regular standard kid, and the special Ed kids, "autistic", and "life skills", down syndrome children???

Make your eyes water just to watch him work...Oh, he doesnt lecture, cept with his big ol brown loving eyes, and he doesnt scold or grade, or judge, but he sure has a way of getting those kids to learning, or at least bring a smile to their faces, and make em want to learn. When he greets his regular reading kids, he noses em, and grins, and pushes against em...but when he greets his autistic friends, he goes up to them as far as they want him to, and then he stops...stands perfectly still, like Teddies Gus waiting for the command to "fetch the bird"...only the command Coopers waiting on is just a touch from the child...Cooper doesnt move, he lets them advance...I let them walk him, and when they step, he steps, when they stop, he stops...what a blessin to the whirld he is...and to think, he was a throw away and a rescue from "death row" at the pound.

Big Oliver is a blessin, sort of...he is a wonder that ol fat boy...sort of makes me "wonder" just what the heck he's up to. I've given him a nickname, "lightening"...mainly cause he's slower than molassas in January in Minnesota...he sits at the door wanting out, so I open the door, and he just sits there, contemplating going out I suppose...oh, he doesnt stay out very long, that fur coat of his mixed with the heat, sees to that. When I let him out, I watch him to make sure he doesnt try to go exploring beyond the compound...He's so fat, dont think he can scale the walls, but I watch him just the same...

The other day, and I might have already mentioned it, stop me if I have....I havent? ok, well he was out at the south end of the cement pond, just sashayin round the pot plants and swing, and the dog house. there was a lizard on the edge of a plant just as "lightening" was saunterin by...Big Olie didnt see the lizard, so the lizard thinking, I suppose, that it would be better to hitch a ride on the walkin  ball O fluff, than to burn ones little lizard toes on the cement pond deck,  HE JUMPED ON BIG OLIES BACK...Oh my goodness, I was about to have a stroke, it looked so funny...I wanted to get the camera, but it was packed away, and I probably wouldnt have gotten back in time, so I just watched.

That ol lizard rode Big Olie all around the cement pond till Olie got to another pot plant on one of the wooden decks, then Larry the Lizard jumped off...Big Ollie never had a clue...Ol lightening just sauntered over to the back door, "I've had enough of this heat" his look seemed to say...I opened the door, and it took him a few minutes to finally get his big ol butt through the door...then when he saw there was no food out, he looked at me and uttered what had to be a "kitty Kommand" ..."hey you, dude, get some food out here" or meows to that effect...

Yes sir, never a dull moment here at the Wannzoo...thats sorta like Yazoo, only Wannzoo...or whazup???
I dont know, you know me, a mind is a terrible think to wit...

Got the pool table moved downstairs, tookem two hours to dissasemble and reasemble it...thing weighs a thousand pounds...I'll bet the 2nd floor is breathing a sigh of relief...I like it better down here on floor one...I even played a couple O games by myself...won one and lost far back as I can remember, we have had a pool table, and my Uncles have had pool tables...that was some of the most funnest times for me, watching my dad and his brothers and their dad, playing pool in the garage, drinking beer and whiskey and smoking cigarettes...of course NOW, we know that stuff is bad for you, and will stunt your growth..among other things....ever now and again, uncle Ivan would give me a shinny coin for helpin him rack the balls...wish I'd kept those coins...well, I did keep the memories.

They would laugh and carry on, joking about stuff, which was all over my really , it was all over my head, cause I was only bout 3 foot tall...or maybe 4 foot...Wouldnt mind revisiting at least one of those nights sometime...but, we all know that is not possible, at least here on this whirld...just in the whirld of my mind...

Annie-Bob, or Stumpy, as I sometimes call her because she just has a stump for a tail, jumped up on the pool table, thankfully the cover was on it. I told her to get off, so she promptly threw herself upside down and just stared at me..."yo dude, make me"...well, it wasnt worth the trouble, cause I knew she was just gonna get back on it again when I wasnt looking...The cover is very thick, so I dont think they can hurt it, the felt that is.

Well, guess I'll deplane, depart, or otherwise amscray...Hey Jackie if youre reading this, WE LOVE YOU, AND GET WELL...
Keep the sun at your six and ride boldly ride...
your frien and bretheren...Beaucephus DOD

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