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04/23/12 03:40 PM #4897    


Beau Wann, Jr.

Now that's the way to eat cake...

04/23/12 04:15 PM #4898    


Jimmie Sue Roach (Nation)

Thanks for catching that mistake Beau.  When we keep them and the 3 yr. old they sometimes seem to be 6 feet tall!  They have been a delight though.

Jimmie Sue

04/23/12 06:22 PM #4899    


Beau Wann, Jr.

I really wasnt looking for a mistake from you, but from me. I was wondering if your twins were "grown", and maybe in highschool or College. I wish we had about a hunert grandaughters...of course we'd be in the poor house rather than a "cat" house. Our critters are rather expensive to maintain. The couple across the street have triplets, now about 2 years old...OMG, can you imagine the terrible 2s times 3 at the same time????

When ever mom or dad opens the front door, it;s a jail break. kids are running in 3 directions. If I'm out mowing the yard, and see this, I shut er down and get ready to help in the round up. I could get jack and Cooper, they love rounding up kids...or kats...


04/24/12 08:36 AM #4900    


Kay Watters '65 (Greene)

Well said, Beau, well said....knowing you, I felt sure you would be in attendance...knowing me, I had to stay home and think of Lindsey and her family, those tears would probably explode considering the damage I've gone through. I knew there would be so many loving people there.


Jimmy Sue and Jackie, thanks for sharing your grandchillin's events.Sometimes we just need a little laughter. 

My great-grandchillin keep me laughing and thankful for their little souls, and life does go on.  I'm not proficient on this, but I will try to bring my facebook pics over of the three coharts in crime.

04/24/12 09:16 AM #4901    


Beau Wann, Jr.

You were there were was your daughter and were all the children and grandchildren that have preceded their moms and dads...of our classmates...

After the memorial, I had a DJ job down at U of H for the Jones class of 62s 50th. I really wasnt feeling like doing it, but too late to cancel, as they were counting on me. Got set up in the "Shamrock Room" on the second floor.about 4 oclock. Festivities didnt start till 7. I had the waiters/students, dancing and rockin and rollin whilst they set up. My lovely assistant, my beloved DW was at my side as we watched the ballroom come to life. I reached into my coat pocket, and there was Lindseys  Memorial Pamphlet, angel picture and all. What the heck says I, Lindsey would probably appreciate being at a party, so I placed it on the top of the DJ equip, for all to see, Lindsey looking lovely and smiling back at me and anyone else that happened to be around. She was there till 1 AM, (hope skeeter doesnt mind I kept her out so long) . Lots of folks asked about who she was, so I told them. They were genuinely moved.

The Jones class of 62, I hate to say, was a well preserved group of folks. They had about 200 plus in attendance. All were great dancers.  DW and I looked at the crowd and noticed that Teddie and Fran and Skeeter and Jimmy Lee and Jimmy Sue, and Charles Brawner et al were all in attendance. It is remarkable how each class is the same. We sat there most of the evening picking out MY classmates out of the crowd. Felt like I was at OUR reunion.  Barbara and Jackie and Lynn etc were also among the organizers...dopplegangers all...

I'm glad I dont do DJ stuff for fun and profit. It seems with all the music I have, that spans from the 30's to the 2000s, I still never have what people want to dance to. Methinks Saturday will be my last DJ job. Oh, the Jones crowd was gracious and grateful, but whatever song they asked for, I didnt have. Especially THE TWO STEP...WHAT IS IT WITH THE TWO STEP???? My friend at church, Chuck Norris, (he is chucks doppleganger), asked me if I would DJ for his class, to which I said "SURE" ...glad to help a brother out...but folks it is a tough job, and that doesnt include set up and tear down. We didnt get home till after 2 AM. I havent been out that late since the last time I was out that late. But it was fun. We really enjoyed picking out the faces and names of my classmates from another class and school and year. DW really loves our graduating class, and is just amazed at her acceptance by our class. But who couldnt love her??? She really got into picking out those faces that she recognized. And not just faces, these people moved like our classmates.

There was even one of their teachers in attendance. OMG SHE LOOKED YOUNGER THAN THEY DID...Methinks jones high must have the fountain of youte in their building.

Reagan HS was having their prom down the hall...One of the Jones MCs hollared over the mic, "lets go down to their prom and show em what they are gonna look like in 50 years"...They really had a great program planned and such. THE FOOD WAS HEAVENLY ...chicken hoochy koochy, or whatever it was called, I will have to ask the brains of the outfit, DW, what it was really called, the chicken HK was absolutely wonderful...and all the trimmings.  The head chef came out to supervise, and as I walked by, he put a french silk chocolate pie in my hands and said "enjoy mon ami" ...OMG I about swooned eating that delectable delight...I wonder if he hires out...They even brough coffee to our table...

Well, we made it home, me and DW and equip, tired but happpy, well tired anyway...I'm too old to be out that late...oops went over my time limit here...yeah, like I never to go on patrol with the boys...until next time mon ami....

04/24/12 09:26 AM #4902    


Kay Watters '65 (Greene)

Wow!  great story, Beau!


04/24/12 11:43 AM #4903    


Richard Meek '65

Mornin' Waltripians. Beau and Jackie is correct that Lindsey's memorial service on Saturday was a very moving experience. What a life lesson from the Apostolo family. Mine and Paige's prayers are certainly still going out to them as they move on with life.

Jackie, my grandmother did a 1st birthday like that for me, as well as the other grand kids. Just spread a sheet on the floor, set a cake down and let me tear into it.  What a great time for all concerned

Beau, I know what you mean about grand daughters being expensive. As you heard we had our first grand daughter visit recently here in Houston. Meghan's mom told us Meghan wants to stay "forever". Yikes! I mentioned to Paige that we might have to tone it down a bit when she visits again. This could get serious since she's planning to attend HBU in September. There is real culture shock when you join a family, after no kids or gks to 3 and 8 respectively! After joining Miss Paige and her family it looks like I'll be selling a lot more insurance. Baby Boomers new motto "work til you can't". I now see what fun all you gp's have been having.

Keep on dancing,

Rich LH

Dance Like No One is watching

04/24/12 01:40 PM #4904    


Susan Howard (Bowman)

Thanks to each of you who shared Linsey's memorial service with those of us who could not be there.  We were there in spirit, thought, and prayer.  Linsey  left a wonderful legacy for all of us.  Also, I love the pictures and shared experiences from all the gps out  there!  

Richard, hats off to you!  You have so much "dancin ' " with your new family to do!  It's okay to do a little waltzin' every now and then, too!

04/24/12 02:01 PM #4905    


Beau Wann, Jr.

OH NO RICHARD...YOU ARE NOW A GRANDPARENT EXTRODINAIRE...Mehgan or meghan or megan...just looked at the name, and already forgot how it was spelled...(a mind is aterrible think to wit) she is now your responsibility...oh yes my brother...when that little darlin shows up, you must lavish her with gifts no fact methinks you should buy her a car...yeah, thats the ticket, a CORVETTE OH YEAH...a pink one, and whilst you are at it, buy one for me too...oh, and get one for yourself and paige...

ok, NAP TIME mon ami...


04/24/12 03:10 PM #4906    


Richard Meek '65

DOD, I think the ticket here is to engage the chiren in some physical labor. You know nothing drastic, just weed a few flawr beds, mow some grass, turn the compost pile. Paige is all worried that they won't come back. That be persakly the point. They don't come back, we got more time for dancing! It's good to fantasize. It gets Paige stirred up. I think you might be overshooting a bit on the Corvettes. A month's pass on Metro seems adequate!

Keep on dancing

Rich LH

Dance like no one is watching

04/24/12 03:28 PM #4907    


Paige Talley (Meek)

OH Beau !!! I think you have made a fine suggestion. The "girls" could have a parade in our new cars. Hmmmmm can  you haul stuff in a corvette? MUST be able to haul "stuff". RC listen to your Brother Beau, ya hear?

The sun is shining in CS and all is well. Granddaughter Madeleine (11 - 5th Grade) was honored at church Sunday with the AWANA's "Timothy" award. One must memorize at least 400 Bible verses during their AWANA years (available for pre-school through 6th grade) Madeleine has managed to remember way more than 500 and the first at Central to do so before finishing the 5th grade. That pix: Madeleine and I at her 2nd Birthday ...

I am only proud of her ... A LOT !!!!!!!!!!

I am pretty sure that Liz has the fort held down on Carleen Road. Not a dove or a squirrel gets by her eagle ears, hind sight and speedy teeth and sharp paws... Hmmmmm maybe I should rap this up...

Hugs to All... Paige


p.s. AWANA = Approved Workman Are Not Ashamed

2 Timothy 2:15 Study to show theyself approced unto God, a workman that needed not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.


04/24/12 07:29 PM #4908    


Kay Watters '65 (Greene)

Aawwa...Paige that is fantastic, I know you are so proud of her....good things going on at Central Baptist.  Ya'll keep dancing, we need to hear more from ya'll.

04/24/12 07:41 PM #4909    


Kay Watters '65 (Greene)

Think I did it....great here is what I'm talking about!


04/24/12 08:58 PM #4910    


Beau Wann, Jr.

Kay? You have great grandchirrens???? And youre younger than I???? Thats no fair...Must be that Algebra I had so much trouble with. Great group of great grand chirrens you have there. Thanks for sharing them with us...

Hey Rich the's only money...can I have her??? I can learn her all about cement ponds and kats and the care I have a lot of caulking and painting to do, and the moving of furniture and and and stuff/junk/antiques...are her legs good???? She can run Jack and Cooper for us...HBU??? Did you know they want to change the name of HBU???? Dont know to what, or to whom...Seems the word "Baptist" is hindering them from something???? They could call it Deuteronomy U., you... 

Well ok then...think I will repair to the sleep chamber...move, try to move a couple O kats out O the way...put some hot towels fresh out of the dryer on the bed to fold...several  cats took up residence in them...dont know why they like hot things, especially  since they have a built in fur coat...oh shucky darn, what do I know...

Does anyone out there know...something???? I forgot...heavy sigh!!!!! Well, when youse youtes think of it let me know...Say ga'nite'nite gracie...

04/24/12 10:16 PM #4911    


John Burgess Webb

there a billion things to say about grandbabies but since i cant type that fast,ill just simmer it down to "precious" in all sense of the word.


04/25/12 04:14 PM #4912    


Richard Meek '65

Beau as a matter of fact I do know about HBU considering modifying or changing it's name. I was asked by the committee of Trustees studying the matter for the Board to submit a written opinion. Which I have done. That committee has finished their study. They will make a report to the Board on May 22nd. I presume a decision will be made at that meeting or not. The committee is sworn to secrecy so I have no clue what there report says.

Since we're on the subject of HBU if any of you have grandkids or know of kids that would like to go to HBU I would be happy to make some introductions. I am on a first name basis with many of the administrators and faculty beginning with Dr. Robert Sloan the president.  I can make introductions that will open doors. They'll have to cut the mustard but I can get a lot of folks working in their behalf. It really is an excellent university. 95% of our pre-med majors get into the medical school of their choice. 99% of our nursing graduates pass their state board exams on the first try which usually outranks all other shcools in the state. Education majors, business majors are all sought out by employers. HBU doesn't do everything but what they do they do very well. Let me know if I can be of assistance. Just because it's a private school don't presume your gks can't go there. I think about 95% of the kids there are on scholarships, grants, work study programs. There is a 17 to 1 student to teacher ratio, 90% of the faculty are PhDs and kids never are taught by teaching assistants. Thus ends the commercial!

Keep on dancing (oh yeah they now have dances on campus - you can't smoke but you can dance)

Rich LH

Dance like no one is watching

04/25/12 09:22 PM #4913    


Kay Watters '65 (Greene)

Thank you, Beau and Burge...They used to tell me with my diabetes, that I might not live a long time, just wanted to live to see my children graduate....and here I am with no complications from diabetes and have great-grands.  So one never knows.

I did travel to Hous town today, on a mission to Stern Dental Labs, went by the old neighborhoods, where I had lived on Chamboard, saw Barbara's home, mine, and down in ya'll territory, it was a nostalgic trip, how things change and some things didn't.  Went to Sears....a trip, went to the Antiques Mall and came by to see ya Beau.  Went right up to your place too. I had imagined I would see ya and we would toddle out to lunch....sorry I missed ya, but was so glad to be able to tour the antiques....I love antiques, so enjoyed myself quite a bit.  Actually thought to myself, if this was the last day of my life this would be something that would mean something to me that I would enjoy, sucking in all the old stuff of all my memories, it was certainly something....compared some of what I have, and have no earthly idea of the value....and talk about value, they are either a little overpriced, but   I have a bit more of the value of my, I didn't see anything that would make me rich...LOL. Then out to the freeways, which I do not enjoy, got a bit turned around, and thought I've probably reached that age of old ladyhood that says I will need to stay out here on the country roads that are easy to drive and enjoy.  Went through Hempstead, really like that town, almost bought a home there, stopped for gas at the Valero in town, gas was 3.67, cheaper than any I had seen. It was a great day off work, but I will be glad to get back to work tomorrow.



04/26/12 10:09 AM #4914    


Beau Wann, Jr.

Hey Rich, put in a word for me...thinking about becoming a brain surgeon...I think I've narrowed it down to either that or old retired guy...can I get financial assistance for the latter??? Scholarship????Grant???? Ulysses S. Grant????

KAY ! ! ! ! ! ! DAGNABBIT...I WOULD  LOVED TO HAVE TAKEN YOU TO LUNCH...YOU MIGHT KNOW I'D MISS SEEING SOMEONE...So, you sawr which booth was ours? We are the onliest (east texas for only) ones with a neon open sign...Didja buy stuff???? for you, HALF OFF...I know a guy...let me know what you want, I can loader up and toter  to buy, WE more of those fine antiques at ye olde homestead and in ye olde a dinning room table and 6 or 5 chairs just looking for a home...a china cabinet highboy, and a sideboard...all belonging to DWs grandmother...we never allowed any cats to get on them...we didnt allow it, but they, of course had other idears...but whatcha gonna do...wouldnt want to get in trouble with C.A.T.S. now would we....(CATS ARE TROUBLE  SOCIETY).how about a 1954 Seeburg Jukebox???? 1962 Fender strat guitar, one GALORE...Got Funk and Wagnals encyclopedia...12 huge volumes on WW I ...12, countem...12...


04/26/12 12:00 PM #4915    


Kay Watters '65 (Greene)



Nope, I have all of the furniture types, thinking about looking for a good home for them at this stage of the game. I looked all over to see if there were any similar to my styles, and notta one. I love them enough and have enjoyed living with them for the last 30-40 yrs. that I want to be sure they continue to be taken care of and enjoyed, not let those active babies get all over them. But I'm thinking there are a lot of other people, our age, trying to get rid of all that country,

04/26/12 06:05 PM #4916    


Jan Barnes '65 (Nimtz)

Hey Beau... what shape is your '54 Seeburg in?  Any damage?  Does it play?  We have a '55 Rowe/AMI that we played all the time in Houston.  It worked great until we moved here.  Now it hasn't worked since.  We had a good jukebox repair guy in Houston but have not found one yet up in these hills.  If it's decent and everything works can you send a photo?  If hubby approves will you give me the same deal as Kay... half price and free delivery?

04/27/12 06:28 AM #4917    


Beau Wann, Jr.

My beloved does not generally make any contrary requests of me, so when she does, I like to, if at all possible,  honor those requests, and it seems that she does not want to sell the Juke harm either way if we sell it or keep we shall keep it, for now...hadnt really discussed a price on it...she would also like for me to keep my Fender Stratocaster...why? Seems she is more sentimental about things than I use to be...According to Guitar Center, and they have the same one...seems my guitar is worth somewhere in the vicinity of 40K...I wouldnt pay 40K for every guitar on earth, but some folks will spend that kind of money for even sillier things...

And the half price sale is off, and we also dont deliver...seems I misspoke...yet once again...well, it is her buisness...thank goodness...I suppose if it were up to me I'd just chunk the stuff out....knowing full well it all has value to some folks...I just want to get shed of stuff... 

There is a Mr Villareal that works on juke boxes...he worked for a man that had a JB museum on Bingle at Hammerly...who has since died...the man that owned the museum, not Mr Villareal...Dont know if he would make the trip to the hill country or not..He speaks no english, or does not wish to, so his daughter Crystal goes with him to translate...he has worked on my wifes Juke box...not having anyone else to compare his rates or his expertise to, I would have to say he is an expert and his rates seem fair...

There is an antique shop on 19th just across from where the old Reagan State Bank was, (it is now some other bank)...The owner of the shop has numerous JBs fully restored, whereas they look brand new...He and Mr Villareal spent a lot of hours restoring them...Prices on those vary from 10grand to expensive...

Speaking of sentimental over things, the Wanns are no longer "rich land barons"...we are sort of "rich barren of land barons"...( rich being a relative term)...The Wanndarosa closed last Friday...I thought I'd be all weepy eyed and sad....not so mon ami...the two young men that purchased it, are so excited about it (sort of like we were)...but they are much younger and more capable of getting things done...So, we are elated and relieved that someone of their caliber was able to purchase it...Both educated in Christian schools, both just as nice and polite as you could ever want your child to be...We gave them a lot of items to go with the place, and to them it was Christmas in April...I know their parents have to be as proud of them as they can be...

They even stopped by last night for another truck load of our request of course...One of the young men works for a firm that sells the keurig coffee maker...he brought the very best commercial one to us as a thankyou wasnt  that nice???? We may adopt these two young men...they already have had braces and college and new cars behind em, not to mention their very own place in the country...we'd be getting a bargain eh what??? 

Before we sold the "ranch", I took Jack and Cooper up last week for one last romp...they were elated at first, bounding through the meadows and woods, chasing butterflies and anything else that appeared to move...what a pleasure it was watching their heads and bodies bounce up and down through the tall grass...I sat on the parkbench the edge of the middle meadow (mm) watching them for the longest time...

What a beautiful sight...eventually they sensed something was up. The ran back and sat at my feet urging me to get up and join them, so I did. Well, I didnt run or bound through the countryside, I slowly walked down the trails and roads and fence lines as I have many times, both boys, one on each side, ears almost touching each leg, they were so close.  Dont know how long it took to walk it, better part of two hours, but we slowly meandered our way back to the truck...I watched the boys as they looked at me, and then around at the countryside...I did the same...I opened the truck doors, to which Jack jumped in, and Cooper looked his usual perplexed self...sometimes he has no clue where or what he is, but he sure does know how to get the best out of folks...

I put out his ramp, (he does not know how to jump up in the back seat of the truck, or doesnt want to) and guide him up until he is in the truck. He also wont go up the ramp without guidance...
Once the boys were secured, I climbed in and shut the door, drove out the south gate, stopping only to get out and lock it...and drove off...both boys looking back at their disappearing playground...they knew...

This place was my own "yellowstone park"...It looked identical to that park....well, except it didnt have the mountains, the geysers, the hotsprings, the buffalo, the bears (thank goodness for that one), otherwise it looked just exactly like "yellostone park"...and it had it;s own "grand canyon" up by the north pasture/ is in good and capable hands we have an invite to come up anytime we want...nothing wrong with that...

I see by the cats perching on everything around me, and the two drooling dogs, that it must be breakfast time...silly me... 

Dance like Fred Astaire...nap like Rip like there is no tomorrow...



04/27/12 01:49 PM #4918    


Kay Watters '65 (Greene)

OH...OOUUCCHH!  My response when I saw you and Diane sold your Nomangee place....still plenty of 'em for sale all around. Of course, you broke my heart, tear-filled eyes when I read about you and the boys walking the last trail. Ouch again.

Everything in life must change according to our circumstances.  But the good Lord says that we can't take our earthly possessions with us, so why sweat the small-stuff. Adjust accordingly.  I'm looking for a regular 2010-2011 car, SUV, anyone want to sell one?

Well anyway, everyone have a spectacular's gorgeous outside.

04/28/12 09:13 PM #4919    


Beau Wann, Jr.

Hey Kay, thanks for the understanding, but it's ok really. Not only did we make money, but we now have two new friends, that could very well be OUR CHILDREN. They are really sooooo very nice, and practicing Christians. Plus their vision of the place is very close to the one we had...And It is so much fun to watch their eyes whenever I give them a truck load of "ranch goodies"...What else could I do with that stuff anyway. They say it is more "blessed to give than to receive", and by golly they is right. We really have so much fun seeing others prosper, and helping them, however little, along the way. Got lots more goodies...

Grandaughter is over...YEAAAAAAAAAAAAA...I just love that child...wish we had more, but we will take what we have...Gonna be in Austin tomorrow to meet one of my "brothers" from my last squadron I was in, in the good ol US Navy...I was best man in his wedding...He is Swedish and Crow indian, and his wife Mauli is Hawaiian.
Great folks. Last time I sawr them was in Vegas a couple O years back during a reunion of our "band O bros"...

Ok, gotta go play life guard for the love of my life, Hailey...Jack and Cooper are outside running around the pool...cannot get either of them  in the water...Maybe I'll throw Big Oliver in...he'd probably sink like a rock...I know I"M NOT going in...yuk...I already had my bath for the week...

Hey Jan, I'm working on Diane about the Juke Box...I think she wants it because it was one of the things I always wanted from the time I knew about JBs till I got this one...I'm over it though...It was fun, but sometimes the "wanting", tends to be better than the "having"...on some things, not on all...I somehow seem to have gotten over the material things...I still like having some stuff, like this old secretary that I am sitting at now...dont know how old it is, but I'll bet it was George Washingtons, or Thomas Jeffersons, or both...yeah, thats the ticket, at least thats how I'm gonna tell it anyway...I think it has the chickentail front, and claw feet...

ok, gotta play lifeguard..."splish splash blub blub" ...

04/30/12 12:07 PM #4920    


Beau Wann, Jr.

Good Morrow mine fine Waltripines...
        Monday morn...Forgot what I did Saturday, oh yeah, just cleaned house BY MYSELF, as my beloved went to her Beta Eta meeting/luncheon...she was even awarded a certificate for being a true blue member in good stead for 20 years...THEN she picked up our grandaughter Haley and of course they went shopping...a rite of passage for grandmoms and grandaughters, one I find so delightful...when they get home, they share with me,  all the treasures they bought, including modeling dresses pants shirts bathing suits etc...(Haleys bathing suit seemed to be missing some material, if you axe me) ...brought smiles and chuckles to DW and Haley as I "diverted" my eyes from viewing MY GRANDAUGHTER IN HER ALMOST BIRTHDAY SUIT...I told her she wasnt going out in that..."oh beaupa," she says and kisses me on the cheek, "this is perfectly acceptable"...I look to DW for support, and she just says, "it's allright"...

They generally model what they bought, and tell me how much each thing was and how much they saved etc...both are very "sale" most folks generally are..
I dont care what they spend, as long as they are happy...and they do seem so...I do so enjoy watching the bond between Diane and, any of youse youtes have extra grandaughters, bring em over, and they can swim and eat hotdogs and play with the dogs and cats, and we can play dominos and cards...

The lunch Sunday with one of my "band O Bros" did not go as well as I wished...I dont know who picked the eatery, but it was a poor of Austins "trendy" places. Service was ok to good, but food was...TOO CUTESY AND NOT VERY GOOD AT ALL..."LUCY'S FRIED CHICKEN" is the name of the place,and they do not know how to fry chicken or cook potatoes or anything else for that matter,  off of south congress on College start, they have only 9 parking spots, and one of those is handicaped and two are in front of the must find a place on the street, which is a very short street...I got lucky and found one almost out front...

Whoever picked Lucy's didnt take into account that there were several of us that are almost deaf, so eating outside in the wind, and crackling birds, loud music, loud talkers, traffic, was not a good idear...dont know sign language, yet...guess I'm going to have to learn it, or be a hermit...a deaf hermit...deaf lonely hermit...

I dont know how anyone could ruin boiled potatoes or however they cooked em, but they were awful...Diane says they cooked em in pepper...I like pepper, and these clearly didnt taste like any pepper I've ever cooked with...they even have FRIED DEVILED EGGS...what a terrible thing to do to a deviled could have been good, but was toooooo salty, and tooooo not good...the chicken in some pieces was underdone, and the breading and seasoning was...puzzeling at best...the two bites of the potato just ruined my taste buds for the entire day, so nothing tasted good after that...oh, thats it, cayenne pepper...wasnt spicy hot, just tasted like burnt rubber...I'm not the only one that didnt like the fare...Diane and Haley and Dan thought it was terrible also...didnt canvass anyone elses opinion as I didnt want to hurt any feelings...

Alison Cook, the Chronicle food critic would have loved this place...I find that if she likes it, I wont...

Dan and I did get to visit some...but both being hearing impaired, found us saying "what"?  more than  anything else...but I enjoyed being with Dan and Mauli just the same...Oh, I said that Dan was Swedish, but he corrected me and said he was Norwegian and Blackfoot indian...yeah yeah yeah, all those people look alike anyway...He has lived in Hawaii for over 40 years, and talks like a Hawaiian now...His wife Mauli, is Hawaiian, and is just as beautiful now as she was 40 plus years ago...they have umpteen chirren...I cant keep up with them, because they all have Hawaiian names, as do their you have to have GOOD HEARING to know who and or what...I keep mentioning hearing, because the lack of it has now become very important in my life...the frequency range of a childs voice is harder to understand than wonder people with hearing problems retreat into their own silent whirld...I am tempted...

To say the least, it is a struggle, but loving people and life, I try so hard to keep up with conversations, and mostly fail at it, hearing aids and all... I try to compensate by enjoying  looking at laughing eyes and smiling faces...and saying "yes, no, maybe, all of the above" ...just one of the many passages we must all go through...IT CAN ALWAYS BE WORSE...

Diane and I havent been to Austin since 1990 methinks...we had our corvette last time we went, and traded it in in 91, so yeah, 1990 was it...I remember Austin and surrounding area as it was in the 70s and 80s...easy to get could go from one side of Austin to the other in 15 minutes or less...then in the late 90s and turn of the century I had heard about the TERRIBLE TRAFFIC PROBLEMS that are austins...after Sunday, now I know why...they have not advanced their freeway system, or the major roads surrounding Austin to accomodate the influx of people that have flooded the place...

Youre driving along on what you think of as a freeway, like Ben White, or hwy71, or 183 or whichever one, and WHAMO, there is a traffic light right in the middle of the freeway...and they are numerous...what a horrid place to drive...never thought I'd say this, but the traffic in Austin is MUCH worse than in Houston...I couldnt see how that was possible, but it is...Back in the 70s, traffic on Sunday, was almost non existent, and certainly not the problem that it is now...

Ok, I'm ramblin...just a ramblin to get ready for Coopers visit to Lamkin Elem...Oh, any of youse youtes ever heard of Dr Ben Carson???? I read his story some 20 years ago methinks, or round abouts therof, called "GIFTED HANDS" ...the man is unrivaled as the preeminent neurosurgeion in the whirld...
Anyway, he is involved with, and or came up with a reading program in one of Dianes schools in HISD...
She got to meet him and was asked if Cooper could visit and participate...duh OF COURSE HE CAN...I hope Dr Carson will be there, I would love to shake  the hand that has saved many a child and adult alike with his "gifted hands"...what an honor that would be...

Ok, long winded as usual...duh...I guess since I cant hear, I still can see, so I like to read any responses to what I write, and anything else about everyones life and their families in our class and surrounding classes...I JUST LOVE THE PICTURES OF THE GRANDCHILDREN AND GREAT GRANDCHILDREN youse youtes have posted...KEEP IT UP...

OH, on no, not more stuff....yeah, but just a small tidbit...My grandson Taylor, asked a young lady to the prom, which she accepted....he accompianied her on guitar as she and another young lady sang in one of the senior programs we attended...she is absolutely stunning, of course, I say that about all the ladies dont I...well it's true anyhow...a grandson going to the prom...soon to to college...amazing isnt it...time sure does fly...I wore a blue brocade tux jacket and froo froo frilly shirt to our prom...(at least I think it was blue brocade) ...I think it was from ALs formal wear....cost 10 dollars methinks, and the corsage cost 4 or 5 or 8 dollars...I think we got the ladies orchids...didnt we??? Now, for the life of me I cant remember who I took to the prom...and really dont remember where it was or what we did other than dance...and I'm assuming we danced, since thats what folks do at dances...hmmm....there are no pictures that I know of, so if anyone knows, let me know will ya...

your friend and longwinded bro...Harold Longfellow Beaupa


04/30/12 02:27 PM #4921    


Teddie Jordan

Harold Bocephus, our prom was in the Emerald Ballroom of the old Shamrock Hotel, way out (at that time) at the corner of Holcombe and S. Main. And I think you're right about the costs of the tux rental and the corsage. As I have stated elsewhere before, Fran and I double dated with Jimmy Stockton and his date and went in my '55 Chevrolet. I bet the attendants at the Shamrock were pretty impressed when we pulled up in front with that old hot rod. I can't remember if I hit the A-ooogah horn or not.

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