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04/30/12 05:11 PM #4922    


Beau Wann, Jr.

Thanks I remember...sort of...I do remember that we had our 20th reunion at the shamrock in the emerald room...nope, I still dont remember the prom...maybe I didnt go as previously stated...hmmmm oh well

Yup, I bet your the valets were fighting to see who got to park your 55...

04/30/12 07:17 PM #4923    


Teddie Jordan

Beau, we also had our 10 year reunion at the Shamrock and probably would have had our 30 and 40 year there but it was shut down and donated by Hilton Hotels to the Medical Center in 1985, shortly after our 20 year reunion, and torn down a few years later.

Fran and I stayed there for our 20 year reunion and old friend and classmate Dennis Dorsey and his wife Diane stayed in the adjoining room. Our daughter Lisa was sixteen and their daughter Annie was an infant, and Lisa babysit Annie while we attended the reunion downstairs, with Diane of course checking on both of them often. A great memory for us all.

Fran and I always liked the Trader Vic's restaurant in the lobby of the Shamrock and used to take clients to dinner there often, especially after Oiler and Astro games.

And I was being facetious when I said the parking attendants were impressed by my old car. Remember it was only 9 years old in '64 and was not a classic yet, just an older car and kinda loud. And as I remember I didn't let them park it, I just pulled through and let Jimmy and the girls out and parked it myself. Too cheap and probably too poor to use the valet, but it also had a tricky floorshifter and at times the starter solenoid would not work and I'd have to use a screwdriver to short around it to get it started, so that was probably a factor too.

Just another example of how lucky we all were to have lived in that time and been able to have our prom and two reunions at such an iconic old Houston landmark.

05/01/12 10:23 AM #4924    


Beau Wann, Jr.

I remember the 20th...Dennis Dorsey couldnt believe how thick my beard neither...also he wasnt as heavy, muscularly heavy, as he use to be...lots of folks were concerned, and asked his wife about it...she said he was fine, just lost weight...One of the all time great reunions, at least I think so. We even had an orchestra, I believe it was Ed Gerlac and the boys...Saw almost everyone...that was the week before my beloved and I got married...Saw em tear down the Shammock from Dianes hospital window at Texas Womens Hosp in July of 87...I remember it well...they tried explosives first...Shammrock said, "is that the best you got"...they resorted to the wrecking ball, and it went very was a rather iconic roof and all...The wild bunch (my dad and his brothers and their dad) worked on the Shamrock as ironworkers back in 50 or 51 whichever year it was being built...I could have told the demo company it wasnt going to go easy...everything they built was, "hell for stout"...

Your 55 was a classic from the time it was new til now...that one the 56 and the 57 are the all time classic cars in my opinion, from the time we first saw them from an isllustrators pen in Saturday Evening Post  and Life and Colliers pages...There's been a lot of nice cars over the years, but those three years were the all time best...Probably the best made one was the 53 chevy belair in the two tone green...power glide tranny, straight 6ohv,  that would run forever...

I still dont remember the prom, and if I DID go, dont know what kind of chariot brung 51 ford had died in 63 of a freeze overdose, and my 58 ford died of oil pump failure on the north freeway at Cavalcade...guess I was just hard on things...

The HUGE wooden bar that was in the Shamrock, is now in Fratellis over on Wirt and Westview...beautiful piece of craftsmanship...the food and service is good also...not to be confused with the Fratellis over on 290...not the same folks...the one on wirt and westview named theirs Fratellis on the promise that the 290 location was going to shut it's doors...didnt happen...they lied...

ok, gotta run some errands on Pegasus  (aka 40mpg chariot)...anyone like philly cheese sandriges, Papa Genos on ella and tc jester has some pretty good ones. I have had the no 1 and no 5 (texas toast) and the number 3 chicken, and I can say they were very good...Alison Cook liked em, believe it or not...

Talked to Robbie Boswell yesterday...he is still whirld champion barefoot 67...I think I'd quit once I'd reached that pennacle...think he has been champ for multiple years...nothing left to prove, cept trolling for gators...gators are why I dont ski, them and jaws...Got a pact with gators and sharks, I dont eat them, they dont eat me...

05/01/12 10:40 AM #4925    


Kay Watters '65 (Greene)

click to view full sizeclick to view full sizeReady for da "hot dogs" Mr. Beauman!


05/01/12 09:53 PM #4926    


Beau Wann, Jr.

HOTDOGS IT IS...thats what I'm talkin about...thanks Kay...

05/02/12 09:47 PM #4927    


Teddie Jordan

Great photo on Facebook of Jim Taylor and wife Jan backstage with the Beachboys after their recent concert.

Jim and Jan look good anyway but really look young compared to the original surviving band members. Those guys have some hard miles on them. Brian Wilson looks like father time.

How about putting the picture on here Jim?

05/02/12 11:08 PM #4928    


Lloyd Pond

Before the prom Boswell,with Judy Nelson.. McCuen with Janie Rhodes...Adrienne and I,,, Tonat with his date 'visited my Dad at Heights Hospital where he was recovering from lung surgery. Might have been the highlight of the evening. Not too many Prom memories seems like we just sort stood around and talked and a few dances..after prom at the country club behind Sears. Got too tired to stay up took everyone home, went to sleep driving home and had a close encounter with a ditch on Brinkman.My overall feeling, I supose was an uneasy sadness. Our limo? The family 1959 chevy station wagon the one with cat eye tail lights. No AC how did we stand it? Front seat covers that were all ripped up covered by a bedspread. One side bashed up courtesy of some Reagan boys who thought a Waltrip car shouldn't park at Baptist Temple.

05/03/12 08:41 AM #4929    


Jim Taylor

April 26th at Verizon Theater in Grand Prairie.  The band really makes all of us look young.  Like Teddy said, Brian looks ancient.  He has to have a "handler" to help him on to the stage and onto the stool at the piano.  Way too many miles and too many "mind altering" substances.  After all these years, they still sound great, but thay also have a back up band of around 15 people to fill in all the sounds.

05/03/12 04:55 PM #4930    


Jan Barnes '65 (Nimtz)

Nice photo, Jim & Jan.  You two look like kids next to those geezers.  I was surprised when we watched their commentary on Sunday Morning last week that only one of the five was ever even interested in surfing.  The others just posed with the long boards for album covers.  There was also a lot of finger pointing about the two who experimented with hard drugs and the three who didn't.  Who do you believe?  I'm sure they still sound pretty good even after all these years, especially to us baby boomers.

05/03/12 07:51 PM #4931    


Wayne Lake

I missed Johnny’s mini-ReU @ Clays as I had a lousy cold and decided not to share it with others.

Next week I’m headed off to sail/fish/relax/drink rum/snorkel/dive (maybe) in the BVI (did I mention drink rum?) for about 10 days and then up to Lake Wobegone for the summer. If I can ever figure out how to post pix from my new smart phone (that I don’t know how to use very well), I’ll post’em.  

Happy Cinco De Mayo to all you Texicans – I think there is a big moon (biggest of the year) Friday night.

In the meantime, here is what Jeff Foxworthy has to say about folks from Texas, maybe you can relate:

If someone in a Lowe's store offers you assistance and they don't work there, you may live in Texas ;

If you've worn shorts and a parka at the same time, you may live in Texas ;

If you've had a lengthy telephone conversation with someone who dialed a wrong number, you may live in Texas ;

If 'Vacation' means going anywhere south of Dallas for the weekend, you may live in Texas ;

If you measure distance in hours, you may live in Texas ;

If you know several people who have hit a deer more than once, you may live in Texas ;

If you install security lights on your house and garage, but leave both unlocked, you may live in Texas ;

If you carry jumper cables in your car and your wife knows how to use them, you may live in Texas ;

If the speed limit is 55 mph --you're going 80 and everybody's passing you, you may live in Texas;

If you find 60 degrees 'a little chilly,' you may live in Texas.

Fair winds and following seas my friends,



05/03/12 11:10 PM #4932    


John Burgess Webb

for those who knew or remember my sister hallie;she died in her sleep last night.after painful heart bypass and two back surgeries it is well that she died peacefully.may god keep her as a peaceful soul.


05/04/12 08:34 AM #4933    


Kay Watters '65 (Greene)


I'm so sorry, please know my prayers go out for Hallie, you, and your family for peace, acceptance and comfort.  Heaven. While I did not know Hallie, I appreciate your letting our Waltrip family know of your loss, my sympathies go with you in this troubled time.

05/04/12 10:34 AM #4934    


Richard Meek '65

Burge, sorry to hear about your sister. May she rest in peace. May you and all your family find peace and consolation in this time of grief and loss. You're all in my thoughts and prayers. Vaya con Dios.


05/04/12 05:01 PM #4935    


Jackie Crowe (Finch)

Dearest Burge,

Our hearts and prayers go out to you in the loss of your sister, Hallie.  I am so sorry, just know that we are all here for you. 


05/04/12 10:25 PM #4936    


John Burgess Webb

god bless all of the memories flood back;they are all good.hallie was in the first senior class when waltrip opened.i know some of the 'old timers' remember her.she was a great support to me and my friends who returned from vietnam,confused and sad;going to her house was a fefuge and a was like a second home to me and she tried to understand the pain i was in coming back from a place so strange and was her protector too as she shielded wounded warriors and helped them laugh and gave them shelter.hallie is one that kept me going,she did not forsake.


05/07/12 08:14 AM #4937    


Beau Wann, Jr.

Thank you Burge...we are saddened by the loss of your beloved sister, but gladened by the loving memories that you share, and for the healing and relief you received from her. Who better to help than an older sister... She made a difference...We should all be so blessed to have made a difference in someones life along the way, no matter how small...God bless you Burge, may you continue to heal from the wounds of war and life...

where else other than our family and friends and  the bible can we find solace..."be still, and know that I am God"...
and you have a rather large family...The Waltrip Family, is ever your friend and family...

05/07/12 08:33 PM #4938    


Susan Howard (Bowman)

This was on a card I found many years ago - it has been very meaningful to me in my life, especially during troubled or sad times.  Maybe you will find it helpful, too.  I keep it posted on my bulletin board by my desk and read it often.

Peace of heart will come when you hardly notice,  like the first star in the evening sky...

you need not strive for it or seek it.... it will find you as surely as light dawns,

as purely as water bubbles from a mountain spring...

Time goes by, and peace of heart tiptoes softly into your days

and whispers in the night -- Be Still.  All will be well.  I am here.


05/08/12 01:48 PM #4939    


Jackie Crowe (Finch)

How beautiful and comforting.  Thank you Susan for sharing; it is now on my bulletin board.



05/09/12 08:57 AM #4940    


Johnny Sheffield



just read the message forum and saw that you had lost your sister.

our prayers go out to you and your family. you know that we are here

for you.

god bless




05/10/12 03:20 PM #4941    


Jackie Crowe (Finch)

Just posted Fuddrucker pictures!  Smaller group (15) but still the great fun we always have!

Hope to see all of you next month - June 12!



05/11/12 04:55 AM #4942    


Beau Wann, Jr.

Good stormy morrow waltripians...
           Glad to get some rain, yeaaaaaa...of course if you didnt want any, and it ruined your plans, then boooooooo...been shoveling out dirt from around the cement pond and putting it in the low places in the front yard. I brought in about 11 yards some 10 years back, and for the life of me, cant recollect WHY...

Oh yeah, now I recollect, Our dog Rocky loved grass, and there was none around the cement pond, so I brought in the dirt and a couple pallets of st augustine...he enjoyed it for a short time anyway...

Shoveling and totin a wheelbarrow is tough bidness, at my age, hells bells, at any age...So, if you're shovelin and totin a wheelbarrow, you might live in Texas...Thanks wayne, I love Foxworthys "take on life in Texas and the south"...Remember his "special words"??? I only remember one of em, and I cant tell you how many times I have used it, and heard it used..."widjadidja", as in "you bring yore truck widjadidja?"...

Hey Jim, the Beach Boys a chair...everyone is correct, you two look like youngsters compared to the BBs. I was out in Big Sur some 30 year ago, and sawr one O the BBs homes on the beach...snicker, where else would a BEACH BOY the mountains????  Hold on a megaparsec...ok I'm back...had to get another cup O joe...

How did you come by having a photo session with the BBs??? I cant think of anyone famous I have ever met before, other than the class of 64 and 65...I did see Jerry Lewis going through the San Diego airport whilst I was waiting for a flight to where ever I was going...the guy I was traveling with said that Jerry Lewis could only wear a suit once because he was allergic to the cleaning solution from the cleaners...Hmmmm says I...I never had my suit cleaned after everytime I used it, which was probably determined by the number of weddings and funerals I went to...

I did see Rod Mckuen and Neil Diamond in concert, oh and Johnny Cash and Elvis at the rodeo and Gene Autry, and Roy Rogers etc, but never got to actually meet any of them, let alone have a picture made with them...

One of our own, and for the life of me, cant recall his name, handled the banking of Roy Orbison, and knew him personally...he came to one of the Fudds meetings...WOW, now there was a legend...I remember when he was first brought to my attention, on the Juke box in the cafeteria at Waltrip..."sweet dreams baby..."  and " only the lonely" ...I thought it was a group named Roy can see why I flunked algebra...ONE IS NOT PLURAL!!!!!

I think that Juke Box was a Seeburg 100 like mine...seems I recollect that mental picture in my minds eye...minds eye....we already have two eyes, now our minds got eyes...teachers of course had "eyes in the back of their heads"...and "the eyes have it"...and the "eyes of March"...and president Eyesenhower...

Other songs I recollect from "lunch period", (which I passed by the way), DANGED, NOW I FORGOT...lordy lordy lordy miss clawrdy...a mind is a terrible think...I generally had two tuna fish samiches for lunch, and chips and candy bar or cupcake or twinkie, which I inhaled in the first five minutes or less...then go stand by the juke box and feed it nickels to play my favorite tunes, which I seem to have unrecollected...whenever I walk by my juke box, I get a hankerin for a tuna sandridge and or cupcake etc...

Hmmm, 4:26 AM..."do you recollect where you are"...? If you're a normal sane person, probably asleep, where of course any normal sane person would be at this auer...yes, I know it's misspelled...I am thinking about starting a college class entitled..."FUN WITH THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE 101..."

I HOPE IT RAINS ALL DAY, SO I CAN STAY INSIDE AND HIDE UNDER THE COVERS WITH MAH DOGS AND CATS...gonna have to have a rather large cover for that..."well, I suppose so"...words I often heard from my parents when I axed em if I could do something...their response generally was, "well, I suppose so"...

I suppose they were glad to be shed of me during those difficult teen having a job, I generally just did whatever I wanted, and never bothered them with the details..."uh mom dad, I'm going to Garner State Park, and then to Mexico, where I will drink and run wild, popping a bull whip in the streets shouting..."REMEMBER THE ALAMO"....seems I dont recollect that good ol time, as things were kinda fuzzy during those "trying, growin up years"...but it was brought to my attention by one of our classmates that that is what I had done...a case of mistaken identity pure and simple, had to be someone else, as I was a "choir boy", studying for the priest hood...pure as the wind driven snow...ok, maybe the "deadly yellow snow", but snow nonetheless...and driven...

I see by the radar that the rain is almost over we will get somemore...cant work in a hurricane now can I..of course I should be asleep...NOW...everyone else in this cat house is...WHY NOT ME?????? SNOT FAIR, says want fare, go catch a bus...but you better have the correct fare, or no fair bus ride for you...I recollect riding the shuttle, or maybe it was the shudder, (when it hit a bump, and they were numerous on 43 and or wakefield, back in them glorius dayze) the shuttle  would shudder...ha, and you thought I was deranged...home home on deranged...I recollect seeing others getting the "transfer slip" the bus driver would tear off, sos they could get on another bus without having to pay again...couldnt wait till I could do that...of course I didnt know to which bus I would transfer to, going where, but that all didnt seem to matter little pea brain wanted my transfer slip...

That day finally arrived...I got to transfer from the Suttle at Sears on North Shepherd, to the Heights bus, to the downtown bus...OH MAN, I WAS SO IMPORTANT...I GOT MY TRANSFER....YEAAAAAAAAA....

One adventuresome time, I recollect, me and Johnny D transferred all over the city until they kicked us off the bus for pulling that little cord hanging above the windows..."DING DING" DING DING DING DING..." "allright you two delinquents, OFF MY BUS" was not in any part of town we had ever been before...I was traumatized by that sperience...maybe I'll soux METRO...yeah, thats the ticket, I'll soux...probably give me a book O transfer slips...ok, I'm just a amblin ramblin man uh...

Say goodnight gracie...goodmorn gracie...and happy trails to you and yourn...dang if we didnt lose Goober this week...residing in that Mayberry in the sky...I kind of liken our part of Oak Forest to lucky we were...yessir, lucky indeed...

05/11/12 05:36 AM #4943    


Teddie Jordan

Great memories of our old bus system. I had forgotten the paper transfer slip. 

Do you remember the sign above the driver that said, "do not talk to driver while bus is in motion" ?  I still use that line when I have passengers and get tired of talking.

Fran worked downtown and used to catch the bus at Oak Forest Bank then transfer at Sears. She did it every day for several years.

05/11/12 08:44 AM #4944    


Beau Wann, Jr.

I caught the bus at Oak Forest and Rosslyn and transfered at Sears and rode it down through the heights and then down Washington Ave, then up smith or louisiana st, whichever one goes south. You'ld think I'd remember how the streets run, after living here more than a half century.  I'd get off on Main st around Foleys and then walk to the Tenneco building where Houston National Bank was. At least I think thats how the route went. Not recollecting if I went to the prom or not kinda brings my recollectin under suspect eh what.

Recollect the guy on Washington Ave that had the WWII vehicles? Jeeps, duce and a halfs, ducks and I think he had an old sherman tank. I allus wanted to stop in there, but never did. Couldnt get the bus driver to honor my dings.

05/11/12 03:46 PM #4945    


Jackie Crowe (Finch)

Gee BroBeau, how do you remember all of this!!  I have vague memories of high school - mainly Imperial Guard, but the rest ---- just a blur.  Teachers/classes?,  I don't even remember a jukebox in the cafeteria - nor what I ate - or who I ate with.  I don't remember who went with who -- except Jimmie Lee and Charles and Larry Smith and Glenda McDonald!  Glenda is always laughing at me that my memory of high school is that bad.  So any of you I had classes with, let me know what I did for 4 years -- and be nice!!! 

Oh, and  I did meet the love of my life my senior year (or at least I thought I had) Don from Milby.  We both went to University of Houston and later married - had two beautiful children (Cheryl and Doug) and then - you guessed it - married 10 years and  I filed for a D-I-V-O-R-C-E ----- and life goes on.

Speaking of buses, I do remember riding the bus -- Glenda and I were Candy Stripers at whatever hospital was downtown at the time.  That's Candy Stripers - you know, we wore the red and white striped uniforms and helped as volunteers.  And don't get that confused with strippers.  We worked one summer and rode the bus - that is my big experience with bus riding!

Anyway, I'm so happy many of you have such great high school memories and share them on forum - because I thoroughly enjoy!heart




05/11/12 10:59 PM #4946    


John Burgess Webb

i want to thank all you great people for your thoughts and condolences;time has been sort of suspended for me the last -well what seems like weeks.when i figure out what day it is,i should feel better.reading the post and messages have lifted my spirits.

i remember the shuttle bus like it was yesterday;funny, its so hard to remember yesterday.and roy orbison.i think the first i remember was "pretty woman" at the dance hall over on shepard and 12th i think it was.the kids from hamilton and reagan filled the place and i was too shy to dance,but it was thier turf and it was fun hanging out.princes and the bulldog drive-in was cool;princes actually had good food.what were we thinking in those days?id drive all the way over to stewerts drive-in on n.main for the long curley french-fries they had.

the thought of beau cracking a bullwhip in mexico is a vision.couldnt do it these days;too much drama down there now,and how.but all good things must come to an end.its too bad about mexico;there are lots of places that i would like to have seen,like the forest where the monarch butterflies come by the millions.i guess the closest ill get is 'google earth'.i wonder if the yaqui terratory has survived.nothing but bad news from south of the border these days.the cartels have taken all the fun and adventure out of a hugh chunk of the americas.

travel by electronic windows to the past,look out for a window to the future.happy trails,



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