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04/03/20 07:53 PM #9897    


Teddie Jordan

Love the smile of the day meme on the homepage Beverly! 

"When food shopping is the new, "Going Out!"   


04/04/20 12:55 AM #9898    


Bennie Schielack

Hannity, at one time, used that closing.  Don't know if he still does . . . . . 

04/04/20 08:00 AM #9899    


Jimmie Lee Smith (Brawner)

Hannity uses, "Let not your heart be troubled."

04/04/20 12:45 PM #9900    


Beau Wann, Jr.

    " WELL I'LL BE ET FER A TATER",  ifin all yall dint decided to jine happy ar !   Ats good !    Excuse the  Appalachian dialect, my brain has a hard time turning loose of that dialect when I watch "Sargent York" and Diane and I have been reading a 12 book series by Jan Karon on a ficticious town in Noth Carolina called Mitford, that most folks talk like that.   It's not a real town, but modeled after a real one called Holly Springs, and that one is in Mississippi.   It's a nice change from the blood and gore on TV, and that's just the commercials. Tried watching the gnus, to stay current on current events, and of course all that's current is COVID-19. Talk about information overload !!!   "well, what did you know, and when did you know it..."  aaaaaarrrrgggg and aaaaccckkkkkk,  gag me ! ! ! 

    Seems I read sommers that the Appalachian mountains are the oldest mountain range on oith.  I'm on the last book, so ahm trying to decide what to read next. I gotta have em lined up, with not much pause inbetween, or else I move on to something else, like surfing down in Izzys' creek,  or plowing up right field for our garden.  Too late, already plowed er up.   Just waiting for the rain to subside so we can get things planted.

    Already have tomatoes on the vine, not ripe yet, but getting there.   Got about 4 or 5 different tomatos and half dozen or more pepper plants, hmmmm yum.  The blackberries and grapes are going crazy and with all this rain,  pretty soon they'll be knocking on the door saying, "come out and pick me..."    Soon's the rain stops and hit drys up a tad, I'm gonna do just that.

     We had 46 this morning, now 49, and an inch and a half of rain yestidy and a quarter inch this morning with more on the way.  suits me just fine, well except for having to clean the pups feet and dry em off everytime they go out, which if we let them, would be everytime they came in.   I think they just like to see us work, and feed em of course.   That's how I broke my back the first year we were up here, cleaning the mud off Coopers feet.     Yup,  I was bent over cleaning them, he stepped back, my upper half went with him, and lower half stayed put, and voila, T-9 baroque.

     Hey Ronna, yes, we still have yaller IPBs, in fact the IPBs are taller than the BBs and the yaller IPBs are taller than the erngeuns (orange ones).   The whole front pasture directly in front of ye old homestead, save the very bottom, is ablaze with BBs and  IPBs.  I'll try to post a picture of the hill.  I have noticed that the BBs have started fading, well, they did start early February this year, so guess they're bout ready fer a nap. Last year we did have a few stragglers of BBs and IPBs way yonder on up into September.   One thing you can predict about Ma nature is that she  is unpredictable.

     Wayne Wayne Wayne...too much stuff fer my little pea brain...only newtons I recognasize  is Fig and Wayne....get that fly rod out and start catching them speckles.   If we get any more rain, I should be able to cast from the porch and catch something, hopefully not the corona flu. Maybe a Corona beah...yeah, that's the ticket.  Happy hour is open.   I believe I mentioned in an earlier post, that happy hour has been moved back to 6 AM to 6 PM to 6 AM, othern that, hits closed.

    Hmmmm, all the pups and one cat are down for a nap, which on the surface and underneath and on both sides, seems to be a good idear.   I'm not the sort that can lounge in bed all day...wish I were though, cause I'd be snuggled down underneath every blanket we own, cuttin zzzzzzzzzzs  right about now.  No sir, I'm a fully dressed fall asleep in the chair kind of guy, more's the pity.

    Time to deplane, desanitize and desolve all them germs...keep the sun at your six and the son in your heart and "ride boldly ride..."

your frien and resident wildflower, Cephus R In sane esq

04/04/20 01:00 PM #9901    


Beau Wann, Jr.

Just as I's   Diane in the middle,   Dixie Belle on the left   and   Izzydorable on the right, our yaller farm house, and all  in our Bluebonnet and Indian Paint Brush patch.   We sure wish yall all could be here...we have masks! ! !   "And now you know the rest of the story...Paul Harvey...good day..."  Miss hearing him around lunchtime!  

04/04/20 02:05 PM #9902    


Susan Howard (Bowman)

Happy Saturday everyone!  I haven't posted on the Forum for some time, so I thought this might be a good time to do so.  I would also like to thank Beverly for our daily laugh and for doing such a great job keeping up with our website.  Thank you to those who do post frequently.  I enjoy those posts and usually they bring a smile to my facel. Wayne, thank you so much for your post on reflection.  This is surely a time for reflection if there ever was one.  I have started journaling again to help keep me focused on what is important.  It really helps me to write!  Sam and I are doing well!  We are so glad we like each other....alot!  We were able to take a drive this past Sunday to the Inks Lake area and enjoy the bluebonnets.  The wildflowers are beautiful around Georgetown, but it was a good excuse to get away from home for an afternoon, practicing all the safety protocols.  We were not disappointed! Nature is so wonderful!  Everyone breathe deeply and count your blessings, for in the middle of all this we are still blessed in so many ways! 

04/04/20 06:24 PM #9903    


Wayne Lake

Saw a funny on the net, sort of a lady’s joke:

Another Saturday night at home and I put a bottle of wine in every room. I’m about to get dressed up and go bar hopping.

04/05/20 08:19 AM #9904    


Beau Wann, Jr.

      Then there was a mother that had 3 sets of twins.  She was sitting in the waiting room of her doc when one of the other waitees ask her, "my goodness, have you had twins everytime?"   "No" said the mother, "hundreds of times we didnt have anything"....

04/05/20 09:20 AM #9905    


Don Ellisor

Good morning classmates. Below is an access to sermons of my eldest son. He is a priest of the reformed Church of England, which might help some with a daughter-in-law, and three grandchildren. I think his messages might help during these times.perhaps some of you will remember the sins of his father, if so, he is a great example of the sins of the father are not visited on his children. May God bless us all and protect us in these times.







04/05/20 11:50 AM #9906    


Beau Wann, Jr.

     Thanks for that Don, I get on youtube all the time, so I'll check it out.   Also something new has sprung up, well, for me it's new, something called    "ZOOM".   The pastor at Oaks Presbyterian does a sermon with as many parishoners linked together as is allowed, whatever that is.   I'd never heard of it till this week. Diane gets on there and they hold church services as best they can.   I'd like to participate,  the sound quality at it's best, is not good enough for even my audioprosthetics, and there is no CC.

    They held "Palm Sunday" services this morning, and someone even played the piano, so it has been reported to me.   They will be doing Wednesday bible study and Maunday Thursday with ZOOM.  Our pastor, Mark is alloted 40 minutes free air time, dont know what it costs after that.

     Also, everyone can see everyone else because the computers/palm pilots etc have cameras.  I dont wish to, however, be on camera.  Diane tells me that you can have your camera on or not, I'd just as soon Not.    I might try listening in on Wednesday and Maunday thursday. 

      Since Diane and I are "Deacons" in the Presbyterian church, we can administer communion to each other, which we will do on Thursday.  Easter Sunday we will hold Sunrise services on the hill with a multitude of angels, plus releasing our newest  kitty angel, ANNIE-BOB who passed away in February.  We've already released all the other angels ashes last Easter on the hill,  a fitting place for all our angels.    After sevices, we will have a "Methodist" breakfast like I remember at St Stevens Methodist church there on 43rd st. 

    World sure does seem a lonely place nowdays.  We have been to Home Depot and Lowes lately, they allow just so many in their stores, plus we wear masks.  Diane goes to HEB by herself and I've been to Brookshire brothers once, but always wearing masks.     I cant afford to get that crud, being 75 and with funky lungs.  (cant tell you how odd that looks, "being 75")

    Had a tire going down on the old ford truck this past week.  I have a great place to do the work on it, and all the necessary tools ie floor jacks, air compressors, air wrenches etc, but actually doing the work is another thing. 

      I seem to have lost at least half my strength, maybe more, so I donned my trusty mask, "who was that masked man"   and took the ol ford to Discount tire.   The workers come out to you and get the scoop on the problem, then when they are ready for you, they let the customer drive the vehicle up on the rack, and you can stay in the vehicle.

       Didnt take long, but I brought a book just in case.   When they were through, I tried to pay them whatever the going rate would be, but they said it was "NO CHARGE".   Come again, my hearing is not all that good, did you say No charge?   YUP!

     The tires on the Ford, are from the factory/dealer and not from Discount tire, although over the years I have purchased countless sets of tires from them.   Guess who's going to get my tire business, Discount Tire, even though they've had it for the last 40 plus years.

    We've had almost 3 inches rain over the last couple of days, YEA,  lots of fog this morn and 51 degrees, 46 yesterday morning, rain no fog.    We took the E lectric blanket off the bed the beginning of this week, maybe too soon eh !   Suppose to get to 90 on Wednesday, 46 to 90 in a couple of days...only in Texas.

     Time to deplane, keep the sun at your six and the Son in your heart, and "ride boldly ride..."

your frien and resident masked man, Cephus Hiyo Dinosaur esq aka Alley Oop.  

Post Script:  Is it just me, or could Bernd be the twin brother of Efrem Zimbalist ?  

Post post script script:  THE SUN IS PEEKING OUT, YEAAAAAAAAAAA....and, a cardinal is singing right outside my winderlight (east texas for window).  I've heard that Cardinals are the angels looking out for you, if that's so, I'm covered beyond measure cause we have zillions of the red beauties.

04/05/20 08:38 PM #9907    


James Hilsher '65


  Beaux,I always use discount because they take care of you


04/06/20 08:45 AM #9908    


Beau Wann, Jr.

    HEY JIMMY ! ! !  Great to hear from youse youte.  We miss you stopping by the Wanns on your way to and from.   Good reason for that now days eh.  I wonder if we'll ever get back to normal...and what will the new normal be ?   Have we already been to Heaven, being from Oak Forest?   No blaspheme intended, just seemed like the perfect place in the perfect time.

   Wonder where my ol go-cart, the "flying none", wound up!   Called it that because if you were looking for brakes, it had "none".  To stop that forerunner of NASCAR I had to run into the tires of a parked car, or a tree and if all else failed, the curb and any orphan trash cans left on the streets of "Talledega".  Yeah, that's how I got this way, too many crashes, no helmet...ate lead paint off the winderlights (east texas for window).  How did we ever survive?

   Just waiting for a sunny day to resume  planting our garden we should have started in February.  My dad always said that his best gardens were ones he started on February 17th.  Never dawned on me before, but that's the perzact time to prune your roses, trees, and transplant anything safely.  Hmmm, wonder if April will be ok?   Well, we will see what we will see, eh mon ami!

     Dark and dreary and drippy yet again this phyne morning. Saw the sun briefly yesterday, maybe ol sol will put in an apperance today, here's hoping.   I think I'll work outside today anyway, rain or shine.  Got too many things to do, running in place or not.  Hmmm, we have two sewing machines, dontchaknow, maybe I'll get Diane to teach me how to sew.   Why do we have two?   Bought Diane one 30 years or so ago, and we inheirited one.  Soooooo, I've always wanted to learn to sew, so I can fix my own clothes and stuff.

    My mom and sisters could sew like they were from the Butterick family.  Mom made almost all our clothes when we were younger, as did most moms in most families, it was called necessity.  Mom and sisters made prom dresses, and easter outfits etc. Mom even made a coat and pants and shirt and suspenders for me when I was 3 or 4. I have a picture around here of me walking the runway, or the front porch.   Always remember mom talking to others that sew , like her mom and sew on, about this pattern or that pattern and "cutting on the bias"...didnt know what that meant and still dont.

   Me and the pups sat outside lastnight till midnight, listening to the crickets and frogs, night thrushes and trucks out on the 4 lane.    Oh, and Izzydorable clucking like a chicken and baying when she's on the trail of that wascally wabbit.   She goes over our backyard a zillion times a day, and always seems to come up with a scent of some critter, oh boy, then it's off to the races.

   Turned on some of the oldies from as far back as the 30s.  Loved the mellowness of the big band era.  At one time I could tell you not only what song it was, but what band was playing, and who was playing trumpet or whatever instrument.  Now I'm lucky if I can recall the name of the matter now, just love to hear them...Moonlight Serenade being right up there with Oh Holy choir music especially mens choir. Growing up, listening to the radio was pure heaven to me.  Even though the reception was scratchy, especially at night,  it still marveled me.  

      Built my crystal radio when I was about 8, 9 or 10, cant quite pin the date down, but built that electronical marvel all by myself from a few store bought items like the copper wire and the crystal and some items we had on hand, like the cardboard from a toilette roll center to wrap the copper wire around, and shellac to keep it in place,  and one of moms sewing needles for a tuner, and a cigar box from my granddad that I kept all my treasures in like my bottle cap collection and a few catseye marbles.  Oh, I did get a headphone from the Army/Navy surplus store for a quarter or fifty cents I'd saved up of birthday money. 

    I remember seeing the plans for it in one of my "Boys Life" magazines.  It looked simple enough, shucks, I could build that, no sweat!   And wonder of wonders, I did.  I may have had a little help, but just a very little, from my dad and maybe an uncle or two, but dang little for sure. 

     I'd fall asleep at night with that earphone between my ear and the pillow, listening to some far off station, that would eventually turn into "white noise".  I'd wake up with a sore ear,  having slept on that dang earphone all night.     It still marvels me today how that radio worked.  Dont listen to radio today, my music is gone, thankfully I have other venues to listen to "my" music.

   Bored you to death have I !   Time to deplane anyway,   I'M A BURNIN DAYLIGHT.!!!!!    so keep the sun at your six and the Son in your heart and "ride boldly ride..."

    Your frien and resident electronical marvel, Cephus Marconi Collins esq

04/06/20 10:55 AM #9909    


Beau Wann, Jr.


04/06/20 11:00 AM #9910    


Beau Wann, Jr.

Well waddaya know, I found it.  Yall all know who that dopey kid is.  My mom made everything I had on except the shoes and socks.    AND,  I grew into the hat, now I'm a Greek fisherman. Boy if that picture dont give you a smile, and make you glad youre you, I dont know what would.

04/07/20 10:11 AM #9911    


Beau Wann, Jr.

     HEY BEVERLY...yup, that'd work.   Thanks for the laugh, I'm still chuckling over that one.  One of the infamous "walmart"  folk !  What'd ya reckon was going through his mind that morning?   "Hmmmm, what shall I wear today, I KNOW, angel wings and a ladies bathing suit, yeah, that's the ticket, I'll look lovely, I'm so pretty, I'm so pretty..."  It's a lovely day in the neighborhood.." but as anyone can see, that hat just doesnt go with that outfit, plus pearls would have worked better than that necklace.

    GOOOOOOOOOOD MORNING CHAPPELL HILLLLLL....and all that sips tea.  These days is just insult to injury.  The day is dreary enough without it being overcast all the live long day for the last hunded years, Geeeeze Loueeeze, could we have a little sunlight heah, huh, howbout it?    And to top it all off, I spilled maple syrple on my favorite tshirt, dang I hate that.

    Not much goink on today, cept work and more work.  Gotta mask up and go to Lowes for some wascally wabbit wire, or hire a guard for the guarden.   I plowed up outside the backyard fence knowing that the wabbits would probably be holding palavers in the guarden.  It was either that or put it in the fence and let the dogs tear it up.  Wascally wabbits are easier to deal with, I can shoot them or shoo them away, not so my dogs.

   As the guarden progresses, I will be posting pictures, I know you cant wait for that.  "Oh look, the corn has grown an inch...thank you boys..."  Ok fine ! ! !

BYE..keep the sun at your six and the Son in your heart and "ride boldly ride..."
your frien and resident farmer in the dell, Cephus R A lunatic esq  

04/07/20 03:18 PM #9912    


Paige Talley (Meek)

I havn't been posting for awhile. Technical difficulty and/or operator error I'm sure. I have kept up with following the post and have enjoyed keeping intouch that doing so allows. 

Richard and I are doing our part to be "socially distant". We try not to get in each other's way :) The dogs have not caught on to the new rules. They are determined to sleep on our feet or arms. It surely unnerving to wake up with one of them staring you in the face as close to  "nose to nose" can be without actually touching.

Our family is scattered about Utah, Colorado, Ohio andTexas. Middle son, Chris, is driving long-haul and passing through state after state delivering essentials to Hot Spots all arouund. So far no COVID-19 and we pray that we all stay secure, safe, wise and protected.I pray the same for all of you as well.

I am off now to do further participation in this serious time by mopping the floors. By the time this is overish I should have a very clean and organized house and garage (Richard is the yard guy). Either a clean house or a well read home library. It will be a toss up!

Nice to visit with you again,Paige

04/09/20 01:25 PM #9913    


Beau Wann, Jr.

     Hi Paige ! ! !   And to all our other Waltripians, HOWDY!!!     Sgonna be a hot malasada this summer, CHIMACS (Chappell Hill Intergalactically Meteorlogical and Cornpone Society) or Chappell hills  officially unofficial weather station, recorded 99 yesterday.  WOW AND DOUBLE WOW! ! !  I felt every bit of it as I mowed the east pasture down by Izzys creek.   Didnt mow the IPBs or BBs, jst the tall stuff, that if i let it, will get taller than me and my tractor, and we certainly cant have that now can we.

     Just checkin in, all's quiet on the western from cept Diane had to drive into H town to get her mom and dad a few items from the store, so they wouldnt get out like they are want to do and also to pick up our grandaughter Lucys mom from Memorial city hosp.  I know, it's risky risky risky, but Kat had no one else that could pick her up.  Kats doctor thinks she has cancer, and it's serious because they didnt want to postpone the proceedure.   Sure hope it turns out to be nothing because Lucy has already lost her dad. 

        Diane and I scrubbed her car inside and out and used a gallon of disenfectant on the inside. Diane is wearing an N95 mask and rubber gloves and taking as much precaution as possible.  Sure hope we skate on this one.  But, it's gotta be done.

     We take lots of vitamins plus extra D, me 50K units a week, Diane about the same plus we work outside most everyday soaking up the natural D.  Heard in all the tons of information out there, that Vitamin D helps in combating the covid-19.  Dont know if that's true, but couldnt hoit.  Also heard that if you like fresh  mushrooms, set them out in the sun and they really soak up the D, just what I heard!    We love mushrooms, even the canned variety.

    Already battened down the hatches up here in the Chalps getting ready for the first spring storm.  Dont know if they're crying    "WOLF"  as the drive by media is want to do, or if they actually know  it's gonna be bad.  We've been through some really violent spring storms up here the first couple years we were here, naught 14 and 15.   I remember we had to get the dogs and cats and supplies and hunker down in our center hallway a time or four.  Now, been in a drought for last two years, go figure!

    time to deplane, keep the sun at your six and  the Son in your heart, and "ride boldly ride..."

your frien and resident person, Cephus R Me esq   

04/09/20 02:10 PM #9914    


Robert Derrick

Hey Teddie, I know we just set our clocks 1 hour ahead a few weeks ago,but due to our current circumstances would it be alright to set our bathroom scales back 5 lbs until we get thru this.

04/09/20 05:57 PM #9915    


Teddie Jordan

Robert, your logic on scales, and time, and happy hours, is flawless!

04/10/20 10:38 PM #9916    


Beau Wann, Jr.

     Hey Robert and TJ,  I've have my clocks set to Kathmandu which at this time it is 8:32 AM.  Someone explained to me why the minutes are different, but for the life O me, I dont remember why.   It's always happy hour here, and at this very moment it's 5:53 in Jerusalem, come Sunday....well, we all know what happens then dont we.

       Friday night...and half centruy ago,  you guys were putting on pads to play under the FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS.   What an exciting time it must have been for yall.  Working an after school and weekend job, I went to only one game, and that was the Sadie Hawkins  game, went with Lanice Richardson, God rest her soul.  Dont know who the Rams were playing. Hope we won.

    Half century later, first fireflies of the season have shown up here today, as well as the hummingbirds and blue birds.  Yup, been an eventful day for sure. All the roses are blooming, as well as just about everyother plant, such as the Magnolia tree, our one texas yuca plant.  Our easter lillies have yet to blossom, but they cant be far behind all the others.   Tonight you can smell the honeysuckle and jasmine and gardenias just wafting about on the wind.   Need a jacket up here, it's coolish and suppose to get back down in the 40s next week. Mother nature cant seem to make up her mind whether she wants cold weather or warm weather .

     The fierce storm that was suppose to come crashing down on us yesterday, did not materialize.  Got dark, windy, few drops of percipitation, then sayanara, see ya later.  We were sure hoping for some rain, well maybe next time.

        One thing that did come crashing down, our grandaughter Haley was attacked by a pit bull up in college station. It's owner, left the gate open, and it went straight for Haley.    Luckily, if you can call it lucky, she had friends with her that managed to pull it off of her, but not before it inflicted some serious damage to one of her legs. Required 12 stitches.  Her other wounds on one finger and her stomach were not "stitchworthy" her words.  Could have been worse!  

      Diane and Haleys mom and dad and friend drove up there in the blinding rainstorm that we were supposed to get but didnt.   All the traffic on 6 had to pull to the side of the highway because they couldnt see.   Didnt last but very long, and all resumed their journey.   The sawbones said the dog did no damage to the muscle or tendons or anything of consequence, nothing but her leg, right!  Now comes the healing and scaring.   I can only imagine how terrified she must have been.   Animal control has the dog in quarantine and have cited the owner.

     Got our garden in finally, still have seed starters in peat pots to be transplanted.  Put in 80 red onions and 80 yellow onions, just hope we get a few out of that lot.  Three or four rows of corn, squash, okra, more peppers, cucumbers, 3 different kinds of lettuce and spinach, and small sweet carrots and black diamond watermelons.   We use to call those "Hempstead" mellons because that's where they were grown.  Hardly anyone grows them now, dont know why either, they were so sweet and delicious.  Still have lots more to plant, so will have to make another bed.

       Maybe when this "house arrest" is over, all yall can come up and enjoy our bounty.   Dont know how many cases of the C-19 there are in our county, maybe 7 I think I heard Diane say, sure be glad when this all subsides.   The ailment may subside, but the collateral damage is going to be catastrophic ie the economy.  75% of Americas workforce comes from small businesses, and that's what's shutdown.

     Our daughter in law has had one of the restaurants for about 23 years, and she and our son have another one about 2 or 3 years. Both were doing nothing.    I dont get in their business unless asked, so not sure how they are coping with it, I imagine they're scared.   They've tried delivery and togo orders, but it's not like they're wataburger or kentucky fried chicken.  I do know they've fed the first responders down there in Ft Bend, hope they can manage to hang on.

    Now that you know the "rest of the story", Keep the sun at your six and the Son in your heart, and "ride boldly ride..."

your frien and resident farmer, Cephus R Farmer in the dell esq.

Post Script:  I've just completed my 17,500th straight win at Free Cell and am considering turning Pro. Just saying! ! !

04/13/20 08:53 AM #9917    


Beau Wann, Jr.

     It's me again Margaret !   Put away the winter clothes, break out the winter clothes, put away the winter clothes, break out the winter clothes...46 this phyne morning up here in the Chalps.   Had 93 yesterday, go figure.  Already had 100 on the 9th at least accordion to the CHIMACS weather station, and IT'S APRIL...Waht tha....?

    Didja get out last night and check out the stars?   Musta been a zillion and a half winking at us.  Built a far in the far pit, and just gazed in wonder at Gods miracles.  Lightning bugs aka fireflies, were having an enlightening convention.   What started out to be a dreary looking day, turned into a glorious Easter. Well, Easter is always glorious regardless of the weather, but good weather does seem to make it MORE glorious doesnt it .

    Had church VIA ZOOM, not really good for me because the sound was lagging and clipped especially when reciting the Lords prayer and other items on the program bulletin. Sounded like the Gregorian monks on drugs.    Well, no matter I knew what was going on anyway, distracting as it was.     The piano player was also there playing the piano, nooooooo, well she wasnt playing the tuba now was she...anyway, the sound quality being on the bad side of really bad, her playing sounded like a little chilren banging away on the ivory, nothing recognizable hymn wise.

    Our pastor wanted everyone to wear a hat for the services, so Diane and I put on our Sunday-go-to-meeting hats and from what I could tell on the screen, most everyone had hats on, and some had bunny ears.   I changed hats numerous times, because I could. I only have a couple dozen hats, not counting ballcaps, only a zillion of those.   I love hats ! ! !  

    Any of youse youtes ordering food from the takeout folks??   We dont, mainly because no one will deliver to Chappell Hill, especially down our bumpy road, and that's putting it mildly.   We'd love to have a pizza suppreme, at least a slice of that Marco Polo discovery.  It was Marco Polo that discovered Pizza in China wasnt it?   Well no matter, it's still good, whoever discovered it.  I'd like to discover some setting on the kitchen counter is what I'd like to discover.

    In  the pizza adds all you ever see anyone order is a plain cheese pizza ! ! !  ????   Why in the wide wide whirld of sports doesnt anyone want at least pepperoni or hamburger on it?   We like everything except anchovies.  There again, who would ruin a perfectly good pizza by not having anything on it but cheese or  smearing a stinky fish all over it.  My cat wont even eat anchovies, or sardines.   The dogs will, but of course dogs will pretty much eat anything as long as it isnt dog food. Now there is an oxymoron thought if  ever there was one eh!  Dogs, go figure! ! !

    We released Annie-Bobs ashes on the hill yesterday, she passed away 2-10-20,  now her spirit is free to mingle with all our other little angels whose ashes are scattered on the hill.   Annie-Bob is the last of our original cat community.  Little Miss is our newest angel who briefly touched on the last of the original cats via Lacy and Sammy and Annie-bob.  She got along with the former, but the latter was a bitter enemy.   Now Little Miss has the run of the house and a plethora of napping places for her napping pleasure. 

    The coffee in this joint is excellent, however, and aint there always a however, the service is lacking. I have to get up and get my own coffee...oh the humanity...Ok, I'm back with a fresh steaming cup O Joe.  Who discovered coffee, Marco Polo?  Juan Valdez? Robert Edward Olds?  Tesla?  Some of the coffee I've made would sure jolt you and drive you around  full throttle that's for sure.  You add chicory to it, and "your going to the moon alice"...

   Ok, time to shed my winter clothes and get back to my island clothes, "kowabunga dude, surfs up"..
Keep the sun at y our six and "ride boldly ride..."

Your frien and resident coffee grinder, Cephus R Zoomin Dude esq      

04/15/20 07:52 PM #9918    


Bennie Schielack

Enjoyed your pizza musings . . . . . wanted to share an experience over the toppings for pizza . . . . . 

Several years ago, we had a group of folks that joined us @ SPJST Lodge for evenings of Ballroom dancing.  Most of the group were students of mine and we all enjoyed the exercise, both physical and mental . . . . . On one of our Saturday night gatherings, we ended up hungry and decided to order some pizza.  

The instigator of the pizza delivery indicated he was going to order 3 pizzas.  One Sausage, one pepperoni and one cheese.  I suggested he skip the cheese pizza and get something else on the third pizza, so he decided to order 4 pizzas because he liked cheese pizza. 

By the end of the night, the only pizza left was the cheese pizza, which was missing only 2 slices.  All other pizza was GONE . . . . . I knew from experience that cheese pizza always is the last to go, and only if someone was still hungry after all of the other pizza was gone.  

Just my experience concerning group pizza parties . . . . .  

As a side, we (Sarah has been converted to my favorite pizza) go to Mr. Gattis and order thin crust, double pepperoni with green olives and easy on the Jalapenos . . . . .

It's been winter in Wharton this past week, also.  Had to wear long pants on the golf course all three days this week, but by the time (2:30 ish) we were finishing up our round, short sleeve shirts and shorts were acceptable.  Really enjoying Winter in Wharton and not looking forward to the return of summer, but I'm sure my plants, potted and in ground, plus all of the cuttings and seedlings I have are really looking forward to the warm weather.



04/16/20 10:12 AM #9919    


Pat Brantley (Ross)

Beau, I am so sorry about Haley.  I know she will have scars, but the mental trauma will be there also.  My sister was attacked by a German Shepherd  several weeks ago.  I was in the hospital when I was two after being mauled by a dog.  He had been teased by neighborhood boys and when he got out, I was the target of opportunity.  He mostly got my face because he was trying to get my throat.  I was too chubby for that.  I don't remember it, but my poor sister does and has always been afraid of big dogs as a consequence.  71 years later I have one scar.  A plastic surgeon told me he could fix that last one and I said I wanted to keep it.  My sister has had her hands bandaged up like boxing gloves and one knee is really swollen.  She can't operate the the remote control and she has trouble getting up the stairs.  She wants to work in the garden.  
about those pizzas - my favorite pizza joint was in SLC, Utah.  Everything but anchovies was always the way we ordered.  Now we have one local place and Pizza Hut.  We have learned to order a veggie lover with pepperoni and extra cheese.  That is as close as we get to my son in law's homemade pizza (which is wonderful).  He is an ER doctor so he isn't cooking right now.  Our county has 26 cases and 6 deaths, but we are between San Antonio and Austin so it is changing every day.  One of our relatives is military and doing his residency in San Antonio at military hospital.  He has seen much more activity.  The military isn't giving out numbers.  
beau, I went to one Sadie Hawkins game but I can't remember when it was.  I don't remember who my date was either.  I do remember that Mike Collins loaned me his corvette to impress my date.  Mike was older than us.  I had to use all my strength to clutch that car.  I thought girls were supposed to be sentimental.  
if my oak tree would stop dropping those worms I would get outside and do some work on my yard.  Ron told me to wear my mask.  I can't breathe in that mask.  Maybe that's why they work.  We hold our breath until we're back inside.

stay safe.  We aren't the Expendibles 


04/18/20 10:00 AM #9920    


Beau Wann, Jr.

    BENNIE AND PAT, THANK YOU...It's so nice to hear from someone other than me...YEAAAAAA!!!!!   Hey Pat, sorry you were and your sister were traumatized by a dog.  Hope yall are all better now!  It's something not easily gotten over is it.

      Hey Bennie,  even though we havent had pizza in over a year, I still love it and am planning to "go to the darkside" and have a slice...or two...I am gonna load it up with  everything I can think of hmmmm yum.    I use to love Mr Gattis, but havent seen on e in forever, thought they went out of bidness like so many places had ovr the years.   Another pizza joint or two I liked was either Pizza Hut or Pizza Inn.   I thought one was better than the other but dont remember which one. 

    HOWEVER,  and aint there always a "however",  Village Inn Pizza down on "Old Market Square" had a very good pizza and just about everything else,   I use to work there as a 2nd job back in them "good ol days".  Sometime in the early 70's.   I was chief cook and bottle washer and bouncer and table cleaner off'r.  On weekends at quitting time I'd make a "killer" pizza for  the boss and me.  Had everything but the band on it.

   Those of youse youtes that went downtown for the "nightlife" remember the band?   Give up?   Come on people, this is going to be on your final and counts as half of one third of a fourth of a silly meter  of your grade....Ok phyne...

     THE SOUTHWEST FREEWAY,  was the name of the band.  Dont remember all the names, but some like, Big Frank Bataglia on sax, who was a member of the famed "one O clock band" from Stephen F Austin, I think it was that school, well no matter, Big Frank was a force to be reckoned with on sax. Then there was  "kid" whelock on lead guitar, who was only 18 at the time and had to have special dispensation to play in a place that served beer and wine.  The kid was one of the best guitarists and sight readers I'd ever seen at that time, othern chet atkins of course.

    Bill Roe was the bass player and again, one of the best ever, then Tom Cummings was on percussion and an absolute phreaky genius on drums,  My goodness they were good.  The lead singer was Harold Hutchisson or hutchinson, they just called "Hutch".  Had that deep gravely voice that the lead singer of Chicago had, in fact sounded just like him.

    I remember the agents, or promoters/managers  of "GRAND FUNK RAILROAD" came down to listen to the band one weekend  after hours.  I stayed on till way past 3 AM.  The folks that came to listen said they were good, but sounded more like CHICAGO than CHICAGO did. Therefore they didnt feel they could represent them...blah blah blah.   Hutch went on to "CATS" fame and the SWF got a new lead singer, who was good, but the band pretty much disbanded or went on to other things. 

    I showed up for work one evening and the owners were there and said Villiage Inn Pizza was closed down because the manager left and abscounded with the proceeds. That's my last memory of that place.  Never reopened as anything else as far as I know.  

    Remember all the other clubs on the "Square"?   I went to  them all at one time or another, and even Sony Looks had a restaurant just off the square.   Remember Sony Looks?   Fine fine eating establishments Mr Look had.  Remember the one on Westheimer had a Knight on a white horse out front?  Lots of great restaurants back in them good ol "steak house"  days.  "Nickys" on now I'm hungry.  

    Ok, time to deplane, soooooooo keep the sun at your six and "ride boldly ride..."

your frien and resident rememberer, Cephus R still here esq 

04/18/20 04:49 PM #9921    


Beau Wann, Jr.

     Ok, I stand corrected, I said that Frank Bataglia, the sax player in the group Southwest Freeway, played in the famed "one oclock band" from Stephen F Austin....that is of course WRONG WRONG WRONG...It was North Texas State...

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