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04/11/18 10:28 AM #9097    


Jackie Crowe (Finch)

Attendance list as of 4-11-18

(see Homepage for details)  RSVP to Johnny Sheffield


04/12/18 08:19 AM #9098    


Beau Wann, Jr.

     Yea Kay !   I tuned in to the Masters, just in time to see  the last shot that won the tournament. Didnt know it was on.  Since I didnt get an invite, yet again, I'm boycotting it, that and all green jackets. If they would let me play, just think of the comic relief I would add. I shoot a 72....on 9 holes, but heck, I always got double my moneys worth.    Glad to see it was a fine young Houston person that 1.98 million dollars.  Of course, being of broke back, knackered up knees, rotten rotator cuffs, and general all round unfit to play golf, guess I'll forgive em.

     Would love to see Tony at the sprang flang, as well as any and all of all yall. eh waht!   Hmmm, last couple O lines I broke every rule in every english book in every language and every country, including Mars and Venus.  Oh well....

    Glad Lynn has progressed to going home next week.  I keep intending to call him, but just like me, I let the day slip away to darkness and as I close my eyes I say, "I'll call Lynn tomorrow". Been working like a madman, and really dont know why.  I felt so good this week, almost like a normal person, I've worked like I was 60 years old. Of course I've paid dearly for it.

       They've finally poured the concrete for the ice haus last Friday. Now have to wait till April 28 to paint the floor, then another 48 hours till I can start moving stuff and parking on it.  Doors are suppose to be installed next Monday or Tuesday.

     Feeling good, sures feels different from what I normally feel.  Yesterday, I stopped the tractor in front of the garage, turned it off and sat there and fell asleep.  Dont know how long I was there, but Diane was shaking my leg to see if I was still alive.  Of course I was, just only half dead. When I got down, I was wobbly...uh oh, blood sugar had fallen to funky low.  Soooo, that called for a peanut butter and jelly sandridge and a coke. 

      Then of course I started cramping up...only remedy for that is Dr. Lynn Pruits TONIC WATER AND GATORADE.  Actually tonic water is what Lynn said works on cramps, I added the gatorade to put back electric lites in my dehydrated bod.  Generally it works sort of, but the quads on my legs kept cramping up whenever I attempted to stand. Well, I worked through it, and alls well that ends well. Well?  

    We had another blessed event on the hill, Lenore the Longhorn is now a mama!   At first glance, I thought she was trying to hurt the other youngster, or playing with it, because she kept nosing it and pushing it with her long horns.  Finally the calf got on it's feet, and mama was cleaning and grooming it.  The other calf came over and mama quickly butted heads with it and shooed it away from her little darling. I'm sure the two youngsters will get to play later.

    I didnt even know that Lenore was predicate. Musta been the loose fitting clothes she wears.  I'm surprised any of the heifers got predicate by ol "Ferdinand the bull", a red angus .  At first we thought he was gay, cause the heifers were mounting him. Even ol dopey me knows that's not right. I guess they were showing him what he''s suppose to be doing.  that ol boy sure is slow.

    Got most of ourn garden in this week. Instead of an inground garden, or building a raised bed garden, we bought two 50 gallon ag tanks by rubber maid, and put them on blocks and filled them with dirt and got the squash, onions, peas, beans, taters, and corn, and peppers planted.  I drilled holes in the bottom of the tanks for drainage. If this works out, I will buy two more.  If it doesnt, I will buy some of that magic tape and cover the holes and donate them to Clyde the rancher next to us for water troughs.

    50 gallons translates to 6.68 Liters of dirt, or three bags O the worm housing.  Beats having to call in a load of dirt, 14 yards, at several hundred dollars. bags O dirt are about 5 or 4 dollars.  Cant use the crud up here, it is like concrete and glue mixed together.   Good thing in our clime, you can start a garden most anytime of the year.  About the only thing we dont have planted are greens, mustard and turnip, and beets and carrots, maybe in the next two tubs.   I did get some corn planted in center field, a little late, but that's ok.

    Best mustard greens I ever experienced came from the backyard of 619 East 10 and 1/2 street in the heights.  they were of course fall greens, tasted almost sweet, they were so good.  All of my beloveds roses are going nuts.  Blooms everywhere!   The "Belindas Dream" rose was suppose to be very oderiferous, but isnt.  The "Double Delight" is almost overwhelming. Smells like youve opened a perfume bottle. Got one of the wilted blooms sitting next to me, and it still smells of heaven. WOW!

    I know, that's why all youse youtes tune in, to hear the Ag report from ol Doc Cephus. I guess it's good, or sad, depending on how you look at things, that mostly I talk about "growing" stuff, and tractor stuff.  Oh well, most of my teachers predicted I'd go to "rack and ruin" .  It's not all bad though, being simple minded, not too much to worry about, cept whether the bridge will wash out, or  the tractor will start, and the rabbits dont eat your lettuce. Ha, fooled ol peter cottontail, our lettuce is up high and unless the rabbits are 3 foot tall, they're not gonna eat our stuff.

    Any thoughts on another "PARTY ON THE HILL"?  Diane was looking at May, but I think that's too soon after the "SPRING FLING" and I dont think the daince hall will be ready by then, in fact I know it wont.  I'm still looking for a pool table and all the acouterments and a shuffle board and a skating rink mirrored ball, and a bar, and all the stuff that goes with an ice house.  Had a juke box, but sold it because there are fewer and fewer folks that know how to work on it should it go kerplunk.  Still go all kinds of music boxes though.

    Maybe sometime in June?  I dont want it to be too hot. Well, whenever we have it, should be fun times a hundred. I know Diane is anxious to show folks her flawers.  Almost all the flawers in the boxes came back from the 19 degrees we had last winter, and they are all "a fixin to" bloom.   Remember the Disney movie, Daniel Boone, or Davy Crocket?  Remember when he was "home schooling" his kids?  He was teaching them verb conjugating,  "I'm a Fixin to" , "you're a fixin to", "he she and It are a fixin to"!  Love it!  I imagine all the english teachers in the whirld were apalled. I know I was....'nt.

    Ok, time to deplane boss...look up in the sky, is it a bird, is it a plane, NO, it's ....just Cephus

Keep the sun at your six and ride boldly ride....and keep the rabbits out of the garden...
your friens...St Diane and Mr Cephus, junque man extrodinaire, esq

04/13/18 05:07 PM #9099    


Kay Watters '65 (Greene)

Hey Beau, back at ya!  When did you live on 10 1/2?  My Aunt lived on 1038 Columbia in the Heights.  We were great friends with the Martino family on 8 1/2.  Mr. Tony, wife, kids, Steven, Mark, Joseph and Mary.  Did you run across them in your travels?

That garden sounds great.  The money you save in hauling in dirt should pay for those 50 gal.  I hope they work as I might be interested in trying this.  I so love good garden vegetables. And of course, didn't know you suffer from Type 2 diabetes?  So many do, it's like almost a certainly one will get it the older we all get.  I, myself, have to be different, being a Type 1 diabetic since I was 19. I used to think there would be a cure, don't anymore.I'm going to try the CGM5 although I really want the CGM6-not out yet.  It sticks to your arm or stomach and records your blood sugars during the day.  It makes an "alert" sound if your blood sugar is going dangerously low and that should also wake you up at night.  My problem since I do live alone.

I, too experienced some really good days of energy and health.  I also want to run or. at least jump and click my heels, however, I know better.....Lol..  I so love mowing, using the riding mower that is....creative, functional and pleasing to see the end result.    Lots of women love mowing and help their husbands with this chore.

Beau, I am wondering, since I have a dirt floor in the barn, can I after 20 years, put in concrete?  Anyway

04/14/18 12:28 AM #9100    


Scotty Croom

just got email from john adams thst richard macauley passed away today...i am in shock..saw him at hot dogs/vfw in katy..he stopped by a few richard,,simpre fi...

04/14/18 06:19 AM #9101    


Teddie Jordan

I just saw that email when I got up this morning. So sorry to hear this sad news. Richard was one of my favorites and always made me laugh. He and John were always best friends.

Rest In Peace ol’ buddy. 

04/14/18 09:40 AM #9102    


Scotty Croom

my grandparents moved from 16th ,near ashland , to 10 1/2 st. ,in mid to late 50' that owned all land on heights to yale...they moved to 18th and rutland until 66....have been by there in recent years...still pretty area...

04/14/18 12:23 PM #9103    


Jackie Crowe (Finch)

So sorry and sad to receive Jimmie Lee's email this morning that our dear classmate, Richard McCauley, passed away.  She had been in touch with John Adams and knew that Richard was in the hospital.  John said Richard had a very bad reaction to a drug after a heart attack a while back and developed lung failure.  Our prayers to his family - wife, Suzanne and sons.   I will keep you posted as soon as I hear about his services.

Last year in February I had lunch with Richard.  He wanted to bring his military documents and pictures for me to scan and post on his profile and "Military Salute" tab.  I posted and he told me to hold on to the originals and he would get them back at one of our future Waltrip gatherings, sadly that didn't happen.  We had a wonderful visit that day and I will cherish those memories.  John Adams also joined us for lunch.  Richard and John have been such very good friends since H9.   RIP our dear sweet Richard. God Bless

My lunch with Richard and John - Feb. 2017



04/14/18 11:55 PM #9104    


Beau Wann, Jr.

     Sorry to hear about Richards passing.  Seems I recall him always smiling.  Very witty, funny and intelligent young man.  He told me that one of the things he was most proud of in his life, was that he was always self employeed.  Something indeed to be proud of. Self sufficient, self reliant, self actualization.  He garnered my admiration and respect for sure.   He will be missed!

04/15/18 12:12 AM #9105    


Beau Wann, Jr.

     ok as beautiful as that picture is, she isnt smiling, so here's one of her smiling.

I hope youall dont mind me sharing these pictures with you. I will delete them later on.  What a beauty. 

04/15/18 07:40 AM #9106    


Beau Wann, Jr.

     Hey Kay !   Yes, you can add concrete to your dirt floor garage.  They use special dirt or clay called "engineered dirt". It is really sticky red clay when it's wet. But, when I was younger and helping my dad and the wild bunch pouring concrete for their garages etc, I dont recollect using any special dirt.  Just lots or rebar, and if there was a structure going up over it, vapor barrier, or visquine, plastic, to keep the floor from sweating. 

     Kay did you get any wind damage or rain from the Friday night storm?   So happens me and the pups were on the front porch about 11:30 that night when it came in.   Our Texas flag was trailing noth with the wind from the south about 30 40 miles an hour, when in a flash, that grand ol flag started trailing south and the first gust of wind hit 40 mph, all in about one second.  the air smelled fresh and clean, and cold, like it was the first cold front of the season in October or November.  A blue nother for sure.  dropped 15 degrees in just 5 minutes.

    I thought I was prepared for it, but nope!  Thinking one is prepared for something, and actually being prepared for something is entirely two different things, of which I have not found the right combination.
The wind tossed almost all the deck furniture off the deck and instead of it blowing from one close set of furniture to another set, or pile, it scattered it all over the hill.  Even blew one of the BBQ pits over and turned it sideways.  That pit weighs around 100 to 150 pounds.  The smoker weighs 450 pounds, so try as it might, that ol storm didnt budge it. Oh, it didnt blow the outside christmas tree down, just snapped the metal pole in two.

    Pillows and pots everywhere.  Then the thunder and lightning show, which our dog Jack is so terrified of.  Out of all the storm, we got only .43 hundredths of an inch of rain, but we'll take it.  Better than 43 inches or none!     Some of those thunder rumbles shook the house, felt like incoming artillary.   Had to drive the truck up and down the hill to retrieve the pillows and light stuff yesterday morning.  But we made it alright, no real damage anywhere, at least here.    Hope all faired well!

    I was going to ride Pegasus today, but my left achillies tendon is inflamed or something, and hurts like heck fire.  Cant even bend my ankle.  What a beautiful day it is too.  I think I will try to ride, at least test the ankle by sitting on my bike and seeing if I  can hold it up.  Or, maybe just sit in the glorious sun with my pups and drain the coffee pot. Eyether way, shouldnt be a bad day all round cept for the pain. But that's to be expected in ones advancing and reclining years. 

    Trying to remember the last time I talked to Richard in person. Too many years gone by, but at least I remember !  RIP Richard and Semper Fi.....

   Keep the sun at your six and ride boldly ride...
Your saddened frien,  BeauCephus Magillicutty E Lee, esq

Post Script:  Happy trails till we meet again... 

04/15/18 11:15 AM #9107    


Kay Watters '65 (Greene)

Thank you Beau, going to see about having the posts holding up the roof wrapped in something too. A lot to do.

As for the wind, cold, rain....this has possibly been a Spring I don't wish to repeat soon.  Not used to having to be in the house so much.  Used to buzzing around outside, cutting, clipping picking up branches and such, in order to get ready for the promise of  SummerI suppose Summer will suddenly appear and be there all of a sudden.My home is way back from the road among large varied species of trees, and in a hole.  Therefore, I think I am a bit more protected.  Sometimes I wonder if one of those trees I'm under will decide to blow over on the house.  No,  I have a pit bull mix, the kids left me that is the biggest wimpy dog, when it comes to lightning and thunder.  He parks himself right in a corner til it is over. I also have a big ole country dog, I inherited from another that will kill and eat anything - for a woman, she has no nurturing, (never was a Mom).  I would not want to tangle with those two. Nothing fazes Annie, everything fazes Buddy!

We have the Bicyclists pedaling in droves today, we've all talked about staying home, as they are very difficult to drive thru and around. This cold wind alone is keeping me in today.


.  ..

04/15/18 11:19 AM #9108    


Kay Watters '65 (Greene)

Darn it, Beau.  You snuck that picture of Haley in on me.  She is gorgeous, that gown is about as gorgeous as her girlie figure, and young skin, etc.  Much to be proud of, Beau and Diane.  Where has all the time gone....too fast for sure, and our faces and such show it.....Lol.  Like her eyebrows too.  I'm into how everyone are doing their eyebrows now.


04/15/18 11:31 AM #9109    

Henny Banning


So sorry, to learn of Richard's death.   

RIP~~~Dear Richard.



04/15/18 06:28 PM #9110    


Jackie Crowe (Finch)


Congrats to being great grandparents.  And Wow! Haley is so beautiful, cannot believe she's grown up and going to her Sr. prom.   I know you and Diane are beaming with pride.

I thought I'd attach these pictures Scotty had posted on his profile of one of your guy gatherings with Richard McCauley, John Adams, Tony Maddox, Scotty Croom and you.  They were posted in 2014 - priceless memories of Richard!  Hugs


04/15/18 10:02 PM #9111    


Teddie Jordan

Richard McCauley was a door gunner on a Marine medical evacuation chopper, Medivac, during the Vietnam war. For some good reading, and refreshed perspective on the realities of that war, go back and read the discussion on pages 7-12 of this Forum in 2009 between Richard McCauley, Gary Keith and Burgess Webb, and Scotty and Beau, who were all there. It is not only interesting, but humbling. Words are not adequate, but Sincere thanks to all of you who served.

04/15/18 11:35 PM #9112    


Beau Wann, Jr.

    Thanks TJ for the info.  Richard was also wounded the first week he was there. Lynn Pruit was in artillery there.    I had another marine buddy name Frank Duran, class of 72 that was an M60 gunner in a huey.  Still in touch with him.  He and I worked at the dial tone factory 30 years and rode harleys together for 10 or 12 years.

    Thanks for the comments on Haley. Not so much proud, as amazed that anyone as beautiful as that could be kin to ME.  Haley and 40 seniors went in together and rented a bus to take them to the restaurant, and dance and wherever else they were going.  Onliest thing I remember of our prom, is not much.  I think we swam at the pine forest country club, and then after that went to galveston?    I dont even remember who I went with, sorry if it was one of our fine ladies and I dont remember.     There are no pictures of me from the prom that I know of, maybe I didnt even go...maybe I dont really exist, just an analog blip in a digical de do do, do de do do (twilight zone music) 

    I met Haleys boyfriend Michael at the photo shoot. Very handsome ! ! !  My son tells me he is THE star soccer player, and that he has scholarship offers from the whole whirld, and that several pro teams are looking at him to turn pro.  I was hoping that Haley would be a nun, and NOT date boys!  I have never seen so many TALL boys and girls. Good lord, some of the girls are over 6 ft tall, and of course all beautiful.

   All the girls at the photo shoot had almost same style dresses on, tight and er uh....I asked my beloved how were they going to dance wearing those things. They do still dance nowdays dont they!  Well, I know they probably dont dance as well as we did. Dont think they could do the TWIST, or much of anything we did when we were youtes.  All their dresses were dragging the ground, almost like a wedding gown train, even if they could do a slow dance, how's the guy NOT going to step on the bottoms?   Oh man, just gives me a headache trying to figger stuff out.

   Kay?  Eyebrows?   Hmmm, never noticed that they had any eyebrows.  Not exactly what caught my eye, Ol dopey me!

    I rode my bike today, and it was good.  Just had trouble getting on and off with my left achillies tendon acting up.  I sure do hope it isnt the same problem as I had with my right foot, and subsequent surgery a year ago last april 7th.  That took almost 6 months to heal and be at maybe 90 percent of what it was. That;s where it's at today, 90 percent.      If I have to have the same  surgery on the left foot and leg, look for me to become a drug addict and or an alcoholic, and a whole lot grumpier than ever.

     Ok, time to deplane boss.
Keep the sun at your six and ride boldly ride...

Your frien and blessed  beyond all belief, BeauCephus

04/16/18 12:21 AM #9113    


Scotty Croom

found info about richard mccauley...service will be fr.,april 20th ..assuming at woodlawn funeral home/cemetary...where i found info...

04/16/18 10:30 AM #9114    


Jackie Crowe (Finch)

You can view Richard's military in his profile and under "Military Salute" Marine section.  Hugs



04/16/18 11:57 AM #9115    


Jackie Crowe (Finch)

Received from John Adams regarding Richard McCauley's service -

A Memorial Service will be held at Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church on Tuesday 4/24 at 1:00 pm. (Note - next week)

Memorial Service For Richard McCauley

Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church

Richard Mike McCauley
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
1:00 PM | MDPC Chapel

Address - 11612 Memorial Drive, Houston, TX  77024

Phone - 713-782-1710


04/17/18 06:33 PM #9116    


James King '65

Richard McCauley approached me on my first day at Waltrip in Mr. Lester Picklles’ wood shop. He started talking to me as if he had known me for many years. He advised me on pitfalls and who the good and bad guys were. Richard offered up some good jokes to top off the discussion. What’s strange about that is I don’t recall having a conversation with him after the first one. Maybe he felt he had taken care of a responsibility to enlighten a rookie. 

04/17/18 08:57 PM #9117    


Teddie Jordan

That is interesting James, but does not surprise me. Richard was a good, good guy. His laugh and upbeat personality will be greatly missed.

Rest In Peace ‘ol Buddy, until we meet once more on down the road!

PS- And James you reminded me of a good story. We midtermers went to Waltrip for the high ninth, due to baby boomer over crowding at Black, in the fall of ‘60 when the new school first opened. My first semester I took woodshop, all of the smart guys took typing so they could meet girls. Anyway we had Mr. Pickle. Bless his heart he had some characters in his class, including Victor Mata and Richard Oakes. One day one of them unscrewed the drinking fountain head almost all of the way until it was barely hanging by a thread. Eventually someone went over and got a drink and it blew! Water was shooting out of that pipe! Poor ol’ Mr. Pickle ran over and kind of panicked, who wouldn’t? There was no shutoff valve and it took a while before he got the water shut off. By then there were about 2 inches of water on the floor. 

As a side note I always heard that the same bunch a few weeks later, with a number of other helpers, picked up the then NDCC instructor’s VW bug and put it in the back of Mr. Pickle’s pickup parked adjacent to the bug. Such were the times!

PS2- try saying “Mr. Pickle’s pickup parked” four times in a row.

04/18/18 10:35 AM #9118    


Scotty Croom

i remember pics at spring creek bbq on 290...we all got together and swapped stories....lola took these pics...tony surprised us and also showed up....priceless time...richard told me about his being hit in hand by vc ground fire ...because he had nerve damage ,they sent him to hosp. ship for trip to okinawa and repair surgery...they sedated him to keep hand imobile for trip..when he woke up in hosp., a corpman told him ,in his sleepy mode, you better take these meds or im gonna kick your butt...when he finally woke up, he opened his eyes  and saw it was walter malek,our old waltrip friend...he took his meds and the rest is history....every time i saw him,in past and recent times.he always had a new story about someone he crossed paths with in his work and leisure times...we will all miss his humor and concern for ever4yone else...wish i could have seen one more time...simpre fi,richard...

04/18/18 11:36 AM #9119    


Jackie Crowe (Finch)

Obituary for Richard McCauley

January 24, 1945 - April 13, 2018

RICHARD MICHAEL MCCAULEY, 73, passed away peacefully April 13, 2018, surrounded by his loving family. Mike was born January 24, 1945, in Worcester, Massachusetts to Claire and Gilbert McCauley. Mike is preceded in death by his parents and brother, Thomas Lavelle McCauley. He is survived by his wife, Suzanne Taylor McCauley, and his sons, Gregory Lawrence McCauley and wife, Ashley; Matthew Taylor McCauley; Adam Reid McCauley and wife, Meredith; and Michael Patrick McCauley; six grandchildren, Madison Taylor and Kennedy Ann McCauley; John Clay, Jack Reid, and Simms Claire McCauley; and William Gregory McCauley. He is also survived by his sisters, Mary McCauley Parker and Martha McCauley Kologinczak, as well as numerous nieces, nephews, and cousins.

He graduated from Waltrip High School, attended the University of Houston, and was a member of the USMC. He was proud of his military service and a Purple Heart recipient. He then became a sales representative in the medical supply business where he made countless friends throughout the years.

Mike's greatest joy was his family. His warmth and kindness will be dearly missed by his family and all who knew him.

The family would like to give special thanks to the ICU staff at Methodist West Hospital for their compassion and extraordinary care.

A Memorial Service will be held at 1:00 PM on Tuesday, April 24, 2018, in the chapel at Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church, 11612 Memorial Drive, Houston, Texas 77024, with a reception to follow.

In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions in the honor of Mike may be made to Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church or a charity of your choice.

04/18/18 12:08 PM #9120    


Jackie Crowe (Finch)

 CORRECTION - per Patrick, Richard's son, (who ask me to post this and the picture) his father did not have a heart attack years ago.  He had heart issues years ago and got toxicity poisoning that ultimately caused lung failure.  He was very proud of his family.  He died peacefully surrounded by his loving family. 


04/22/18 12:54 PM #9121    

Lynn Prewit

I want to thank everyone for your prayers, cards and phone calls!

I was discharged from the nursing home last week but I am now taking the antibotics orally at home. I'm not sure how much longer I will be on the antibotics but should know more at my next doctor's appointment on May 3rd.

Regretfully, I will not be able to attend Richard McCauley's memorial service on Tuesday. He was a good man and friend. RIP Richard. God Bless.


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