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07/14/19 08:48 AM #9647    


Scotty Croom

wish that we could have been there,too...still iffy weather,power has stayed on since late  yesterday had food,computer and cell phones...more rain expected thru, i have aches in feet and hands,but if i get up and move they seem to go away...  rescheduled trip to htown and hill country until aug. between biloxi ands beaumont will be drier...

07/14/19 05:28 PM #9648    


Beau Wann, Jr.

     Hey Scotty, glad you are well.  Diane said there was a good crowd there last night, and you and Sharon would have added just that many more good folks.  I'm so glad that Diane fits in well with our class because even when I cant go I still feel connected because Diane is there. Talk about best of both whirlds.

       We cant buy rain up here in the Chalps.  First couple O years here, and we were inundated with frog stranglers weekly,  just goes to show you some days chicken, some days feathers.  It will start wraining up here at some point, so not to worry...maybe!  Just dont want it to start anytime soon so as not to hamper cornstruction on the zero gravity pit and spa.

    Would you believe I've got on my speedos as I type this! ! !   Yup, getting in practice on  modeling mah swimwear.  My arms and face are dark as an islanders, but mah legs....hmm hmm hmm, they will blind you. Look like two mozzarella cheese sticks.   I never ever cottoned to shorts even when I was a liter kid.  Bugs always biting and crawling on your legs, cat or dogs always scratching your unprotected legs.  Maybe I can come up with some "long shorts" .  Not sure how that's going to work, but we will see what we will see, eh what!

     Time to deplane,  Little Miss has gotten up off my arms so I can turn loose of the keyboard.  Although it's a tad hampering to type with a cat laying on your arms and the keboard, but it's good finger and arm  excersize, plus cant see the keyboard, so mah typing skills improve with each forum response. Keeps your hands and arms warm, heaven knows with it 100 degrees outside I sure do need em kept warm. Might change Little Miss name to "Jimmie Lee, typing teacher".  She always said she didnt allow for her students to look at the keyboard.  Well, Little Miss has seen to it that I honor those class room instructions.

    Keep the sun at your six and "ride boldly ride"
your frien and resident  greek god swimwear yodeler,  and Acapulco cliff diver, (not cliff notes), Zeus Cephus esqus.

07/16/19 08:26 AM #9649    


Beau Wann, Jr.

     Gooooooood morning Chappell Hillllllll...!!!!  Off to the races today, well, maybe not actually races, with cars bikes or horses, more like lame snails, but off to the...anyway, wherever that may be.  Little Miss, my nazis typing class instructor is once again laying across my arms and hands and keyboard looking very content and full of herself, if not full of a can of tuna as well.   She weighs about 8 pounds maybe 9ish.  Big Oliver use to lay on my hands and arms and the keyboard, and the desk and the whole office.  When he layed around the house, he layed around the house litterally, he weighed 22 pounds and that was on a light day.

    However, the aforementioned is not why I've gathered all of you together this morning.  SO WAKE UP!!!!!  And that's all I have to say about that!  Zero gravity pit and spa going along fast, then slow then nothing.  It thundered yesterday, and the tile people left like ICE was after em.  It's just a little thunder people, come on, no rain, no lighting, no hits no runs and nobody left on, cept me.

    Ok, time to deplane and quickly. My macular degeneration seems to have kicked in full syringe, cant see what I'm typing, BOOOOOO.  Little Miss seems to have s ensed it as well, cause she has gotten up and is in my lap kissing my cheek.s  I love this little kitty.  fortunately my typing skills are such that I dont really need to see the keyboard or screen, so I can type with my eyes shut, and sometimes do like now.

Keep the sun at your six and "ride boldly ride"
Your frien and resident whacko, Cephus Magoofus Greekus Godus, esquireus...

07/16/19 03:29 PM #9650    


Beau Wann, Jr.

     It's me again Margaret !  Mr Magoo!   Ok, dont panic, dont know what caused the vision problem, but it seems to have gone away. Thought I'd let yall know before yall all mobilized the entire class and showed up on our doughstep, not that you wouldnt be welcome.  For sure come when the zero gravity pit and spa is finished.

        Sure acted like MacD, first couldnt see out of the center of my eye, but then it moved to my peripheral.  Wierd.  Decided I'd lay down with Little Miss, so we cut a few Zs.  I just love that kitty!  Time passes, got moving, mowed part of the hill, moved stuff around with the tractor, weedeated, etc.  Now it's shower and nap time....Goodness gracious, mah hands are cramping up something fierce.  The powers that b e just dont want me typing today, so I will sing off.

     Keep the sun at your six and "ride boldly ride"

Your frien and resident blind cripple and crazy Cephus Magoofus esquireus...


07/17/19 08:24 AM #9651    


Beau Wann, Jr.

     Good morrow myne fyne waltripynes, brokedown Magoofus back atchafalya this fyne mernin.  Just a tad foggy heah up in the Chalps.  Pups and kitties all fed, pups out on the "daugie decks" in the backyard.  They sure are a funny lot those critters, and I'm not of course.  

    Little Miss and I sat out on the front porch last night, bathed in the light of the full moon, watching the fireflies and listening to the crickets, well I cant hear the crickets, but my beloved visited us and said the crickets were cricketing real loud.  The crickets I could hear were Liszt,  Brahms, DeBussy, Rachmaninoff,  Bethoven, Chopin, Paganini etc.  Probably my all time favorite is Liszt.  Music for the angels for sure, and they were kind enough to allow me to listen in. 

     The one great thing about my "smart stupid phone" is that I can get YOUTUBE on it and "bluetooth" it to my "Rock" speaker out on the porch. Sounds like the orchestra is a settin rat out on the hill serenadin me personally.   Got that phyne rock speaker for my birthday, wow, what a phyne developement that toined out to be. 

     Back in the old days I could generally name a composition by whichever composer composed it.  Now, I just remember the tune but dont recollect name of or composer. But, that's ok as long as I can listen. I can hear a piece like Claude DeBussys Claire De Lune for violin, piano, harp, cello etc.  Really makes for a wonderful listening experience.  AND I can hear them without me bionic ears also too!

     Ever now and again I'll feel like a little rock and roll and go back to the 50s or 60s or even some swing way back in the 30s and 40s.    How about Jimmy Durrante singing "I'lll be seeing you" or "As time goes by", Vera Lynn singing the same tunes.  Alltime favorite big band/early rock and roll instrumental tune is "So Rare" by Jimmy Dorsey.  He passed away 3 months after that came out in 55. I think it went right to the top of the chart if memory serves me correctly, although dont know why it should start now.

     "Moonlight Serenade" by Glenn Miller of course, and  "Stranger on the Shore" are close 2nd to the aforementioned, then Floyd Crammers "Last Dance".  Mostly nowdays its the classics I strain my broke ears for. I always get "Rhapsody in Blue" by Rachmaninoff confused with Claude DeBussys "Claire De Lune", but no matter, both as beautiful as  can be.

     Technology is such today that even when my hearing gets more worser, and it is, ear phones and ear buds work phyne, bud.

     Going to Texas Aand M this morning to my new Rumor toligist to hear his or her rumors on payne, then back to the mountain.  Started last of 4 days of the meds this morning. Be glad when I'm phinished with them.  No ill side affects, just tired of having to take them at breakfast at the same time of day, and having to write it down so I will remember what when where and why! 

    I know this post was sort of boring, but I'm excersizing my phingers without a kitty laying across the keyboard.   Hope all is well with everyone and come hell or high water I will be at next Phudds.

Keep the sun at your six and "ride boldly ride"..

Your frien and resident soothsayer and dragonslayer, Cephus Magoofus Magillicutus esquireus

07/17/19 07:27 PM #9652    


Scotty Croom

beau,i agree about music.,....i had gershwin's raphsody in blue/amer. in paris album and played it until it wore out..that was true music..did anyone take pics sat at fudds...thats why we miss jackie soo much...made it thru barry ok..just lost power for 3 times sat. am,but stayed on after 10am...

07/18/19 12:30 AM #9653    


Beau Wann, Jr.

     Hey Scottman, so, youre the onliest (east texas for only) one reading my boring shstuff eh.   Well, glad to have you, it gets lonesome here on the air late at night.  You know, that's something I've allus wanted to do, have myne very own AM radidio station, and then I can play whatever in the heck I want to listen to.  Wonder what it costs to set up an AM station, and how many hoops you have to jump through for the Feds.  Then you have to pay ASCAP money for playing their music. Hmmmm, what if it were a non profit station????

     I remember listening to the radidio back in me youte, whether it be from the headphone, singular, stereo had not been invented yet, of my ol crystal radidio set mounted in a cigar box, or in the ol 51 ford heading to or from Little Rock. Mom and dad drove at night, no air back in them halcyon days so it was cooler to drive at night. Plus for some reasons Fords ran a tad hot.  It was an 8 hour trip back then, dont know how they stayed awake.  All they had to listen to was fuzzy AM stations.  I generally slept on the floor board in the back, or layed there listening to the road noise and the strained music drifting in and out of range.

    One song I allus heard on the road was the Ames brothers "Canadian Sunset", to me, that was the loneliest song in the whirld.  Now when I hear it, still reminds me of those trips and  "lonesome" for some reason. Guess maybe I was just a lonesome kid back in them DuBarry Days.  Sometimes I still feel that way, and can be lonesome in a crowd.  Dont know why, it just is. Some things you can change and some things you cant.

     Went to mah gnu rumor tologist today.  Nice young man, doctor!  He listened intently at my ailments, mostly pain. And for some reason the pain genie was out of her bottle and beating the hell out of me, her and the Poly Myalgia sisters.  Usually when you go to the doctor, or mechanic about your car making a strange sound, or acting up, when you get there, it's all running smooth, no pain, no problem. No so today, wow!  I was hurting so bad, I was jabbering like a magpie, and pacing,  it was bad.

      I kept apologizing to the nurses and doctor about my mouth running away with itself, saying it was the pain making me so hyper, and it was, and they said they understood. I mean, I was talking a mile a minute with just about anything that came to mind.    I guess I wasnt their first patient. 

       It's hard to relay the kind of pain I'm in to anyone, because unless youve experienced it, you have no idea.  Like anything else, I'm starting to get use to it and tolerate it more. Kind of like the cigaret commercial, "are you smoking more but enjoying it less?"  We all know the answer to that dont oui! ! !

     Anyway, they took blood for some reference point and the doc is increasing the prednisone strength and longer, oh joy! ! !   You know, I started to bolt from the waiting room, thinking, what the hell, I dont even care anymore about it, nothing they can do about it no matter what it is, but I'd already paid my 45 dollars so see the doctor I must.

    Just because I talk about my pain so much, doesnt mean that there arent others out there with more worser problems, I'm just yakin!  Believe it or not, it does help to talk about it even if it's typed out on a puter keyboard.  Little Miss is asleep and snoring in my arms as I type this. Did I mention I love this little kitty. One of the most loving creatures I've ever encountered.   OH, BTW that's "by the way"!  I didnt know it before, but now I do, so BTW, I SAW A CAMEL ON THE WAY TO COLLEGE STATION !!!!!!!!   Yup, no kidding!

    It's on the right hand side of 6 just north of Hempstead about 5 miles maybe, just beyond the "Hill Country BBQ" joint.   Yeah, a real bonifide by golly Camel.  Of course that worries me that it could be being mistreated. What the heck is a camel doing on the road to College station?   I didnt see a mate, so it must be alone and wondering why the heck it'd been sent to "hell".  Oh well, my compassion button is always pushed to the max!

    My beloved has been looking on line and in our nutrition books about the management of pain.  Lots of conflicting data from maybe not so reliable sources.  One souce says "tomatos" cause inflamation of the joints, and another source claims they help with the decrease of inflamation.   Most all agree that broccoli is the number one best food for youse youtes.  Oh joy, why cant it be chocolate malts and shipley donuts?   Just aint nothing right in this whirld is there.

     Another source says that "fermented" food is good for you.  I guess they havent looked in our fridge where everything is fermented and fuzzy green.  Sauerkraut is suppose to be good for youse, and voila, I love sauerkraut, and sausages or sauerkraut and sauerkraut.  If fermented things are good for youse, then it would stand to reason that some good sippin whiskey would be good for you, eh what. I mean, it's just fermented grain of sorts, eh!    Which is why I've decided to supplement my diet with some good ol Tennessee and or Kaintuck sippin whiskey. 

    Actually some of the best whiskey in the whirld comes from Texas ie Rebbeca Creek, and 1836.  Very nice indeed. Oh, and not to worry, I dont mix drugs and alcohol. Just alcohol and ice.  The drugs dont do very much and I dont have a good time, whereas the alcohol does dull the pain somewhat, and I can have a good time to boot.  Of course it does make you somewhat wobbly and the eyesight suffers just a tad, but what the heck, if I fall, I dont have far to fall, and the floor is always there to break my fall and I have cats and dogs to administer first aid via a lick on the cheek and hands, so see there, things are looking up indeed.

    No no no , I'm not gonna become a drunk, already been one of those in me youte, and didnt care for it atall. No, now I'm a more responsible drunk, and only drink really good expensive whiskey.  You know, I've only had 4 ounces over ice tonight, and the pain seems to have been stiffled somewhat, yeaaaaaaaa!  AND, maybe I can sleep too, double yeaaaaaa!

   Ok, so what have we learned here tonight?    I'm loonier than a march hare! I wish yall all could see me type with a cat on my arms.  I am phenomenal if not downright supernatural at typing.  Maybe make all the typing teachers in the whirld proud.  Yaaaawn!  Hey, I yawned!  Guess it's time to call it a day,  hit the hay, hit the rack, hit something with this tired old body, preferrably not the floor. 

    The cornstruction on the zero gravity pit and spa is still ongoing and sloooooowwwwww.  I  cannot wait to throw myself in the drink and float on a cloud O water.  I think it'll be a good thing dontchu?  I'm gonna try to get the sawbones to prescribe "pool" therapy for me, and then maybe I can get the insurance company to pay for the pool, heaven knows it isnt free! 

     Ok, just drained the last of my medicinal kaintuck pain and snake bite meds, and I must say I'm feelin po nain. So, tyme to sing off...
Keep the sun at your six and "ride boldly ride"...
Your frien and resident Doofus, Cephus Magoofus Retardus Maximus esquireus....

Post Script:  Surely EVERYONE wasnt "kung fu fighting..."  ! ! !      

07/18/19 04:50 PM #9654    


Pat Brantley (Ross)


Beau i read and enjoy your posts.  Have been having my own silly set of old age/illness.  Prednisone makes me aggressive to the point of homicidal.  Supposedly when it is injected directly into my back or hip I don’t have that problem.  I have news for them - wrong.  Had the week from hell with nervousness, pain and insomnia caused by an injection.  I had a sleep study so I could get my c-pap machine.  I slept less than 30 minutes so we do it again next week.  

I have been praying for a good home for your beagle.  

Music - classical is too calming while I am driving.  I need louder music for that.  I have Vera Lynn on my google play list of favorites.  I have everything from Puccini to Ed Sheeran to listen to in the car.  There are some really good new artists.  I love Glen Miller and Jimmy Dorsey.  Music needs to minister to my soul to be added to my lists.  

Summer heat has hit me harder this  year.  We are going to Baton Rouge for a funeral this weekend.  Driving on I-10 east is such a joy said no one ever.  That interstate is constantly being repaired from the area just west of the ship channel to New Orleans.  I am really praying for no glitches in our car a/c.  

Glad Wayne got to be in UK for D day celebration.  I love Churchill’s War Room.  I have spent a lot of time there will my grandson.  I walked him through the air raid shelter talking a mile a minute.  Poor kid is 25 now but he remembers me taking him to the Brandenburg Gate and preaching.  The stop he remembers the most was Auschwitz.  We covered a lot of Europe in 8 summers.  To tie this in to the music discussion - listen to Billy Joel’s song Leningrad while reading the lyrics.  Got to get back to chores.

07/19/19 01:17 AM #9655    


Bennie Schielack


Scotty is not the only one reading your boring shstuff. We share a love of the great era's of music. A couple of albums you most likely never heard of, but trust me, you missed some great music, are . . . . . “Charge of the Light Brigade” by the Hollywood Bowl Symphony and one or more of the albums recorded by the Jack Daniels Distillery Band. 1812 always wakes me up, and Ghost Riders in the Sky boil my blood. Ravel's Bolero always reminds me of Bert Roth and Orchestra, and “10”. I enjoy all of the Big Band music. May favs from that period are the tunes one can ballroom dance to. Fortunately, even if my feet hurt, my knees hurt and my shoulders hurt, when I step out onto the dance floor, all of that pain vanishes, at least for a short while. Sometimes, I end up limping off the dance floor. Often, I limp onto the floor . . . . .


Also enjoy the swing music from the '40's because it brings to mind the greatest generation . . . . .I've enjoyed reading about the big war for many years, and still watch shows on TV about that period of our history.


Do you remember the little rocket ship shaped crystal radios? One had to pull the antenna out or push it back in to find a station? Even had to hook them to a pipe of some sort to get better reception.


I remember Houston Buffalo baseball games on the radio. I remember Highway Patrol, The Shadow, The Lone Ranger, Boston Blackie . . . . . I'm sure there are others, but I cannot remember what I had for lunch, so for sure I cannot remember all of the great radio dramas back in the good ol' days.


Do you remember Paul Berlin ? ? ? ? ? While I was going to U of H, he had a noonish time radio show and I always listened to him while traveling home each day. I remember a song called “Temptation” and if memory serves, it had only one word in the entire song. Paul is on KSEV 700 on Saturday nights from 6 til 8, I believe. A few weeks ago, I heard him, but it was a replay from some time ago. Still enjoy the music and his fantastic knowledge of music and the entertainment industry back in the day.


You might be feeling lonely in a crowd because, like so many other things we do and feel, (I never believed in this until the last few years), Gemini rules your life, as it does mine. Several years ago, I began to research the “sign” I was born under, and there are soooooo many comments that fit me to a “T”.Beau, Scotty is not the only one reading your boring shstuff. We share a love of the great era's of music. A couple of albums you most likely never heard of, but trust me, you missed some great music, are . . . . . “Charge of the Light Brigade” by the Hollywood Bowl Symphony and one or more of the albums recorded by the Jack Daniels Distillery Band. 1812 always wakes me up, and Ghost Riders in the Sky boil my blood. Ravel's Bolero always reminds me of Bert Roth and Orchestra, and “10”. I enjoy all of the Big Band music. May favs from that period are the tunes one can ballroom dance to. Fortunately, even if my feet hurt, my knees hurt and my shoulders hurt, when I step out onto the dance floor, all of that pain vanishes, at least for a short while. Sometimes, I end up limping off the dance floor. Often, I limp onto the floor . . . . .


Also enjoy the swing music from the '40's because it brings to mind the greatest generation . . . . .I've enjoyed reading about the big war for many years, and still watch shows on TV about that period of our history.


Do you remember the little rocket ship shaped crystal radios? One had to pull the antenna out or push it back in to find a station? Even had to hook them to a pipe of some sort to get better reception.


I remember Houston Buffalo baseball games on the radio. I remember Highway Patrol, The Shadow, The Lone Ranger, Boston Blackie . . . . . I'm sure there are others, but I cannot remember what I had for lunch, so for sure I cannot remember all of the great radio dramas back in the good ol' days.


Do you remember Paul Berlin ? ? ? ? ? While I was going to U of H, he had a noonish time radio show and I always listened to him while traveling home each day. I remember a song called “Temptation” and if memory serves, it had only one word in the entire song. Paul is on KSEV 700 on Saturday nights from 6 til 8, I believe. A few weeks ago, I heard him, but it was a replay from some time ago. Still enjoy the music and his fantastic knowledge of music and the entertainment industry back in the day.


You might be feeling lonely in a crowd because, like so many other things we do and feel, (I never believed in this until the last few years), Gemini rules your life, as it does mine. Several years ago, I began to research the “sign” I was born under, and there are soooooo many comments that fit me to a “T”.Beau, Scotty is not the only one reading your boring shstuff. We share a love of the great era's of music. A couple of albums you most likely never heard of, but trust me, you missed some great music, are . . . . . “Charge of the Light Brigade” by the Hollywood Bowl Symphony and one or more of the albums recorded by the Jack Daniels Distillery Band. 1812 always wakes me up, and Ghost Riders in the Sky boil my blood. Ravel's Bolero always reminds me of Bert Roth and Orchestra, and “10”. I enjoy all of the Big Band music. May favs from that period are the tunes one can ballroom dance to. Fortunately, even if my feet hurt, my knees hurt and my shoulders hurt, when I step out onto the dance floor, all of that pain vanishes, at least for a short while. Sometimes, I end up limping off the dance floor. Often, I limp onto the floor . . . . .


Also enjoy the swing music from the '40's because it brings to mind the greatest generation . . . . .I've enjoyed reading about the big war for many years, and still watch shows on TV about that period of our history.


Do you remember the little rocket ship shaped crystal radios? One had to pull the antenna out or push it back in to find a station? Even had to hook them to a pipe of some sort to get better reception.


I remember Houston Buffalo baseball games on the radio. I remember Highway Patrol, The Shadow, The Lone Ranger, Boston Blackie . . . . . I'm sure there are others, but I cannot remember what I had for lunch, so for sure I cannot remember all of the great radio dramas back in the good ol' days.


Do you remember Paul Berlin ? ? ? ? ? While I was going to U of H, he had a noonish time radio show and I always listened to him while traveling home each day. I remember a song called “Temptation” and if memory serves, it had only one word in the entire song. Paul is on KSEV 700 on Saturday nights from 6 til 8, I believe. A few weeks ago, I heard him, but it was a replay from some time ago. Still enjoy the music and his fantastic knowledge of music and the entertainment industry back in the day.


You might be feeling lonely in a crowd because, like so many other things we do and feel, (I never believed in this until the last few years), Gemini rules your life, as it does mine. Several years ago, I began to research the “sign” I was born under, and there are soooooo many comments that fit me to a “T”.Beau, Scotty is not the only one reading your boring shstuff. We share a love of the great era's of music. A couple of albums you most likely never heard of, but trust me, you missed some great music, are . . . . . “Charge of the Light Brigade” by the Hollywood Bowl Symphony and one or more of the albums recorded by the Jack Daniels Distillery Band. 1812 always wakes me up, and Ghost Riders in the Sky boil my blood. Ravel's Bolero always reminds me of Bert Roth and Orchestra, and “10”. I enjoy all of the Big Band music. May favs from that period are the tunes one can ballroom dance to. Fortunately, even if my feet hurt, my knees hurt and my shoulders hurt, when I step out onto the dance floor, all of that pain vanishes, at least for a short while. Sometimes, I end up limping off the dance floor. Often, I limp onto the floor . . . . .


Also enjoy the swing music from the '40's because it brings to mind the greatest generation . . . . .I've enjoyed reading about the big war for many years, and still watch shows on TV about that period of our history.


Do you remember the little rocket ship shaped crystal radios? One had to pull the antenna out or push it back in to find a station? Even had to hook them to a pipe of some sort to get better reception.


I remember Houston Buffalo baseball games on the radio. I remember Highway Patrol, The Shadow, The Lone Ranger, Boston Blackie . . . . . I'm sure there are others, but I cannot remember what I had for lunch, so for sure I cannot remember all of the great radio dramas back in the good ol' days.


Do you remember Paul Berlin ? ? ? ? ? While I was going to U of H, he had a noonish time radio show and I always listened to him while traveling home each day. I remember a song called “Temptation” and if memory serves, it had only one word in the entire song. Paul is on KSEV 700 on Saturday nights from 6 til 8, I believe. A few weeks ago, I heard him, but it was a replay from some time ago. Still enjoy the music and his fantastic knowledge of music and the entertainment industry back in the day.


You might be feeling lonely in a crowd because, like so many other things we do and feel, (I never believed in this until the last few years), Gemini rules your life, as it does mine. Several years ago, I began to research the “sign” I was born under, and there are soooooo many comments that fit me to a “T”.Beau, Scotty is not the only one reading your boring shstuff. We share a love of the great era's of music. A couple of albums you most likely never heard of, but trust me, you missed some great music, are . . . . . “Charge of the Light Brigade” by the Hollywood Bowl Symphony and one or more of the albums recorded by the Jack Daniels Distillery Band. 1812 always wakes me up, and Ghost Riders in the Sky boil my blood. Ravel's Bolero always reminds me of Bert Roth and Orchestra, and “10”. I enjoy all of the Big Band music. May favs from that period are the tunes one can ballroom dance to. Fortunately, even if my feet hurt, my knees hurt and my shoulders hurt, when I step out onto the dance floor, all of that pain vanishes, at least for a short while. Sometimes, I end up limping off the dance floor. Often, I limp onto the floor . . . . .


Also enjoy the swing music from the '40's because it brings to mind the greatest generation . . . . .I've enjoyed reading about the big war for many years, and still watch shows on TV about that period of our history.


Do you remember the little rocket ship shaped crystal radios? One had to pull the antenna out or push it back in to find a station? Even had to hook them to a pipe of some sort to get better reception.


I remember Houston Buffalo baseball games on the radio. I remember Highway Patrol, The Shadow, The Lone Ranger, Boston Blackie . . . . . I'm sure there are others, but I cannot remember what I had for lunch, so for sure I cannot remember all of the great radio dramas back in the good ol' days.


Do you remember Paul Berlin ? ? ? ? ? While I was going to U of H, he had a noonish time radio show and I always listened to him while traveling home each day. I remember a song called “Temptation” and if memory serves, it had only one word in the entire song. Paul is on KSEV 700 on Saturday nights from 6 til 8, I believe. A few weeks ago, I heard him, but it was a replay from some time ago. Still enjoy the music and his fantastic knowledge of music and the entertainment industry back in the day.


You might be feeling lonely in a crowd because, like so many other things we do and feel, (I never believed in this until the last few years), Gemini rules your life, as it does mine. Several years ago, I began to research the “sign” I was born under, and there are soooooo many comments that fit me to a “T”.


The large font size is so I can read what I'm typing in my word processor, then transfer it to our page.  


Always praying for you, for reduction of your agony.  Thank you for sharing with us on here frequently.  You have a refreshing view on life . . . . . 

07/19/19 08:21 AM #9656    


Jimmie Lee Smith (Brawner)

My mother loved big band music from the 30s and 40s and collected vinyls of Glenn Miller, Dorseys, etc.  I have all of hers in the 10 albums she assembled through those years with her typewritten listing of each album.  They've been in a box in my closet since she passed in 2001 (to keep them from melting in any other storage areas).  I believe our parents' generation got such pleasure and reassurance from that music during the Depression, WWII.  They never seemed to get that same "pleasure" from the songs I listened to during my teen years - "turn that noise down, what are you listening to, anyway?  Now, all the rap music brings back those memories of my parents' words - "turn that noise down, what are you listening to, anyway?  What goes around comes around?????  

07/19/19 02:13 PM #9657    


Beau Wann, Jr.

     Hey Pat, sure hope you can find a GOOD solution to your pain and sleep problems.  It's the asthma meds and antihistimines and believe it or not TUNA FISH, that make me aggressive and I just hope someone crosses me.  If there is ever another conflict where they need viscious, send me with of the aformentioned items, I'll clean er up rat away.  Oh, that and a SAW and case of grenades.   That isnt my true nature at all!  How do I know?  Well they say if you get someone drunk, then whatever they display is their true self, like anger or  happy silly.  I fall under the happy silly category, and add sleepy to that. Thats at least 3 of the 7 dwarfs isnt it?

     I dont take any of the aforementioned items except some good sippin whiskey.  My lungs have to really be in dire straits for me to start my nebulizer albuterol treatments, or lufalillin (sp), and I never ever take antihistimines anymore, and eat tuna sparingly, only when I open a can for my pups do I take a fork full.  I give tuna to the dogs, because it's suppose to be good for their system. I also give em a tin of 89 cent sardines, good for their coats. 

     Pat, looks like your prayers came true for a home for Isabella, yup, she's found one...US !  We couldnt get rid of her now even if we wanted to, which we dont.  She and the other two pups play till they drop. At night and/or when we are gone, we tell her to "kennel up", or "nite nite", and she gets in her kennel and goes to sleep. Stole my heart she did,  Well, you know me, biggest heart in the whirld.     Sorry you have to drive I-10 east.  I dont even like to drive to the end of my driveway let alone I-10.

     Hey Bennie, I listen and like all the tunes you mentioned. I like Bolero only because of Bo Derrick, otherwise it's boring. Reminds me of the "grandcanyon suite" and donkees or camels plodding across the desert.       One of the only tunes I dont have that I dearly love is the 1812 overture. I've heard it by lots of orchestras, and the one I like that comes to mind actually has real cannon fire in it.  I've seen it performed on PBS before, but dont remember who was performing it. Doesnt really  matter

       Glad your still dancing. I only dance when I drop a cigar ash down the front of meself or one of the cats start using me for a scratching post, or standing in an aint bed, now that one will give you some moves mah frien !  

    I'm also NOT a believer in the zodiac stuff.  Makes for good reading I suppose, but Just because I was born under  the so called "twin sign" has nothing to do with having depression, or being a pairofnormal schizophreniacs.  And one can overcome such afflictions if one wants to, armed with a little knowledge and some intestinal fortitude, so say the soothsayer!  Just because one disagrees with another, is not a rebuke, so please dont take it as such.  I love to discuss everything whether I'm for or agin it,  or believe  in it or dont, makes for great thought.

      My exwife lived and breathed zodiac signs.  Waste of time and energy for me.  Besides it goes against Holy scripture to try predict the future, or so say Holy scripture.  If that's true, there were sure a lot of prophets in the bible eh what !   Isaiah is my all time favorite!  

     Jimmie Lee, there are turntables out there that will allow you to play your LPs and convert them to CDs, and there is other equipment and or programs that will allow you to put them on your computer.  I've converted lots of my LPs to CDs then uploaded them to my computer. I've also uploaded bought CDs to my system and then I make a copy and save the original as the master copy and put it away.  

    Drove my "open air"  89 jeep into town this mornin.  Damn thing almost beat me to death on our road. Once out on the highway, it was ok, but man gives new meaning to "bumpy road".  I believe John Denver had a song out, "Bumpy road, take me home to a place I belong....bumpy road...." or woids to that effect.  Everytime I go down our road, the tune "40 miles of bad road" comes to mind. Dont recollect who put that particular tune out, or what it sounds like,  but I remember the title.

     Ok, all yall pay attention now yaheah ! ! !   Coming back from the sawbones in College Station, I stopped at a grocery store in Hempstead called Arlans. It use to be Harlans, but sold to Arlans.  Imagine just having to drop the H.  I smell a conspiracy here, but will get to that later on.  Anyway, I was looking for McCormicks "Smokehouse Pepper" which they have discontinued much to everyones dismay. I thought just maybe a small town store might just have some, but alas and alack, not the case.

     As I was shoppink around, the produce guy came around and held out a bunch of white grapes for me to sample one so I did.  OH MY GOODNESS OMG OMG OMG..... Heaven in a little round grape! ! !   They are called "COTTON CANDY GRAPES",  and taste just like cotton candy I kid you not.  These came from Nogalse, Arizona, and only come out once a year.  HEB and Krogers dont have them to my knowledge, and other than Arlans dont know of any other store that carries them.  This Arlans is No 21, so there must be at least 20 other Arlans somewhere.

    We freeze them and just eat one or two at a time. They are so refreshing frozen.  Diane also read that cherries are good as an anti-inflamatory remedy.  We freeze those as well and just eat one or two at a time.  Even if they dont work, no harm no foul, they have fiber and are good for you, and taste good to boot.  We've pretty much gone to  mostly all natural food when possible.  Lots O broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, squash etc. Good thing we like all the aforementioned eh !

    I'm also approaching the "pain" thing from another angle, been pretty much doing it all along, plus, from what Scotty said. Once he gets going, and moving about, the pain dissapates somewhat.  So now, instead of just depositing my carcass in a heap somewhere, feeling sorry for myself, (I really dont do that, but sounds reasonable) I go outside and bench press the tractor, or push one of the containers around.  Nah, really I just get out and start doing stuff, totin and fetchin, diggin, plowin, mowin, weedeatin, you know, doing stuff! !!

    Ok, time to deplane boss.   Keep the sun at your six and "ride boldly ride"..
Your frien and resident nut job, Cephus Krazius Maximus T Magillicutius...  

07/19/19 07:01 PM #9658    


Beau Wann, Jr.

     It's me again Margaret ! ! !   Can we talk?   I wouldnt want anyone to know about this so keep it quiet.  It's no secret I'm blessed with depression, however, and aint there always a however, Today, I've been in an "euphoric" state, all day ! ! ! !     For those of you that suffer from "depression", know that generally isnt how it works.  The state of "euphoria" comes on, and lasts for a few minutes, you feel so wonderful like you could take on the whirld,   then youre plunged into the depths of hell, at least that is how I've experienced it over the course of three quarters century. 

     I'm not really euphoric now, but I feel probably like a normal person does. How cool is that.  The one good thing about "depression" and the "euphoric" feeling today, is I attack the pain instead of the other way around.  I defy pain, at least how I'm feeling today.  We still have tonight and the morning to battle through, but I will fight that battle when it rears it's ugly head.

    Just thought I'd relate that to youse youtes, especially those that suffer from the dreaded D woid. Thjere is hope!   Depression can be conquored without drugs, sometimes, you just have to "endeavor to persevere".   Those folks that do not suffer from the D word, have no idea what I'm talking about.  It is crazy for sure!    It does help me to "bare my soul" here on the forum, thank you Jackie! ! !

     Just g ot in from mowing the hill, took me 1 and one half hours with my "Bad Boy" mower. If I use the tractor and 5 ft shredder, it takes all day and then some.   Believe it or not, we still have the odd bluebonnet and indian paint brush blooming. We had em last year till Septemeber and then they started showing up in January and Feb, early for sure.

     The zero gravity  pit is just sitting there, waiting for the people to start work on it again. No progress, just excuses.  Cannot wait to plunge into the icy waters of the mountain pool of the Chalps.  When it's finished, we will have an after prom pool party, like we did some 55 years ago, yeah, that's the ticket.  Dont think I'll go to Galveston though like last time. 

    I know that there  are others that have suffered from PMR, one said they hurt so bad they were crippled for 2 months.  And where my sawbones had me on 40mg of prednisone a day, they were on 75mg, now that's bad.  I think they are still on a small dose everyday and will have to be forever.  I was hoping my PMR could be solved by a nice steaming hot box of Shipley Glazed donuts, yeah, that's the ticket.  As many of those as I've had in my lifetime, to now not having any in a year or so....

    Also lets not forget Charlie Burkart who is convalescing in a care facility. Teddy went to see him last week.  I'd like to go see him soon, but need permission from my sawbones.  Ok, Diane says we  can go see him.  I love Charlie like the brother I never had. What a good man he is.  We've had some good times together at Fudds and down at the Astro hall and George R brown.   Add a little extra care and love for Charlie when you say your prayers tonight.

    Ok, time to feed the critters, they're gnawing on my legs.  Keep the sun at your six and "ride boldly ride"...
Your frien and resident Wackynaut...I wanted to be an astronaut, but stood in the wrong line...Cephus Sigmund Rocket man Floyd...  

07/19/19 10:17 PM #9659    


Teddie Jordan

 Cephus, so sorry to hear that your pain is high again. I have been there and know how it hurts and disables. I am so glad to hear that you are now going to a Rheumatologist, I couldn’t spell that word correctly if you gave me 10 tries w auto correct helping me each time!!

. There is a significant  chance that he or she knows more about treating the condition than you and I do. But then again we know more about sacking groceries! That’s who treated my initial bout w PMR in ‘02. The initial weaning off of steroids lasted me about 7 years before it came back again. That time I reacted sooner and went through another cycle of starting with a much smaller high dose then weaning off of steroids over about 6 months. It turned out that I did fine on a very tiny maintenance dose, 1.25 mg, but every  time I would try zero the pain would return.

And I encourage y’all to go see Charles. I went about mid afternoon on a weekday and as I expected he and his roommate were both sound asleep taking their afternoon naps. After sitting there watching him sleep for about 20 minutes and thinking about all of the good times with him and Lynn and Fran through the years, he started waking up and opened his eyes, He looked around and did a double take and said, Theodore, what in the Hell are you doing here?? We then started  catching up and eventually a nurse came in and said that happy hour in the recreation room would start in 15 minutes and we could all enjoy coffee and cookies and the singing of old songs. That sounded good to us so we went down and found a couple of seats. One lady passéd out a list of the songs with the words, but we soon figured out we didn’t need help because they were familiar like old friends. 

We really had a good visit and I would encourage all whom to want to go visit an old friend to do so. You, and that friend will will both be glad you did!

07/20/19 09:36 AM #9660    


Beau Wann, Jr.

     Hey TJ,"  come to the front, TJ, come to the front, I need all sackers, stockers and checkers up front, all sackers stockers and checkers..."   I sure do remember those days, bout the best days of my life methinks.  Dont know why, guess it was just the feeling of "family" at the store.  I donno, it was something though!

    Diane told me about your bout with PMR, and sounds more severe than mine, although I dont know how much more severe it can get.  But guess what, I'm not hurting near as much today as yesterday and the day before, but the day is still young, but I'll take what I can get for sure!  If anything just cuts it by half, I'm home free and will feel blessed for sure.

    Also, are you ready for this?   I still feel like what a normal person probably feels like mentally.  WOW, havent had one of these days in a long time.  I think it's just mental.....well duh! ! !  I never said I was a rocket surgeon now did I !    It's probably those indolphins swimming around inside my head, yeah, that's the ticket, got them rascals stirred up. Wonder what did it, some of that good Kaintuck sippin whiskey? .  Well, if dolphins are good for the oceans, and they are, then stands to reason that they would be good inside your head. Small ones, not the everyday 500 pound ones.  Anyway, that's what I'm going with for real and true.

    Me and the pups and the kitties watched a pretty sunrise this morning, hazy, but nice nonetheless.  Thought I caught a wiff of ol Stinky La Pew from somewhere down in the valley.  I know Izzy did, she was running around nose to the ground and baying and sounding like she was talking to herself, so excited, on the trail of a wascally wabbit.  I'd a thought she and dixie belle would a been worn out from all their frog and grasshopper chasing last night. They did that till I put them to bed after midnight.  They fell asleep right away.  Oh to be young again...NAH! ! !  I wouldnt want to go through all that again in this day and age.

     Hold on whilst I get another cuppa joe...Ok, I'm back.  Member how I was saying the pain wasnt as bad?  Spoke too soon!  Just this brief moment of sitting and then getting up and sitting again stirred it up. Well hells bells, whatcha gonna do, call ghost busters?   Maybe I'll just run in place all day long, yeah, that's the ticket.
"Look martha that ol boy is dancin like he's got cooties, call 911.  I dont know the number, so look it up..." or woids to that defect.

    Hang on, dogs are going nuts barking at something, hope it's not ol stinky la pew....nah, just two other dogs down in the valley running down the road.  Brought the kids in to settle em down.  time for some bacon!

     Cleaning out our pantry, getting rid of the high carb high sugar stuff, so far got three barrel bags full for the food pantry.   Kept some can goods, just in case of an emergency.  Never use to read the labels before, but now I can go to sleep reading labels.

     I would love some cornbread, but Jiffy mix has too many carbs and sugar. Going to peruse my cookbooks and see if I can find a from scratch cornbread recipe.  I'm sure I have one somewhere round here!  I thought I'd keep some soups, but those have lots of carbs and sugars and sodium, then I got to thinking , we make our own soup, chicken, sausage and or beef, and add all natural veggies to them, so problem solved.

   I'm just ramblin, guess I'll shuter down for now, but not to worry "I'll be back", howd you like my Terminator impression?  Pretty good huh!  Yeah, I'm quite the talented chap eh waht!  

     OH NO, THE DOGS ARE RUNNING NUTS, AND KNOWCKETD KEYBOARD AND MOUSE ON THE FLOOR WITH THEIR WAGGING BUTTS/......whew, for a moment there I thought all the aforementioned was lost.  Ok, singing off...Keep the sun at your six and "ride boldly ride"...
Your frien and resident Wackynaut, Allan Badillion Traherne Cephus R Psycho...

07/22/19 09:25 AM #9661    


Beau Wann, Jr.

     Goot nobbin hobgoblin...or as they say in the old country, "HOWDY"...Dracula was known for his courteous "howdy" before he bit your kneck.  Believe it or knot.   Well, it's another Monday up here in the Chalps. What day is it fer all the flatlanders?  Monday also too?  Will wonders never cease!  

     Not a bad day today, humadidity is running rat round 99.99 percent. I've already changed clothes oncet. (east texas for once).   Pups were up at 5:30 this morning, stirrin about. Tried watching the sunrise, but the clouds were teasing us.  Ever now and again a ray of ol sol would peek through.  Walked down to the gate to unlock it just incase the zero gravity pit people wanted to work on the pit they started.

    The small white bull calf and it's pal a white faced herford calf followed me down there. Seems they had found a portal to our field sometime in the night.  I just mowed Saturday, so they[re going to be mighty disappointed.  Guess they'll head back to their own fields soon enough.  That little white bull is sure handsome, and very stocky. Gonna be a nice addition to the herd.  I was talking to them all the way down to the gate, but they never did talk back.  I like a cow with good manners, dontchew?

    You know, I was thinking!       "Oh no, he's  thinking again, who told him to do that, and why start now" or woids to that defect.   No really, I'd like to have some livestock, put this land to good use. I was thinking about ALPACAS.  Now how you gonna be?   There are a few alpaca ranches in the area, and we've bought Diane a few items made from the alpaca fur/hair.  As you know their fur is sooooo soft, and also hypo-allergenic. Unlike wool, alpaca fur has no lanolin.

    Alpacas have a sweet disposition, and are of good deportment.  They do chew, but they dont smoke, so that's a plus.   They dont eat much, accordion to the site I visited, and they adapt and handle just about any weather.   They're about half the size of a Llama, bout 100 to 200 pounds, have no hooves, but do have two toenails on each phoot.  You shear them once a year, in the spring I suspect, late spring down here.  Life expectancy 15 to 27 years of age.  Oldest recorded age for an alpaca is 27 years.

    I looked on line and found some for sale, and they range from  $500 dollars to $32,000.00.   Hmmm, I was thinking more on the lines of whatever a basket of kittens cost.  As with all herd animals, it's best to have moren one for good psychological developement, but 32K is just a little stiff for my blood for ONE alpaca. I'm not looking for show quality, just sweet fur quality.    I've already gotten names picked out for any future alpacas,  "AL" comes to mind, and "sass" and "loraine", sort of freench alpacas eh!  

    I also looked on line for a yarn spinning machine, and once again there is a wide range of prices, 1000 dollars to 60K and beyond.  The 60K gets you a machine about the size of our house, so that's out.  I will research it further until my wife talks me out of getting yet ANOTHER ANIMAL.  I just thought it'd be cool to have some alpaca socks or something.  Why dont I just go out and buy some socks made of alpaca fur, oh gee there's an idea. I'm sure it'd be infinitely less expensive to do that  than my original idear, dontchewthink!

    If no Alpacas are in our future, maybe the powers that be will let me grow hemp, if they can ever get off their butts and figure out who and how to regulate it.  Once again I suspect it will be Mr rich rancher, political cash donater,  that will get to make all the decisions, and leave us small timers out of the equation. 

    I'm also working on another crop idear,  SUNFLOWERS! ! ! !   Been thinking about it for a few years. Havent worked out the particulars just yet, dont want to act too fast without a lot of thought. I fall asleep alot.    I love sunflower butter, tastes like cashews, and since I cant have cashews, I love sunflower butter!   We have some  wild sunflowers growning down in the creek, and also too, some pasion flowers, I kid you knot.  Strange looking flower, looks out of place growing here.

    Ok, time to deplane, gotta take the pups to the dump and recycle yard.     Jack likes to hang his head out the window as I drive down the back country road.  One of the few pleasures he has left since he is almost totally blind, and brain fried from the siezures in the past. 

    Keep the sun at your six and son in your heart and "ride boldly ride"...
Your frien and resident chalp shepherd,  Cephus Beaupeep R. Kraziodus...

07/22/19 08:50 PM #9662    


James Hilsher '65

Beau,raise wild sunflowers, doves like them and then you can charge by sons and grandsons to come hunt them

07/23/19 08:40 AM #9663    


Beau Wann, Jr.

     Great Idea Jimmy.  Plus to make it sporting, I'll make em use slingshots, or better yet, rubber band guns, yeah, that's the ticket.  Goooooooooood Moringin Chappell Hilllllllll......and all Waltripians hither and yon, to and fro, and all the ships at sea!

     Another dry day has acosted us.  109 yesterday with a heat index of 129.  We've had heavier dews than any significant rain in the last 2 months.  We have been in a drought up here for years and years and years ad finitum, ad nauseum, ad hoc....whatever in all the heck that means. 

     Me and the critters were trying to direct a right pretty sunrise, all to no avail.  The coffee was good though, on my 4th cuppa joe. Small cups, but cups nonetheless, heretofore, notwithstanding and delusional. That's a horse isnt it, andelusional, yeah, my sister the artist use to raise them, I think she called them "warm bloods", I thought all animals were warm blooded, silly me, that's the ticket.

      I rode Pegasus Sunday, all the way to Sommerville and back.  I couldnt find the lake, but found the town.  I didnt remember that there was a town named Sommerville, and dont ever remember going through it.  It's a much larger town than Chappell Hill that's for sure, in fact any mall is larger than Chappell Hill.  there's some Walmarts larger than Chappell Hill.

      Anyway,  my MC ride was just fine, Pegasus purred like a kitten, a big kitten,  and ROARED when provoked. It's about a 50 mile round trip, and my  Legs, back and buttox were a tad fatigued, but othern that, all went well.  Dont think a long MC trip is on the agenda any time soon,  still it's nice to have that activity waiting in the wings.  

      Me and my Marine friend Franky were going to take a long trip around Texas and visit as many state parks and small towns as time would permit.  Frank got married again, had a child, sold his bikes and I got old. Best laid plans...Frank was a 72 graduate of Waltrip. 

     I think I will plant sunflowers, dove and deer like them, and as I've stated before, I love sunflower butter, of course I'll have to get a butter churn and learn how to milk the flower and prepare the butter, but I'm pretty sharp sometimes,  well, there have been sometimes,  and I'm sure some of them will come to mind, if I dont fall asleep first.

    I still like my idea of the Alpacas.  Maybe I could find some used ones that arent that expensive!  I'll keep perusing the alpaca net and see what I can see, and be all I can be...."this is the army Mr Jones..."  Now where in the heck did that come from?   "There is nothing like a dame..."   Oh pulease, not south pacific, come on now.  I've been telling you havent I, that a mind is a terrible think! ! !

    I also like my idea of an AM radio station so I can play my favorite music. Already have my call sign, WKALPACASUNFLOWER....too long?   Well, the idea is still young and lots O time to tweaker around to a manageable call sign.  Although, the aforementioned is right catchy, dontchewthink!

    Time to deplane, tremors are acting up this morn, hard to keep my fingers on the "home" keys.  Soooo, keep the sun at your six and the Son in your heart, and "ride boldly ride..."

    Your frien and residential resident,  Old MacCephus had a pharm E I E I ooooooooooooooooh 

07/23/19 07:13 PM #9664    


Teddie Jordan

07/24/19 06:50 AM #9665    


Beau Wann, Jr.

     "Goooooood mornin Chappell Hilllllll.....That last commercial was brought to you by TJs Mature Aid shop located at thirty third and third.  If you want to walk, walk on by he has tons of walkers, you want to Rock and roll, TJ is the man to see, he has wall to wall rockers and wheelchairs.  Cant see or hear?   Then TJs is the place for you.  He has acres and acres of hearing aids and glasses, just buy one of his wheelchairs and roll around the joint being careful not to bump into his "aunt Trixie", who will be serving coffee and her famous Prune Danish, lots of stalls, no waiting......."  

        This is "Johnny Cephus Fever" bringin you all your favorite tunes from..."Baby, if youve ever wondered, wondered whatever became of me.  I'm livin on the air in Chappell Hillllll, Chappell Hill WKALPACASUNFLOWER...."  That catchy little tune was by Lawrence and the boys,  Thank you boys...Now on this stage tonight on our shew, lets give a rousing welcome to "LITTLE TOPO GIGIO".  Topo Gigio went on to have his own mineral water corporation.  Good for him eh?  

      OK, RISE AND SHINE MYNE WALTRIPIANS....IT'S GONNA BE A GORGEOUS DAY.  Tempertaure a freezing 66 gredees, wind out of the noth 0 mph. OMG will this winter never end! ! !   Come on kiddies, get your play suits on and lets chunk some snowballs, OH YEAH! ! !  

    Already into the shank of the day, way past first light. Pups and kitties all dancin and prancin in the "cool cool cool of the mornin,   tell em I'll be there..."  Time to deplane boss, but "I'll be back"...I know, thanks for the warning....Keep the sun at your six and "ride boldly ride...."

    Your frien and resident rural wacko and late nite radidio host....Dr Cephus Has Fever, oh yeah

WKALPACASUNFLOWER singing off for now, "till we meet again", or "come back little alpaca"... 

07/25/19 08:21 AM #9666    


Beau Wann, Jr.

     "Well hello there, my it's been a long long time.  Howmy dune? Well guess I'm dune fine..."  and that little number was finely recollected by Lawrence and the boys, thank ya boys!   This is Cephus has Phever on   WKALPACASUNFLOWER, 9595 on your AM dial coming at cha this phyne mernin, brought to you by TJs, the place to be if you're in need of speed,  mobility, or nobility, or just plain old people stuff.  Head down to the corner of thirty third and third and thar she blows.  White Whales, white efalumps, and some really hard to pass up bargains, and if you're really lucky, maybe TJs aint Eleanore will be there with the twins...

     I dont know whom has tooken (east texas for taken)  over my mind, but it's gone fer shure.   Do youse youtes know,  were it not for the English language, we'd not be conversing! !  No, but if you'll hum a few bars I'll try to sing along.   Eh?  

    Ok, really slowly, with both hands on your head, back away from the dah do dah....

    Hey myne phyne Waltripynes,  IT'S ME, SURPRISE! ! ! !  Would you believe it was 64 this phyne mernin. Well shiver me timbers and just about anything else exposed to the elephants.  Been sittin outside on the daugie decks with the pups since before phirst light sippin on some vera phyne coffee, beans brought to me personally by Wann Valdez and his alpaca all the way from CoLUMbia.  The uncola! ! !  "Drinkin rum and koKA kolaaaaaa.... " and yet another katchey tune phrom the song book of sir lawrence of Chappell Hill and the boys, thank you boys! ! !  

     Bear with me phriends, we are havink technical difficulties, the phault does not lie with your set or this station, but the bear behind the wheel !   

     Must be the drugs I'm on!  My mind is just in shambles!  or is that shambyla....oh lord hep me, dont seem to be able to shuterdown.  

     Ok, time to defibrilate exfoliate and exonerate or just deplane
Keep the sun at your six and the Son in your heart, and "ride boldly ride"...

Your phrien and rural resident nutjob, Cephus R. Pheverish phrom radidio station WKALPACASUNFLOWER singing off pher now...but I'll be back....thanks for that warning eh!     

07/26/19 07:13 AM #9667    


Beau Wann, Jr.

     Phyne morning myne Waltripians!   Just past first light and out onto the phrozen tundra.  It's 63 at this very moment.  Got coffee brewing, pups are out on the trail of the "wee small hours of the morning wascally wabbit". Thought I'd sit down at the old Commodore 64 and put a phew sentences together. 

     Fell asleep on the front porch with Little Miss in my arms last night to the sounds of crickets, which I cant hear, and the gentle sounds of Glenn Millers "Moonlight Serenade" wafting about the countryside.  Put makebelieve WK.....radidio station on auto and drank in the sounds and smells of a reminder of our DuBarry Days.  Such simple times eh!

    Coffee brewing, and bacon's in the pan inundating the house with their  wonderful morning fragrant bouquet.   Coffee's ready... sip AAAAAAHHHHH, nothing much better than that is there. Well, maybe a 14 yard dump truck loaded with $100 dollar bills  coming up the driveway, but othern that, pure heaven.

     My silly wacky krazyiness buisness of the last couple of posts are indicative of what my body has sent to my brain.  Just "jabber jabber  jabber, said the monkey to the chimp...". Wasnt that a crazy tune!  I remember it from me youte, but not exactly when or who in the whirld wrote and or sang it.  There was a time when trying to remember who, what, when, where and why mattered, but I honestly dont care anymore. Thank goodness!

     I think my life is finally slowing down, I hope. Well shouldnt it after three quarters of a century?  Seems I've just been in a frenzied panic trying to get this done and that done and move on to the next, whatever's next. Well, I hope I can relax now and stop trying to hold the whrild up on my hurting shoulders, "white knuckleing" the chair arms of life.  Maybe!  We will see what we will see eh what!

    There's some names my restless sleepless mind conjured up last night, Curt Ellis and his brother Herb Ellis. I know Herb was a fantastic guitarist with a few albums to his credit.  Both lads were very handsome if memory serves me correctly, and dont know why it should start now.  I remember Herb backed up a rock and roll singer that came to Waltrip for the "Soundtrack" extravaganza.  Dont remember just who, James Darin?  Ike Clanton?   Yall help me on this one ok!

    Also another name my fertile brain conjured up was the Lacys!   I remember they lived south of 34th street betweeen Shepherd and Golf dr behind Bill Mraz ballroom. They were a musical family, saxaphone comes to mind. Dont know why that name came up, dont really know why anything comes up in my brain. Seems it 's just one thought after another, one remembrance after another, racing towards what?

    Here's another name, "Shorty" or Pellam Vaughn.  He and I worked at Mangum Suprvalu for about 4 years, and  pal ed around our senior year and the year after graduation.  We joined the Navy together on the "buddy plan" where we would serve together our 4 years or so.  It was the "buddy plan" alright, "buddy do we have a plan for you"!    After the first week in bootcamp, never saw him again, to this day.  Always wondered what happened to him. I heard he was an EMT somewhere in central Texas, and tried to find him once all to no avail.

    Guess maybe somethings are better left alone! 

     When I conjure up names, I can actually see the faces as if I'm watching a movie of them, and they are always smiling, Like Mrs Blount, and Ms Hawkens and others.  It's good to see people smile, and having not seeing them for sometime, to see them smile in my mind. 

    Time to deplane.  Bacon needs turning, coffee cup needs refilling and the critters need to be fed, and in that order too.  Hope all have as blessed a day as mine has started out to be. Just let it be, and it will!

   Keep the sun at your six and the Son in your heart and "ride boldly ride..."

your frien and rural resident dreamer, Cephus R. Me, esq

07/26/19 10:22 PM #9668    


Johnny Sheffield

 Hello to all my classmates. We are eleven weeks 

Away from our 55th high school reunion on October 12th 2019. 

You have till August 31st 2019 to send in your  $50.00

For dinner, dancing and good old fellowship with each other. 

Remember, $50.00 till August 31 st and not July 31st as first noted. 

Dinner will consist of bake chicken and chicken fried steak,

Yes, one of each along with mash potatoes, country gravey,

Green beans, corn, toss salad and dessert. Also there will

Be a cash bar. 

Marty white, who was at our 50th reunion, will be providing country

Western music and when he is on break we will have fifties and sixties 

Music to jitter bug and twist too 

Look forward to seeing everyone again for a wonderful time  

Any questions feel free to call me at 979-203-7209  





07/30/19 10:26 PM #9669    


Beau Wann, Jr.

     Yall shirley dont want to miss the 55th reunion, looks to be a grreat time and great food, however, looks like we might have to miss this one. Seems something has been planned FOR us about that time.  Not sure just yet the exact date but it will probably fall on the reunion date. We never go anywhere, then we get scheduled for a zillion things on the same day.  Feast or famine, go figure!

     It's chewsday! you know, the day after Blue Monday, and the day before Hump day.  Thursday is good because it's the day before TGIF which is the start of the much cherished weekend Saturday and Sunday, then it's blue Monday, yet again!   Once again, another however, if one is retired, then everyday is Saturday and Sunday.  I never use to be cornfused by the days of the week, but the last couple O years, somedays I dont know just what day it is. 

    I love calendars, but dont care what day it is. I love watches, and have a gazillion of them,  but dont care what time it is.  I guess that's what comes of getting old er!  Use to love maps, any map, but now they are just tedious and too small of print. What's a young man to do? 

    The prednisone I've been on for the last 3 or 4 weeks is not working.  So now what?   Got another appt with my rumor tologist Frahday. Wonder what he'lll say!  I really dont want to become a scientific project or walking toxic waste dump, or glow in the dark!  So I'm prepared to say, "thank you but no thank you" , I've lived with pain for so long, I might just miss it when it's gone.   NAH! ! !  Just being sillysophical.

     Got to 105 today, humadidity at 41 percent, heat index 119. Last week it g ot to 109, humadidity 35 percent, heat index 129, whew, it's been a hot summer, and dry. Havent had rain for over 2 months. Ground is cracked so wide in some places looks like an oithquake.  Thought we might get some today, Houston did, but once again not us. 

     I walked down into the valley to close the gate, and a cool wind sprang up and just about blew me back to the top of the hill.  When I did finally make it back to ground zero, found that both umbrellas were broken beyond all repair, all the outside door mats were strewn about the countryside and the flagstaff with the stars and stripes was snapped into.  The lonestar was still waving proudly, as the lonestar generally does.  I think it says a lot about the people it represents, dontchew?

    Zero gravity pit is going very slowly.  They seem to only work on it one day a week.  Last Friday some folks showed up at 8 and left about 20 minutes later.  Some came saturday and worked 6 hours, or were here for 6 hours. Mostly when they show up, they all stand around with their phones glued to the end of their noses.  I'm so glad I dont rely on my phone for entertainment.  I have three dogs and two cats, and me for that!  

    Dixie-Belle likes to lay on the deck looking "sphinx regal" surveying "her countryside", Izzybelle likes to steel your work gloves and anything else she can carry away. Jack likes to roll on his back in the sun and then take a dip in his kiddie pool and then repeat the aforementioned as many times as he can. Poor boy cant hardly see and get around, but he likes what he likes. Glad he is able to have something good in his life. His other passion is to ride in the backseat of the truck and hang his head out the window and let his ears stand up like Yoda! 

     Tried to stay up and watch the meteor shower last night, but fell fast asleep, me and Little Miss.  Oh well, I've seen shooting stars and  UFOs as well.  Had a huge white owl swoop down and startle the bejeebers out of me one time, but what a sight and sound that was. Wing span had to be that of a pteradactyl, claws like a grizzly. Really! ! !   Havent seen any fireflies lately, guess it's just too hot for em!  Maybe they'll come back in the fall, eh!

     Othern the hot dry spell, and zero gravity non work, not much going on heah.  I did ride Pegasus last Sunday Morning to Bucees for a cup O joe early before Diane left for Htown and church. Got back before she left.  I think I'm going to make that a Saturday and Sunday morning ritual. It's just 20 minutes from the hill and if I need gas, Bucees is the place to go because their gas is always fresh.  There's always a tanker filling their tanks up almost daily.  Them ol boys that started Bucees sure gottem a gold mine. And their coffees not bad either.

     Guess I'll sing off for now...Keep the sun at your six and the Son in your heart, "and ride boldly ride"...
your frien and resident  sillyosophist, Cephus R A Nut esq.

07/31/19 07:23 AM #9670    


Beau Wann, Jr.

     Gooooooooood morning Chappell Hillllllll....and all the ships at sea, and Mrs Kalabash......Remember how I said the zero gravity people show up for about 20 minutes once a week?  Well, today they were here at first light, waiting down at the gate, for me to unlock it.  I asked yesterday when folks would be showing up today and was assured it would be 7:30ish.  So much for advanced warning eh!   Theses are the plasterers. And you would not believe the set up process.  Controlled chaos, I believe is what it's called.

    Today it feels like my right arm is being twisted off. Of course it didnt help when I used it to untangle a hose this morning. "WHAT"?   You wanted to use your arm?  How silly of you! ! !  Aint that the truth, the whole truth and nuttin but the truth so hep me!

    Todays quiz:   "if a chicken and a half, lays an egg and a half, in a day and a half, how long will it take a grasshopper with a wooden leg to kick the seeds out of a dill pickle"?   To get to the other side! Ha and youse just thought I was crazy, now  youse know I yam!   "I yam what I yam", whatever in the heck that is.

    Not only are the preds not woiking, the tremor meds are not working either.  I'm thinkin my bod has been possessed by the...."BODY SNATCHERS", yeah, that's the ticket for sure.  Where is Kevin McCarthy when youse need him.  I wonder if I could RE-POSSESS my body back?  The young one, say  5 years old, I hadnt begun school yet, and I'd like to avoid that debacle if at all possible.

     There aint no going back you silly rabbit!   Hey, who you calling silly?   "Oh camptown ladies sing they song, do dah do dah..."   What is a camptown lady, and just what song are they singing? And where is a camptown?  These questions and more will be answered in the next life or the one after that.  And now for the rest of the story....!

     I have it on good authority that woodchucks dont chuck wood atall.  Just a vicious rumor started by the left of the right of center, or folks that aint got any good sense or cents or scents...oh the english language is so cornfusing but phun to corrupt, ha, forgive me Mrs. Simpson!  

    I've mentioned Mrs Simpson quite alot in my many dissertations, but even I a very poor student, dearly loved her, and any mention of her is out of total respect.       I loved the fact that she didnt waver in her convictions.   I love that in a person, even back then.       Best quality to have over all me thinks. Dont capitulate, dont hem and haw, and dont give up the ship!

    Ok, time to deplane youall...keep the sun at your six and "ride boldly ride..."
Your frien and resident sillyosopher  Sigmund Aristotle und Cephus R Me. esq...

08/01/19 07:12 AM #9671    


Beau Wann, Jr.

     Fuzzy sunrise to youse this phyne mornin, all yall ! ! !  Just thought I'd check in with youse youtes since I hadnt been on here in a fortnight or three.  Nuttin gnu cept the zero gravity pit people have been swarming all over the place. First cant get em to come to woik and now cant get em not to.  Well, there is a sequence to pool building I reckon, so I'll jus leterbe.

    Been wanting to get over and see Charlie B, but have to stay here because of the cornstruction.  Soon's it's over with, gonna get the little woman to drive me to see him.  Ok, gotta shuter down, my eyes are just seeing too much light and not what they are suppose to be seeing.  My superior typing skills are the only reason I'm able to sign off properly.

     Keep the sun at your six and "ride boldly ride..."

Your frien and resident Mr Magoo,  Cephus R Blind esq

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