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01/28/18 10:08 AM #8997    


Pat Brantley (Ross)

Happy anniversary Johnny and Becky.  Beau, our cat is so spoiled.  I hope she doesn’t pull those behaviors you mentioned.  I buy cooked shrimp and ron cuts them up for the cat.  She is catered to all the time.  I think Diane is a saint to survive in 80 degree House.  I couldn’t make it.  Had to go to ophthalmologist last week and his office was having thermostat problems.  I had to go stand outside several times to keep from getting too nauseous.  I want this large adorable puppy because they are so docile and because I thought if the cat helped raise a dog they would have a good relationship.  This is how nuts I am.  If we bring home this 120 lb. dog from the humane society the cat will set him straight in no time.  The dog at the shelter has always been outside.  I don’t know if I am up to training a dog that large to start with.  All of my big dogs were smaller when I got them or else already trained.  Oh well.  If ron gets through this with just a few stents, maybe he will help train a dog.  One of those things that was always my job.  Now that we are retired he thinks he is doing everything around here because he loads the dishwasher and washes his own clothes.  He really thinks this.  What a glorious 49 years we have had.  

Good bye sweet prince.  Time for church.


01/28/18 08:44 PM #8998    


Beau Wann, Jr.

Hey Pat, good luck on maybe getting your 120 pound puppy.  Hoping Rons health issues are resolved.   Training a pup is as easy as loading the dishwasher....right! ! !
I have my eye out for a "Cooper" junior, half heartedly though. I dont know about training him or her. Training Cooper was a breeze. As long as  I did what he wanted, we were all good!  Man, I sure miss that ol boy.

     You say the prospective new older puppy is a burmese mountain dog?  Beautiful brreed, and pretty laid back. I've mentioned before that Jack is a Catahoula Leopard breed, and we also thought that Dixie Belle was one too, or that's what I told folks.  HOWEVER, and aint there always a however!  I was watching "Dogs 101" on the animal planet and there was a dog on there that was the exact twin of Dixie Belle. Seems she is a "mountain cur" which is a  bird dog methinks. I came in on the tail end of the show, so didnt get most of the particulars. I did see one on screen, and they have tiger stripes and looks and acts just like Dixie Belle.

     Wow, what a beautiful day today turned out to be.  Me and the pups soaked up a gigabucket of vitamin D. Started dismantling the center field sky boxes.  Thats the end that I'm going to enlarge by 24 feet. So center field will be 24 foot shorter than it was, but as I recall, none of us pro ball players hit it out of the infield, which is good in my way of thinking.  The fielders dont have to do much traveling!  that's pretty considerate of me dontchathink?

     I'm going to take the old deck apart and make the pups decks all over the yard.  Dixie likes to sit up high and peer out over her queendom. Nothing too good for the pups. Well if Pat cooks up shrimp and then chops it up for her cat, then my pups can have decks to hang out on. Jack will pretty much eat anything, although lately hee has turned down bacon. EVERYONE LIKES BACON, EVEN A HOG WILL EAT IT.  Methinks it's the pain meds that has him out of wack sometimes.  Dixie likes bacon and sausage, but if it's got maple syrple on it, she acts like it's poison and wont touch it.  Go figure. I on the other hand am not that particular.

     Hey Johnny and Becky, yall gonna celebrate?   I'm celebrating now in your honor. Got my brandy laced coffee, a pup on both sides of me and a kitty in my lap and one waiting in the wings.

Ok, time to deplane boss...keep sun at your six and ride boldly ride...

your frien and "dog whisperer" (pssst dog, get off the couch)...Cephus T Magillicuty, esq

01/29/18 09:28 AM #8999    


Johnny Sheffield



Thanks for all the anniversary wishes. 

Becky and I went out to Kenney Store for

Dinner and dancing.  Mostly slow dancing

With a little jitte bug. Few weeks ago went

Over to the golden nugget lake charles to

Celebrate and donate toward the purchase 

Of the houston rockets.  Will be setting date

Soon for the spring fling in April and will look

Forward to to seeing everyone 



01/30/18 11:14 AM #9000    


Beau Wann, Jr.

     Congratulations again, Becky and johnny...50 years of wedded bliss...perpetual honeymoon....Nextt time yall go to the Kenny store, give us a shout. Might just join you and keep on celebrating.  Me and the missus dont know how to daince, but we can shake and "wiggle just a little bit,  that's when you got something, yeah,  whole lotta shaken goin on, now lets go one time, SHAKE IT BABY SHAKE IT..." oOPS that was over half century ago.  Looking forward to seeink youse youtes come sprang.  Maybe I'll disarm, and let the little woman drive the team of horses, and drink a few beahs witchall. Of course you might have to find a hand truck to haul me to the truck, cause I fall asleep after 2 beahs.

     Speakin of sleep, woke up with a start this fine morn. Or maybe it was more than a start, like some loud bangin and hollerin and cussin.  Well not "sailor cussin", but a good persons cussin, like my beloved. What's good person cussin you say?   "ding dang hootin goober dirty sacklefratzin mongolian dirt dauber idjified mo ron stir fryed bozomanic...." etc etc.  I jumped out of bed and grabed a blunderbuss and headed towards the sound of anger that was in need of management.  

    The sounds were coming from the laundry room and as I headed round the corner, I was met with a sea of blue!         Blue empty egg cartons, wife sprawled out half on the full laundry basket and the dryer and windowsill. Looks like she had been reaching for something on top of the fridge and managed to pull everything off......"Whaaaaaat tha...." is about all I could manage to say when my ears were again assailed by "good person cussin"...!  "Why do we have to have so many stupid idjified mo ron empty egg cartons?" My wife wailed!  "I know, I know, you're going to get chickens  some day and you want to have the cartons for the eggs  they are going to lay" she continued. 

     I thought it was time to help her  up, but first I had to get the egg cartons out of the way.  "Oh dang, look you smashed one all to bits..."  Oops, I knew that was probably not good timing on that particular statement, and knew it before It escaped from my bucket mouth.  "You want to see smashed?"  she replied.
"Ok Ok, I'll getum out of here,  let me hep you up, and I'll bagem up and remove them. " says I magnanimously.

    Hepped my beloved up, got her a cup a joe and then commenced to shoving the cartons in a bag, or two, or three....took em out to one of the containers and stored em with the restt of the egg cartons I've been saving.  She hasnt seen my stash in the container, yet.

    Really, I am going to get chickens someday when I get some of the big chores out of the way.  I like eggs, and since they  come from chickens, I like chickens!  Just think, when I do get chickens, (one chicken lays one egg a day) maybe 6 chickens, lessee, that will be a half dozen eggs a day, times 7 days a week, equals......almost 4 dozen eggs a week, times 4 weeks in a month, that equals 14 dozen a month times a whole year, equals 168 dozen eggs.

    Now, maybe youse youtes will stop by Cephus the Chicken Wranglers place and take some eggs home with you. Whattayathink?   Good idea?   I think so.  Dont think I could eat 168 dozen eggs in a fortnight or two.  I was thinking of using Rhode Island Reds, seeing as how those are the most prolific at laying eggs. Or, I might throw in a  couple of Indian Runner ducks, they lay lots of eggs, and from what my niece tells me, tastee same as chickent eggs.  Plus, the indian runner ducks dont care about r aising a family so they lay an egg and do some running I suppose. That means that they wont go all broody on you and stop laying.

    That's my plan anyhoo.  Right now I have a more important task than chickens laying eggs, which is, EATING THEM.

    Ok, time to deplane boss...Keep your chickens happy and the hawks away from them...

your frien and frickaseeachicken, Cephus Foghorn Leghorn esq

02/02/18 11:39 PM #9001    


Beau Wann, Jr.

      "Hello and hallelujia, you had it coming to ya, goody goody for you, goody goody for me"....Not perzactly sure if that is correct, but had that song in my idjit brain for a couple of days. Been listening to "Big Band and swing" channel on Direct Tv.  Worked outside using the tractor etc all day yesterday, and had to stay in bed all day today, I hurt so bad!  I did get up at 6 this morn, at the insistance of Mah Mountain cur Bird Dog Dixie Belle, seems she couldnt open a can of food, or the door to get out, no opposing thumbs and all that rot.  I have opposing thumbs, and fingers and arms and legs etc, and they have been opposing almost everything I try to do.

    After all the "persistent petulant puppy persuasion"  and Kitty Kurmudgery, I managed to take a very hot, very long shower. In fact, I actually dozed  under all that glorious hot water.  Got dressed, checked on all the kritters, made the bed, turned the Tesla blanket up to 10 and then crawled on top of the bed and pulled the comforter over me, along with a kitty.  That's pretty much where I stayed all day. Oh, I managed to take a couple of tylenol before I collapsed. Didnt do any good atall.  Diane finally got home at 2pm from spending a couple of days at her moms,  at which time I officially handed over the reins to the hill.

     She packed me in hot rice socks and I managed to doze till after 5. I say dozed, was interrupted a few times due to Dixie jumping on the bed and whinning. Diane finally shut the door to that side of the house.  I did have to give Diane  a couple of demerits since she didnt think of that when she got home. Had the evening soup, Lentils and rice methinks it was, and a couple of Excedrin Migraine pills, and lo and behold, that seemed to work and the pain eased up.  You know, sometimes one medication will work one time, but not the next  time. Hmmm go figger.

     Tomorrow is Saturday, and I dont work on Saturday and Sunday.  You know, that's a very good policy once youve retired from a productive paying job.  Just work Monday through Friday and take a Sat and Sun off. Seems to work well for me.  Wind was blowing a hunnert miles an hour from the south thursday, and got to 81, and then today a hunnert miles and hour from the north and got to 50.  Everything that was on the deck traveled north on Thursday and today wound up back where it belonged, south!

    81 yesterday ! ! !   I was dressed like it was winter, and it was, cept yesterday.  I actually perspired, and was a tad oderiferous till the deoderiferier washed all that away.  Thank goodness for showers !  Might just go out to the Chappell Hill bakery and BBQ joint for breakfast in the morn.  Diane will be gone half a day, she is visiting the Retired Teachers organization, Beta Eta, Delta Kappa Gama up here in Chappell Hill.  She has been nominated for President of that organization in Houston. She is a shoe-in, because I dont think they've nominated anyone else.  Will I have to bow, genuflec, or curtsy and call her Mz President?

    Well whateva !  Ok, guess I'd betta deplanee. Just thought I'd say howdy to youse youtes. Sure is a long howdy isnt it!  Well youse youtes know me, ask me what time it is and I build a watch for you.  Well, could be woise, I might be oderiferously rejectionary dimensional....Whaaaaat? Just go with the flow...

    Keep the sun at your six and ride boldly ride...

Your frien and fellow fellow, Cephus R Goode, esq 

02/03/18 10:24 AM #9002    


Tom Gann

I  “Hurt So Bad” was a pretty good song too! Little Anthony and The Imperials



02/03/18 06:24 PM #9003    


Beau Wann, Jr.

    Hey tom, glad to see ya. Yes that was a very good tune, as were most of Little Anthony and the Imperials songs.   How have you been?   It's very dreary here today on the hill.  Now fog is rolling in, or descending down on top of us.  Looked out the winder light (east texas for window)  and everything was fuzzy. Put my glasses on and sure nuff, it all changed to...clear fuzzy, or as we in the CHIMACS HQ like to say, "foggy". I dont really expect the layman to understand it.  After all, it IS rocket science and brain surgery!



02/03/18 09:20 PM #9004    


Teddie Jordan

Starting to fog here in Spring too, no surprise that the air is already saturated since it drizzled all day. Will be thick pea soup fog by morning.

02/04/18 05:32 AM #9005    


Teddie Jordan

Well the wind shifted to southeast it warmed up about 5 degrees overnight, so no fog here.

02/04/18 07:25 PM #9006    


Scotty Croom

last nite fog was so thick on galv. seawall,you couldn't see across son went to mardi socked in at moody garden hotel......tom,l. anthony story...buddy worked for shell oil/4 corners...went to la/disneyland  and sat on fountain ,watching crowd..suddenly he heard noise as fountain rose up and there was l. anthony,who broke out into song..tears on my pillow...he automatically thought of me and my rock/roll music interests.,....what a show...

02/08/18 12:52 AM #9007    


Scotty Croom

any date for spring fling,yet???....hope we go for apr. 20 or so...or early may...

02/08/18 09:35 AM #9008    


Johnny Sheffield

Have not set date as of yet for April. Will

Meet in a couple of weeks with the group to

Discuss date and location. Lost our last 

Location at Goode Company. They now want 

Deposit for room and dinner selection. 

Looking for new location. 


02/09/18 07:29 PM #9009    

Mike Bell '65

Johnny, check out 65 planning scheduled for April. Great to keep up with everyone, really enjoy all the posts.

02/10/18 09:15 AM #9010    


Beau Wann, Jr.

     Good foggy mernin to youse youtes. 
     Wellll, yall can have it here on the hill, con side, it is a fer piece to drive for folks, pro sside, no deposit required, con side, not as varied a selection of food and drinks, pro side, party can start early as anyone wants to get up and out, plus, anyone can bring their own vittles and drink, I can also have it catered, or fixe BBQ like last time, or mexican food, the latter is easier to prepare.  A much more free atmosphere, lots of parking etc.

    Spring Creek BBQ is an option, loved the food, but didnt like the not being able to move around inside and out like we did at Goode company. Dont think it's as good a selection as Goode Co.   Ant street Inn in Brenham has a very large banquet hall, and  lots of parking, plus anyone wants to spend the night, they have plenty rooms available, not sure if they provide the food. I guess they would for a price.

    Havent been back to Houston in 3 plus years, and I dont know whats there anymore, cept road construction and lots of traffic.  It's surprising how much one can forget of a place youve lived in for almost 70 years. All my landmarks are gone. On the rare occasion that I go to houston, some of the time I have to ask Diane where we are, and am surprised to find that it use to be a frequently traveled spot by me.

    Diane is going to a funeral today at the Heights funeral home. When she told me that, I had to ask which funeral home it was and where.  Over the last half century and then some, I'll bet I've been to more than 2 dozne funerals there.  Would you believe I remember the one on 34th street, but now have forgotten the name.
I guess it just amazes me how much one forgets the things that were almost 2nd nature.

     Hmmm, well that doesnt solve the dilema of where to hold the spring fling now does it.  By the end of March, I hope to have the daince/pool hall enlarged by 720 sq feet.  But the downside to having it here, we'd have to have a rain date cause if it rained, it would be too muddy. It's always something! ! !   I keep mentioning here, because I just want all to know, all are welcome here.

    Say, didnt we have it at another BBQ joint just south of 290 and just east of Hwy 6 over close to where Gander mountain use to be?  Or was that in cypress close to Spring Creek BBQ?   My mind is a terrible think.
Wherever we have it, I'm sure it will be great.  It has to be great if all yall are there, so there you go and there you are.

    Mama Footsie next pasture over had her baby, finally. Mama and baby are doing fine, cept Mama is limping. Seems her left front foot is sore or ailing. Her name is Footsie because she always seems to have a problem with one foot or the other.   Saw our owl family this past week and even heard them "whooooing". I have to tell you, I love owls, and bunnies and kittens and puppys, duh, who doesnt, right! 

     Also have two bluebird families living in government housing that we have provided. As swell looking as a blue bird is, you can stuff and mount them for all I care.  All they do is crud all over our cars and trucks and things.  Some wrens or somesuch othe boids are trying to build nests in our pergola/boat house. I keep making them disappear, and they keep cruding all over the furniture and deck.  Hey, the owls dont do that! Maybe I can get the owls to eat all the other birds.

     I guess if I quit putting out birdseed, they might go away.  I'm really putting out the seed for the most beautiful boid of all, the Cardinal.  theyve disappeared a couple of times in the winter months last couple of years. Before that they were with us all year round. I figured it was because I ran out of birdseed and neglected to refill the feeders.  I now keep  plenty bags of seed on hand to avoid that problem.  We've seen them this winter here, although not as plentiful as in past seasonss. The bright red is sure a contrast to the browns and greys of winter!

     Seems we dodged a bullet this morning, rain went south and noth of us. Houston is taking a pounding though.  Dianes Beta Eta meeting was cancelled for this morning. They meet at the Presbyterian church over across from the Fine Arts Museum...hmmm, or is it a Pres church in Bellaire. Oh the humanity!

   Speaking of Fine arts museum, has anyone heard from Doug Romans?   Havent seen him for a couple of years, and he was quite regular at Fudds for a spell.  I do hope he hasnt fallen on hard times, health or wealth wise, as I hope none of our friends have.  That's what I'd do if I were as rich as Bill Gates, I'd set up a fund for any and all classmates to share in. 

      I'd also build a retirement community with individual cottages, with all the handicap amenities.  Staff it with hungry college students, and pay them well.  Everything would be taken care of for the residents, everything. Have a small "Mayberry" downtown that residents could walk to, or use some sort of transportation provided by the management. Drugstore, cafe, diner, bank, sherriffs office, hairdresser, dept store, post office etc.   yeah, that's the ticket!   Even a town square gazebo for summer evening concerts!

    Sure turned out foggy this morning as it has the past couple of days. I finally figured out why we are so foggy here a lot of the time.  We live in the Brazos Valley, along the river, Duh!  I remember going through Arkansas back in  85 or 86 on one of our few vacations. Had our boys with us, they were 15 and 17 I think, and really didnt want to go. They wanted to go to the beach with their friends, but had already commited to going with us, and I take someones word very seriously.

    Anyway, we went noth through Eureka springs, been there many times in my youte, and stayed at Spider Creek resort one day and night. It is located by Beaver lake, and on the Famed White river. The boys fished the river the day we got there, and caught their limit of rainbow trout on Zebco 202 or 404 bass reels and rods. Cooked that trout for dinner, and it was the best fish I've ever eaten.  Dont know if the resort is still in bidness, but I know they dont open in the winter because the mountain freezes over.

   As we were leaving the next morning, driving up out of the valley, I looked in the rearview mirror and saw real white fog along the river. Even have a postcard with that view, it's called "Whipped Cream Fog". Well sirs and ma'ams, it just occured to me that most rivers with the right weather conditions, generally have fog.

    Once again, instead of telling you what time it is, I build a watch!  Dont know why I take the roundabout route to tell something, I guess it has to do with mah upbringing. No one in my family ever said much to me about anything, let alone explain something. They thought you should have been born with the knowledge they possessed. They were possesed allright! 

    When speaking to someone, anyone that will listen, I tend to do the same thing, give out too much information....OH WOW, THE SUN IS SHINING AND THERE IS A CARDINAL AT ONE OF THE FEEDERS...YEAAAAAA! ! !   Next time I see any of youse youtes, I will do better, and not  talk so much.

   Hmmm, I have just rambled on and on and on eh! I really just got on to say our place is available for the spring fling, or any other time also too. Oh well, after more than ten years on the forum, I guess you know what to expect from me...blah blah  blah.   Hope all is well with all yall, we seem to be doing ok on the hill, usual aches and pains.

    Oh, hope Jackie doesnt mind, b ut she let us know she went through surgery to remove a sub-clavian catheter from her cancer treatments.  Surgery went longer than expected, 1 hr and 15 minutes.  All went well finally. Catheter came out ok, but the line connected to it that goes down to the heart was not so easy to get out.  Jackie said she had "the singing surgeon" perform the operation. Jackie was awake the whole time. she didnt say what the surgeon sang, but must have been pretty good. 

    Diane went through the same thing bout 20 plus years ago. Dont think her surgeon sang though.  What is so amazing to me, or spiritually uplifting, is that Jackie has been fighting cancer for years now, going through this treatment and that proceedure and plenty of different meds with plenty of different side effects, and yet, she is able to smile and laugh.  I can see her smiling in my mind as I type this.  What a beautiful person she is. Hard not to love someone like that. We have a lot to be thankful for because of her.  this forum for starters.

    There I go again, cant just say goodbye can I, got to rattle on and on telling you what you already know.

we wish Jackie and all youse youtes nothing but the best, ever!    Keep the sun at your six and ride boldly ride...
Your frien and jabberin magpie, Cephus Talkin Idjit Olbeauwannkanobie... 

02/10/18 04:19 PM #9011    


James Hilsher '65

Beau,try putting a fake owl where the birds hang out,that’s what people at the bay do to keep the seagulls away.

02/10/18 04:49 PM #9012    


Teddie Jordan

Cephus, I miss Doug Romans too and so does Fran. We both think a lot of him and always enjoyed seeing him. Fran was in his class most years going back to OF elementery. Hope he shows up at the Spring fling wherever it ends up being. I’ve always said the same thing about reunions, nobody really goes for the food, but to see old friends. But then you know me I do like to have a cold beverage now and then. Goode company was so good because we enjoyed that deck to mix and mingle on. But again, we can hold it in a phone booth as long as the people are there!


02/11/18 04:07 PM #9013    


Jackie Crowe (Finch)

Thank you BroBeau, just another bump in the road.  I was told on January 23  my cancer had progressed and I had to change treatment.  I will start daily pill of Tamoxifen on Friday; there was some delay because first had to have powerport removed.  Background:  Tamoxifen and Coumadin interact, so had to stop Coumadin.  However, while I had powerport had to be on Coumadin to prevent bloodclots.  Thus, no powerport, no Coumadin and begin Tamoxifen.  

I'm doing okay,  will go back to work tomorrow.  I appreciate everyone's prayers that this treatment will keep my  cancer in control with minimum side effects.  My journey with MDA started in September 2012.  With all my wonderful prayer warriors I'm still dancing!  Looking forward to Spring Fling!  Hugs

02/11/18 04:11 PM #9014    


Jackie Crowe (Finch)

As far as Doug Romans, we tried around our 50th class reunion to contact him through emails, phone calls, etc.  No response - I miss him, too. heart Hugs

02/11/18 05:03 PM #9015    


Beau Wann, Jr.

     Good chilly eenin myne fyne waltripynecicles.  Man, that wind and cold out there is brutal.  I remember working out in it as an ironworker back sometime in the last century and also as a lineman for the phone phactory for 30 years. On a  couple of occasions, had ice cicles hanging off my hard hat.  One brutal winter, winter of 73 methinks, I was an ironworker working on the north side of a phone company building in Huntsville. I was using a roto-hammer, which at best would shake you to pieces and at worst, the same thing.  When I turned the hammer off, I was still shaking, and it wasnt from the hammer. I think it snowed that year.

     I remember another particularly brutal winter, hmmmm, winter of 89 as I recollect.  I was hanging on a pole off Wilcrest and some street down from Dairy Ashford.  Nothing was happening but me phreezing, I was on hold, so I clumb down and walked across the street to a Southern Maid Donut shop. Got a couple of donuts, just to keep my strength up, you understand, and a  large cup a joe.   I set the coffee down on one of those SWB green cable boxes you see on the side of the road, and spilled the coffee down the side, and it phroze before it went a phoot down the side.   Now that's cold.... that was the year it got to 2 degrees. I sure couldnt work out in it today at my advanced age...of...uh, how old am I now?    ...Had to turn the heater up to least that is less than my age today.

    Hey Jimmy, we have a fake owl, and have had it mostly on the back porch to keep rabbits, skunks, snakes, birds away, and all to no avail.  Theyve all thumbed the proverbial nose at us, but I will move it around to the deck to see if it has any affect on that crowd. 

      This owl has a bobble head, and eyes that reflect light.  It also has a hole in the base, I had to fill it's butt up  with rocks because first storm we had it, blew it to mars and back.     I left the window down on my truck for a few minutes last week, and the birds went inside and crudded on the steering wheel. What the heck did I ever  do to them, cept feed em and house em?   That's socialism for you!   I have seen stuffed almost live looking fake kats for around 35 dollars. Might just get one of those.

   Hey Jimmy,. how's your knee?  Heard you had it replaced with a bionic one.  Hope you recover with as little of pain and problems as possible.  If your up this way sometime stop in again, and depending on the weather, we can have beah, or hot chocolate with the little marshmallows in it, or both if we're feeling adventuresome.  Good healing to ya !

   TJ, come to the front, TJ, come to the front.  I need all sackers and stockers to the  front, all sackers and stockers come to the phront....Yeah, I'm with you Teddie, we could just sit in the parking lot and have a good time. As I remember correctly, we actually did that some when we were young er.  Doug R worked at the museum of fine arts back when we were meeting at fudds, I think. Wonder if he is still there!  Maybe next time my beloved is in that vacinity, she can check if he still works there.

    Work? At a museum?  I dont think I'd call it work?   A small part of heaven maybe, but certainly not work!
Same way with the Rose Emporium up here in Brenham. It actually Looks like heaven might look.  It was forsale last year or year before. I hope that if it got bought, they dont change it.

    The sun has teased us a little the last few minutes, ducking in and out of the cloud cover.  How is that cloud cover still hanging around with the wind blowin a hunnert miles an hour? 
"The answer my frien, is blowin in the wind, the answer is blowin in the wind..."  Thank you Bobby, now here is a little number from Myron Floren on the accordian, "Lacy of Spain", a one and a two...

    Been thinking about putting in my garden this spring.  I think I'm going to put it in right field, there's room for plowing up more than a few long rows, and besides aint knowbody hit anything out to right field anyhoo. In fact, no one has hit anything to any field, cept Jenny and the lady team.  You know they cheated, had some ringers on their team for sure.

    I was also thinking of putting in a few rows of corn and sunflowers down in the valley by the crick.  Deer and dove like those stuffs. You plant the corn in March, and it wont be ready till August. Dont think it takes long for sunflowers to flower.     Planted 200 pounds of Austrian Winter Peas this past fall, and it has really flourished.  The little doey eyed deah like the peas.  the winter peas also help with erosion. Some grew over a hose I had strung to the valley, and me and the peas were playing tug-o-war for that hose. I won of course, but it was touch and go for a minute or two.

     Still havent had an epiphany on where we could hold the "sprang flang", othern here.  But then, that's where I am right now, so it's hard to think of anywhere else...DANG, IT'S RAINING, AGAIN...well, not raining as in pouring down, mostly just sprinkling.  CUT IT OUT, WE DONT NEED ANYMORE RAIN, TODAY...

    I have got so much work to do from now till this  time next year, dont think I'll git er all done, but I'm  gonna try.   WOW,  this was a long dissertation!  Well, good excercise for my fingers eh what, and good excercise for your brain to try and keep up and figger out just what the heck I'm talking about.  Well dont worry about that, because I dont even know what I'm talking about. It's all classified anyhoo.  But there will be a test on the subject matter third thursday of next Friday, and remember it counts as one half of a third of your grade X pi. Dont for get to read Mark Twains "The Man That Corrupted Hadlyburg". Your book report is due at the end of next trimester and a fortnight, or whichever comes first.

    keep the sun at your six, yeah, that would be a good trick since we have no sun, and ride  boldly ride...
your frien and Jabberwocky magpie,  Cephus Allan Badillion Trahearn,esq.... 

Post Script:  Jackie, have we told you lately that we love you?  Well it is unaminous, and the ayes have it, we do...many thoughts and prayers going out to you and to any others that are having any trials and tribs...

02/11/18 06:21 PM #9016    


Kay Watters '65 (Greene)

Hey Ted, Happy belated birthday!  With it causes some of us to wonder if we are going to make it to the next decade....yes, we are, mine is the 18th...and actually caused me to consider my own trip, not just all the older people I take care of.

Oh Beau, it is as cold as winter in the Eastern states, for us, since we get the humidity and rain with the cold. as they enjoy dry cold.  Today was a Killer....I lit the fireplace, put in a fireplace log and a good piece of Oak and, Lord All Mighty, hotter than and too much for my fireplace.  But so warm and beautiful, along with a few glasses of wine and watched the Golf tournament.  Mr Potter, Jr won, and it was a beauty to watch.  He was settled and focused thoughout to the end and made mincemeat of the younger Jorden Spieth, Justin Thomas, even my fav, Jason Day.  It was really amazing.  

Hopeful this is our last day of really tortureous  Rain was impressive along with the thunder that you noted as well the other night....Ready for Spring, as this was our really cold winter for such a long time.  

02/12/18 10:40 AM #9017    


Teddie Jordan

Thanks Kay. The way that I now look at my life is that I’m definitely playing in the fourth quarter of my game, but blessedly I don’t know how much time is left on the game clock. So until the Great Referee blows his final whistle I’m going to just keep on worshiping  Him, staying busy, having fun, enjoying and loving on my family and friends, and trying to finish the game without any more major penalties!

02/15/18 01:33 PM #9018    


Jackie Crowe (Finch)

Save the Date!!!  Saturday, April 28 for our Spring Fling

  Location and details to be posted later - Hugs

02/16/18 08:24 AM #9019    


Llynn Roff

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!  Jackie.

02/16/18 09:26 AM #9020    


Jackie Crowe (Finch)

Thanks to all for my birthday wishes, cards, phone calls and emails -- love ya'llheart


Happy Birthday to all my birthday buddies, Beverly Hengst, Gary Moseley and Gary Tharp '65!  Do the birthday dance and celebrate!!  Hugs



02/16/18 10:27 AM #9021    


Glenda McDonald (Smith)

Larry and I are sending wishes your way....have a Happy, Happy Birthday!!

Just Love, Live and Laugh and keep on Dancing!!!'

To bestest lifelong girlfriend!   xxoo 



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