Waltrip High School
Class Of 1964

- First Time Visitors - Q&A
- Missing Classmates
- Party on the Hill
- Flings
- Fuddrucker/Houston by Year
- REUNIONS 2024 thru 1974
- Elementary & early years
- Black Jr. High
- Waltrip Year Book - Seniors
- Prom & Celestial Ball - 1964
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- Football
- Football Dedications 2015-2008
- Imperial Guard
- Memorabilia 1960's & earlier
- Military Salute
- 50th School Anniversary-2009
- 1964 History/Videos
In Memory
Powered by Class Creator
Teddie Jordan
Bless Judy's heart and her soul. I never had a class with her or anything, and I will always regret not getting to know her better. And I will never forget her 10,000 watt smile whenever I would see her in the halls, and her spirit and grace as she lived with the significant handicap she had been dealt. I don't know anything about the rest of her life after Waltrip, but I so hope it was good.
Rest in peace Judy.
Sharon Allen (Richardson)
I use to help her between classes. She didn't accept favors if only having class downstairs. Judy would climb those stairs, her upper body strength was amazing. Last time I saw her she was working at the courthouse in Houston. That was quite a few years ago. Your right Teddy, she was one who was always smiling.