Waltrip High School
Class Of 1964

- First Time Visitors - Q&A
- Missing Classmates
- Party on the Hill
- Flings
- Fuddrucker/Houston by Year
- REUNIONS 2024 thru 1974
- Elementary & early years
- Black Jr. High
- Waltrip Year Book - Seniors
- Prom & Celestial Ball - 1964
- Band and Orchestra
- Baseball & Other Sports
- Basketball Team
- Football
- Football Dedications 2015-2008
- Imperial Guard
- Memorabilia 1960's & earlier
- Military Salute
- 50th School Anniversary-2009
- 1964 History/Videos
In Memory
Powered by Class Creator
Frances Lute (Culpepper)
Ken was only 37 when he died June 21, 1983 of heart disease. He was a teacher and coach at Anahuac Junior High School, Anahuac, Texas. He was survived by his wife, Jane Waits Tatum, a daughter and two sons. Ken was a terrific guy and his students were very lucky to have him in their lives.Robert Derrick
I have a memory of Ken that probaly no one else knows. It was when we played B team football at Black Jr Hi. I was a "Scrub". Coach Baker put me in for no appraent reason. We were in the huddle drawing up the play in the dirt when the Ref called us for delay of game. So we decided to pitch it to Ken and all run to the right.I remember running as hard as I could to the right, but I was not very fast. I saw a bunch of the opponents coming hard at us from the left. Ken was so fast, he ran up behind me and pushed me into them all like I was a bowling ball. He swept the end around me and ran for a touch down.
And I still remember after he scored, he ran up to me and said "Nice Block"
I had not really done a thing but he really made me feel like a hero.
Llynn Roff
For those who were close to Ken Tatum:
He had 3 children: Kenney Jr., Christi and James. Many clasmates knew I was Godfather to all of them. From time to time classmates would ask " How are they doing?" See the attached web site and blog for Christi his daughter and love of his life: www.the waterwife.com.